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Is there a way to dismiss a companion more permanently?


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Sometimes I don't want a companion with me - for different reasons. So I right-click their portrait and select Dismiss. But they keep coming back. That is, they don't stay away - they just keep automatically returning to your side after every QT, area change, discussion, and whatever.


So I don't mean dismissing them forever. I just want them to stay away until I actually tell them to return.


Is there a way to do that?

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If you do a quick chapter that ends you companion-less (like The Hunt) you'll spawn on Odessen without your companion and without companion box to summon them (you need to go to companion menu and summon from there) so they won't randomly return like they do when you just dismiss them.
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Sometimes I don't want a companion with me - for different reasons. So I right-click their portrait and select Dismiss. But they keep coming back. That is, they don't stay away - they just keep automatically returning to your side after every QT, area change, discussion, and whatever.


So I don't mean dismissing them forever. I just want them to stay away until I actually tell them to return.


Is there a way to do that?


I don't know about every companion, but

Edited by Ardrossan
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Thank you for your suggestions and fine ideas!


I was hoping for something quick and super easy - like "just press F12" ;) but at least there some working options.


they used to not do it. they used to stay gone. but kotfe ruined things


That is how I recall it too (been playing since the beta), but my memory is not what it used to be, so I didn't want to say it :)

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Activate your lowest companion and send him at a very long crew or crafting mission, could take 10 minutes up to 18 hours until he returns.

This is exactly what I was going to suggest :D Level one companion on a very long level 11 mission (the ones you activate from the special mission cards) should help for a bit.


Next option (if you want rid of your companion longer) and you have crafting, activate a level 1 as your companion then have them make 5 invasion forces as they take an hour each on a influence level 50 companions, so on a level one you might see your comp again at Christmas!

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when I come outta PvP, I don't have my companion , I mean they are not there any more, to summon have to press N, because the companion thingy, is not there to summon them back.

Yes. Believe it or not, this is still broken.


Just queue for PvP match and when you come back, your comp (and their UI element on screen) will be gone.

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