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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you for the map tweak


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I’m quick to air grievances, so I thought I should also share my gratitude for the seemingly minor tweaks made to the map function. I like to rerun the class stories, which means a lot of travel on planets like Hoth where it can be difficult to navigate unless you have already explored the map. Being able to actually see the roads in unexplored areas of the map makes it possible to avoid backtracking if you make a mistake or risking death if your attempt to navigate ledges down to a cave go awry. If anything, it would be nice if the hexagons over unexplored areas were a bit more muted. I have to look close and squint to Olán a route. Of course, I need a new pair of glasses, but it would help.
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  • Dev Post
I’m quick to air grievances, so I thought I should also share my gratitude for the seemingly minor tweaks made to the map function. I like to rerun the class stories, which means a lot of travel on planets like Hoth where it can be difficult to navigate unless you have already explored the map. Being able to actually see the roads in unexplored areas of the map makes it possible to avoid backtracking if you make a mistake or risking death if your attempt to navigate ledges down to a cave go awry. If anything, it would be nice if the hexagons over unexplored areas were a bit more muted. I have to look close and squint to Olán a route. Of course, I need a new pair of glasses, but it would help.


Hey there,


Ok, so this one is interesting. What is being alluded to is a quality of life change that changes how fog of war shows up in the map so you can now see a bit of what is underneath it. This is with the intention it is easier to navigate unexplored areas, get to Missions, etc.


Well... when I saw your post I thought "Huh, I know what they are talking about, but that's not in yet... is it?" Hence why this wasn't mentioned previously in our livestream or patch notes.


What you are seeing is an unintended and incomplete implementation of said QoL improvement. We are planning a host of improvements to maps which are currently targeting GU 7.2 which the proper version of this change would be a part of (and available to test on PTS). Since this wasn't actually supposed to be in this build we are going to revert this change in our upcoming bug fix patch (coming in the next week or so). This is just to exercise an abundance of caution to ensure that this change doesn't have knock on effects to maps that haven't reared their head yet.


Thanks all, look for details on said map changes when we started talking in more detail about 7.2.



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Oops, is it too cynical to say they accidentally put something in that players like, so its coming out? Well, to be fair, gearing in the last expansion - cut to this expansion.....so I guess it is fair. That being said, I too am looking forward to this and more QoL improvements and like OP I'll give credit to them when something good does go in.
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When you guys do the "final version" of this, like the above poster suggested - please do a "color" designation so we can tell which part of the map we have explored. For my older characters I've fully explored all the planets - for my newer ones still taking them thru.
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Hey there,


Ok, so this one is interesting. What is being alluded to is a quality of life change that changes how fog of war shows up in the map so you can now see a bit of what is underneath it. This is with the intention it is easier to navigate unexplored areas, get to Missions, etc.


Well... when I saw your post I thought "Huh, I know what they are talking about, but that's not in yet... is it?" Hence why this wasn't mentioned previously in our livestream or patch notes.


What you are seeing is an unintended and incomplete implementation of said QoL improvement. We are planning a host of improvements to maps which are currently targeting GU 7.2 which the proper version of this change would be a part of (and available to test on PTS). Since this wasn't actually supposed to be in this build we are going to revert this change in our upcoming bug fix patch (coming in the next week or so). This is just to exercise an abundance of caution to ensure that this change doesn't have knock on effects to maps that haven't reared their head yet.


Thanks all, look for details on said map changes when we started talking in more detail about 7.2.




See this is why people only post negative stuff. I post one positive thing about a change I like, and you immediately punish me by taking it away. Lesson learned. I’ll just keep telling you all the ways you disappoint me from now on.

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Change the shade color to make it visually distinct from areas that have already been explored.


Totally hear you and that is definitely the plan (again what you are seeing isn't intended implementation).


See this is why people only post negative stuff. I post one positive thing about a change I like, and you immediately punish me by taking it away. Lesson learned. I’ll just keep telling you all the ways you disappoint me from now on.


Hey, so I definitely don't want you to feel at all like you were punished for raising this. We knew about this shortly after 7.1 went live and have been investigating to understand exactly what happened, any potential risks for it being live, and our ability to revert the change. Once I had that information in hand your thread was simply a catalyst to deliver that information. I totally hear your sentiments here though and want to reiterate that the QoL feature intended in the future is on the exact foundation of what you like here.





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Hopefully a dev sees this post! As you all begin to implement map changes, can you please implement a new map feature? One we have all been wanting for some time I imagine -


Legacy Maps Unlock - This could be a legacy perk. Once your legacy has obtained the galactic explorer achievement for unlocking all maps, you have the option to unlock all maps for a new character in the legacy character perks.To account for new maps/areas, once a character has explored an entire new area, it updates to all other characters that have the perk unlocked so they have the new areas available to see.


[unlock Details]


Legacy Maps Unlock requirements - Legacy level 50 and completion of galactic explorer achievement.


I suggest it be a character perk, not a global perk, so it leaves the option for new characters to explore on their own.



Cannot wait for the new map changes!

Edited by Ludwig_VanCover
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Totally hear you and that is definitely the plan (again what you are seeing isn't intended implementation).




Hey, so I definitely don't want you to feel at all like you were punished for raising this. We knew about this shortly after 7.1 went live and have been investigating to understand exactly what happened, any potential risks for it being live, and our ability to revert the change. Once I had that information in hand your thread was simply a catalyst to deliver that information. I totally hear your sentiments here though and want to reiterate that the QoL feature intended in the future is on the exact foundation of what you like here.






I was mostly joking. I appreciate the response. Just don’t want it reverted.

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