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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why i Feel Like I Have Been Used


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Well, I'd never have guessed that, not in a million years. Thanks for clearing that up. (I initially wrote just "Duh" but decided that wasn't sufficiently sarcastic.)


No, because the legacy system was added in patch 1.2, not at launch.


No. I have played since a few weeks before 2.0 dropped, and the chapter menu (the one that lets you replay chapters) was added with 4.0, and contained *only* KotFE chapters. When 5.0 added KotET, they added the KotET chapters to the chapter menu.


The only replayable *chapters* are the ones in KotFE and KotET, so there can be no others in the chapter menu.


The stuff in the legacy panel is just achievements that show that you have completed the original-game (and other) chapters.


if you already knew that then co-sighning someone saying EXPANSIONS in reguards to the chaper select was pointless.

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No chapters were removed. Base game class story chapers are still in the game, they just are not repeatable on same character.

Once you start Kotfe or Kotet storyline it locks you out of your class story and sor as well I think. So you wont be able to finish your vanilla class story, if you hadn't done so before you started Kotfe/Kotet.

So it's possible that happened to you.

But you get like 3 pop ups that warn you about it.


No idea about your missing stuff. Genreally if you don't log in, things like gtn mail should still be there.

Otherwise it get's deleted after about 30 days or so.


Hard to say what happened to the stuff in your cargo bay, specially since you don't know what was actually in it.

Some items like renown boosts were converted to credits in 7.0, cause they removed them from game entirely. Think some tacticals also got removed. Might not be a bad idea to check patchnotes for major updates btw.

Migth avoid some confusion that way.

Or like some ppl suggested you actually did get hacked.

you are arguing yourself heavily on something that isnt the subject = the base game chapters were in the chapter select to replay is the statement


the base game chapters were removed from the game - you are arguing an extreme never stated from onset that makes all the reply you put literally not on the same page .

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If I recall, low level mats were automatically moved to material storage, but not high-level mats. Sort of based around the setting of the 'move materials' button. 🤔

that would explain alot but the problem is the bays i paid in game credits to get in the 1st place were taken away as well - moved or not that should have had empty bays not everything relegated to 1 bay. that is why i see an issue with that change it literally removed the effort to obtain the bays in the 1st place

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Well, I'd never have guessed that, not in a million years. Thanks for clearing that up. (I initially wrote just "Duh" but decided that wasn't sufficiently sarcastic.)


No, because the legacy system was added in patch 1.2, not at launch.


No. I have played since a few weeks before 2.0 dropped, and the chapter menu (the one that lets you replay chapters) was added with 4.0, and contained *only* KotFE chapters. When 5.0 added KotET, they added the KotET chapters to the chapter menu.


The only replayable *chapters* are the ones in KotFE and KotET, so there can be no others in the chapter menu.


The stuff in the legacy panel is just achievements that show that you have completed the original-game (and other) chapters.

let me make this as clear as i can = literally everyone pulling a comment on the subject is looking at it like

well it wasnt there when i started playing .

news flash : the game was played by ppl b4 you realized it existed . it diddnt just pop out of nowhere and start making changes because you came there .

Example : ffxiv ARR 1st launch = a player was able to use skills from any class/job they mastered on any other job they wished you had tanks that sould self heal or boost their own attack to hit like raid bosses - then the game changed and they have a set of 7 skills not attatched to any job that you can choose to add or not no more crossing class/jobs . to the people that came after they shout - you was never allowed to do that .... the reality .... you was.

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If I recall, low level mats were automatically moved to material storage, but not high-level mats. Sort of based around the setting of the 'move materials' button. 🤔


oh ok, I remember that part. That's still bugged for me, prototype and artifact level mats frequently need to be manually switched.

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let me make this as clear as i can = literally everyone pulling a comment on the subject is looking at it like

well it wasnt there when i started playing .

I look at it like that because I started playing three and half years *before* the "replay a chapter" menu was even a thing. There were no replayable chapters *at*all*, so there was no menu/panel to replay them.


When 4.0 dropped in October 2015, they added the "replay a chapter" menu, and it had KotFE chapters I to IX because those were the only replayable chapters. KotFE X to XVI released during the first half of 2016, and each one was added to the chapter menu as it was added to the game.


When 5.0 dropped in late November 2016, they added the nine KotET chapters to the game and to the chapter menu, but it *still* didn't have the "start from level 1" class story chapters because those chapters were *still* not replayable.

news flash : the game was played by ppl b4 you realized it existed . it diddnt just pop out of nowhere and start making changes because you came there .

Duh, duh, duh, and to repeat myself, duh.


Except that I knew it was coming before it was released. I just started about fifteen months late.


But the change you are trying to have them undo never happened. Really. The chapter menu *never* had pre-KotFE chapters in it because it would be pretty stupid to have chapters you can't replay in a "replay a chapter" panel.

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