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Force RP names on RP servers


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Perhaps, but that's for me, or whoever is reporting to decide. :)


Thinking a name is not RP enough may prompt me to look at it closer and find I also think it doesn't meet the naming policy rules.


But again, it is up to the individual what they report or don't report.


It is this nonsense that makes RP community seem way too uptight





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I have been through quite a lot of MMO’s and there was actually no one who was effectively able to enforce a naming policy on their roleplaying servers. In some cases company running the servers took the action if you reported a abusive or otherwise not fitting name, forcing player to rename the toon, which was in fact best result I ever encountered. Since SW:TOR is a pretty new game things didn’t settled down on RP servers yet, in time you will have only RP’ers and LOL’ers on RP server (LOL’ers as someone who wants intentionally ruin your gameplaying experience, can’t be really avoided) but for time being we have also plenty of people who rolled for RP server just because other one was full. (I still have to wonder why people ignore the server description, but nevermind).


It is also very hard to judge which name is wrong from RP perspective..


Characters named Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or Han Solo are not immersion breaking and names are fitting the SW universe. As story takes place 3000 years before events of episode 3 SW movie, it is actually possible there was once some individual bearing same name (but not as famous).


(name written like “lukeskywalker” is immersion breaking since “Skywalker” suppose to be legacy name at least)


Names as Arthas, Voldemorth are also not immersion breaking, those names fit in among lot of other alien names in SW universe


All names above however breaks copyright policy so if you wish to get them out of the game, complain about breaking the copyright laws not about breaking the immersion.


Name like “Sczurek” although meaning “little rat” in Polish will also fit in among load of alien names already present. People like this will most likely never take part in RP so I see your point, but name itself isn’t immersion breaking as majority of players actually don’t speak Polish or other less common language.

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I have been through quite a lot of MMO’s and there was actually no one who was effectively able to enforce a naming policy on their roleplaying servers. In some cases company running the servers took the action if you reported a abusive or otherwise not fitting name, forcing player to rename the toon, which was in fact best result I ever encountered. Since SW:TOR is a pretty new game things didn’t settled down on RP servers yet, in time you will have only RP’ers and LOL’ers on RP server (LOL’ers as someone who wants intentionally ruin your gameplaying experience, can’t be really avoided) but for time being we have also plenty of people who rolled for RP server just because other one was full. (I still have to wonder why people ignore the server description, but nevermind).


It is also very hard to judge which name is wrong from RP perspective..


Characters named Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or Han Solo are not immersion breaking and names are fitting the SW universe. As story takes place 3000 years before events of episode 3 SW movie, it is actually possible there was once some individual bearing same name (but not as famous).


(name written like “lukeskywalker” is immersion breaking since “Skywalker” suppose to be legacy name at least)


Names as Arthas, Voldemorth are also not immersion breaking, those names fit in among lot of other alien names in SW universe


All names above however breaks copyright policy so if you wish to get them out of the game, complain about breaking the copyright laws not about breaking the immersion.


Name like “Sczurek” although meaning “little rat” in Polish will also fit in among load of alien names already present. People like this will most likely never take part in RP so I see your point, but name itself isn’t immersion breaking as majority of players actually don’t speak Polish or other less common language.


Disagree fully!


Mythic did a outstanding job in DAoC on their RP servers and bad names disappeared very fast


The players monitored the names and reported the ones they felt were not appropriate for the server


Then the mods would look at name reported and make a call on


They didnt have a point blank rule so the internet wanna be lawyers could go on and on about how the name is with in the rules (like we seeing from a vocal minority herein these threads). They would look at name andif it didnt fit they sent a email asking player for 5 alternative names.


Their rule was simply "If you think someone will take issue with your name, it probably doesnt pass the smell test and you should use a different name"


Player had a week torespond. (If player didnt respond, a random name was assigned to the character and that was that)


If player responded with 5 names as requested:


Mythic looked to see if any of the 5 names were appropriate (was more then a fewthat admitted to sending in the dumbest names they could think of in hopes the mods would decide their current namethe best of the list). If they were not, random name was applied and player was notified.


If there was acceptable alternatives Mythic would check if they were available. If so, first available one on list was used asnd player was notified.


Sounds like alot of steps but really it wasnt.

Fast, Exact, Fair.




So yeah, while Idont know what your MMORPG experience is, MMORPGs have gotten it right in regards to RP servers!


Course before WOW came along, those that would troll RP servers and create really stupid names were a rarityand a huge minority.


