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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nightlife event not fair for Light side???


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I've been enjoying the event on all my characters every day except now I just realized all my light side characters are being cheated.


First of all, why does my light side characters have to die at least once getting to the last spot on Mek'sha when my dark side characters don't have ANY agro getting to theirs? Level 75's always kill my light side characters instantly on the way.


Second, ALL my Dark side characters get a Emperor's Chip when they finish all the event missions BUT NONE of my light side characters get one? They don't even get any Kingpin chips for ANY missions.


Why does this event favor the Dark side over the Light side? Doesn't seem fair at all! This is consistent on all characters since the very beginning of the event and I'd like to know why?

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OP: do you really mean "Light side" and "Dark side", or do you really mean "Republic" and "Empire"?


iirc the last quest in the chain has you going to meksha and NS to meet the crimson skulls. If you take the DS option you don't have to fight. Presumably that's what OP is getting at?

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iirc the last quest in the chain has you going to meksha and NS to meet the crimson skulls. If you take the DS option you don't have to fight. Presumably that's what OP is getting at?


I mean just getting there. The only way I've found to get to the designated area as a Republic on Mek'Sha is by running as far as I can, be killed and respawn in place, then running until hopefully getting there before being killed again. Can't find a non agro path.

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If you are level 80 you should be able to fight the mobs.

If you are a stealther (JC shadow is rep side) you can stealth thru the area.


Only problem is running thru it as a lowbie. Last year when they had the nightlife event they bolstered characters to max when going to mek-sha. This year they didn't. My 43rd inquisitor died. Quickly.


And, by the way, its dire skulls. Crimson are a different Nar Shaddaa gang. :D

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