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Visual Graphic "clipping" (maybe) bug with strap attachment tuning/pistols


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The strap attachment tuning, on pistols (not sure if all pistols, or just the few I've looked at) now looks like a giant stretch cord connecting both pistols on a dual wield spec. Like one of those exercise bands you step on to work on your arms, connecting both pistols.
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Hi Darev,


Thanks for your reporting about the Strap Tuning.


Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. I'll add it to the known issues list:

  • The Strap Tuning is not correctly displayed when used on Blaster Pistols.


The same is true for any kind of CLOAKS / CAPES, actually since years but it has never been fixed.

Capes get clipped / distrorted because they get pinned to the END POINT of where the character is walking, not to the character itsself, which leads to "broken" cutscenes where the cloak is filling half of the screen, more or less.


Also, they tend to get tangeled around the legs in a weird manner. I like the game phyisics, but this is really where you should turn it off for cloaks and capes.

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