Since WOW, they seem to almost be a equal sized demographic of players (which is really really sad btw)


Bioware could run a excellent and acceptable naming policy for very little overhead



Edited by Kalfear
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No. That is why Bioware gave us clear rules on naming violations. Follow the rules.



Which I try to do. It's the people who name their characters something outside of those policies that care nothing for the rules and have no respect for RP on RP servers.


Look, we can keep going round and round about this but it serves no purpose because we just won't agree. You have your approach and I have mine. What will not happen here is I won't bow to someone saying I can or cannot report something I believe should be reported. And I'm not talking about any specific name. I'm talking about a general principle and right in this and any MMO.


If someone thinks something they see is outside game policies, in this case names, they have the right to report it. You don't have to agree with what I, or anyone else reports, but we still have the right to report it.


Now I'm going to let this conversation go because it's just not productive.

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as I said, #1


hes a trolling people!


He gets why its not RP and just playing mister "you said up so im going to say down"


THIS is a major attitude problem with the WOW and after crowd.


I am not trolling anyone. I have been playing online rpg for 16 years (m59) now and before that played text based games.


I still stick by that I believe both Marshmellow and Canopener are acceptable RP names.

They do nothing to wreck the RP experience if the name has a reason. It is the mightier than thou attitude that many RPers have that makes them such easy targets for those messing with them.


Take the time to ask the person why they picked that name, maybe they are taking it seriously. I just do not see why you think that Bioware should take your RPing needs over someone else's.


Marshmellow does not break the naming rules and neither does Canopener. You reporting them because YOU do not like it is petty and ridiculous.



If you think I am trolling because I keep posting the wookiepedia Noob link, well I just think it is funny when someone makes a lore statement without doing a 2 sec google search.

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Disagree fully!

So yeah, while Idont know what your MMORPG experience is, MMORPGs have gotten it right in regards to RP servers!



I have no experience at all with DAoC so I will simply believe you it is possible, so let’s speak about my experience with this …


(in order of time spent playing)


EVE Online – there was no RP server to speak about, but as a sandbox game it actually attracted quite a lot of RP’ers in the process. CCP didn’t enforced any kind of naming policy, but at least they were active in blocking or renaming most abusive or insulting names.

WoW Online – even after years of running game forums were filled with similar post like this one and Blizzard never acted on such request directly (tickets however worked sometimes, their customer support was at least working). On Argent Dawn, largest RP hub in the game, there was majority of RP’ers and several stubborn trolls (refered as LOL’ers), things simply settled down when I played and things somehow worked although without direct intervention from Blizzard

Warhammer Online (Mythic!!!) – whatever policy Mythic has on DAoC it didn’t clearly worked on WO at all, at the beginning tickets simply worked but as game went to decline Mythic stopped to care

Aion – no RP policy at all or I didn’t noticed, didn’t took part in any RP must admit

Anarchy Online – no RP server to speak about and no specific rules (rp-related) about naming. But as game was populated only by most stubborn fans most names was somehow fitting the setting, trolls had no interest in game with backwards graphic

Champions Online – there was actually a pretty strict naming policy, company was so afraid being sued for copyright violation they watched the names closely. Didn’t really blocked non-RP names, but naming policy itself was enforced like in no other game


RF, Ragnarok, Lineage, Guild Wars was so weird games I would likely not to mention, never played long time enough, month max


(pre-WoW MMORPG Ultima not counted in)

I agree with what u are trying to achieve there, have my vote, but I don’t believe it will even succeed. I rather believe things will settle down in time like it was in WoW


(I am not WoW fan and I am pretty tired by it anyway, but you can’t deny it was most successful game at least till now)

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We ran into what we call a loltrollfail

A toon named Traceymorgan jumping around the guild meeting trying to disrupt things, and he got bored and left because no one paid any attention to him haha


yup, thats what I expect will happen post Taris for republic and Balmorra for Imp.


The Trolls not going to dedicate time and effort (as littel effort there is required) to leveling their toons so I figure a good percent will disappear as the starter worlds and first 2 follow up worlds get less used and out leveled.


I saw Unclesteve doing samething you descibeon one of my servers today Darka.


Actually I put another 5 or 6 names on ignore playing on Kaas today during the prime time hours.


PS: I really wish /ignore ignored the account of the character rather then the character and when you ignored someone on one of your characters it means that guy/girl ignored on all your characters.


Get tired of adding same names over and over and over for each character I have.

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If someone thinks something they see is outside game policies, in this case names, they have the right to report it.


The ability to do something is not the same as the obligation to do it. Beyond this, I'm fairly certain that you're intentionally missing Slaine's point: report names that breach policy, sure. But don't just report a name that is within policy but not "RP" enough for your tastes. And most importantly, don't confuse the two things.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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There is nothing wrong with actual english words used as names...anyone ever figure RP-wise they are simply treated as nicknames and the real name of the character will be told to you, once you get to know the guy?


Especially for Troopers I find that very logical. Soldiers of all kinds most often get a nickname from their squad which they go by while on missions or in company of their fellow soldier-buddies. So if someone is named Battletoad (example above me), treat it as a nickname. That works totally fine and is not at all non-RP or without the rules of naming policy. So properly spelled english words work perfectly fine. Come on, you are RPers LOL...got to be a little more open minded and creative as to how you deal with what is thrown at ya...


I actually fully intentionally named my Trooper with an actual english word. It's her nickname. It's what she goes by whenever she's around non-friends and family. If you wonder and want to know her real name - ask much? XD Always a way of starting a conversation :p


Misspelled english words or nonsense words are a different thing.

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There is nothing wrong with actual english words used as names...anyone ever figure RP-wise they are simply treated as nicknames and the real name of the character will be told to you, once you get to know the guy?


Especially for Troopers I find that very logical. Soldiers of all kinds most often get a nickname from their squad which they go by while on missions or in company of their fellow soldier-buddies. So if someone is named Battletoad (example above me), treat it as a nickname. That works totally fine and is not at all non-RP or without the rules of naming policy. So properly spelled english words work perfectly fine. Come on, you are RPers LOL...got to be a little more open minded and creative as to how you deal with what is thrown at ya...


I actually fully intentionally named my Trooper with an actual english word. It's her nickname. It's what she goes by whenever she's around non-friends and family. If you wonder and want to know her real name - ask much? XD Always a way of starting a conversation :p


Misspelled english words or nonsense words are a different thing.


Agreed. Often, these people actually have quite the story behind their name. And let's not forget that spies often have code names, and Sith Lords often go by pseudonyms (Vader wasn't exactly his given name, now was it?) In these cases of real English words, it may be better to ask the person politely for the story behind their name, before reporting them in ignorance. By some people's definition, the name "Chewy" isn't an RP name, but it was the name of a real Star Wars character, simply short for Chewbacca. Some people are going to name their characters with a nickname, and that should be perfectly acceptable by RP standards, so long as there's a suitable RP reason for it.


There are plenty of examples in other literature, as well. The character "Han Tzu" from the Ender's Game series was called "Hot Soup" by all the other kids around him, because A) kids are cruel, and B) no one cared to learn to pronounce his real name correctly, certainly not once such a funny nickname started getting passed around. In my opinion, a name as absurd as Hot Soup is a perfectly acceptable RP name, so long as there's a story behind it.


I've known people in other MMOs with amazing names with hilarious and/or interesting stories behind them, forced to change their name on RP servers because someone reported them without asking for any details. It's a shame.



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There are things to be done for RPers on there server. Its currently what my guild and I do:


Report is the number one function to be used. You don't need to contact them and cause yourself stress or them stress by chancing an argument. If they are in violation a GM will make them change there name anyway upon the report.


DO NOT group with these people. Shun them. Keep them from advancing through content, eventually they will join a guild that accepts there name or will move to another server/reroll/ask for there own name change.


If I am out and about and see a Republic player, as I am Empire, and see someone with a name like this I destroy them. I then proceed to explain to them why I killed them.


so you are denying the enjoyment they are looking for because their name doesn't fit with the naming policy outside of offensive. you are griefing by what you say alone, denying anyone their progress of the game by their choice of names will make the rp aspect tarnished due to stubborn few who do this just for a name they think is wrong. My toons name are my invention alone and fits with the naming policy of the rp naming rules, how acursed a name idk but i random it and came up lol. denying help by the wrong names will turn off people from this game and what i said earlier.

Edited by Turrick
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i understand really stupid ones like lollipop but names that fits into char that is out of the norm shouldn't be shunned entirely. the person who named that toon has a reason for it while some go to rp servers due to be light is population like wow. Edited by Turrick
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What self respecting dark lord would pick lollipop as his name ? Obviously it is an attempt to ruin immersion for others, and obviously successful.


But my example was just funny one. Seen much worse like "ihateyou" "ipwnyou" and such.

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It is called common sense. RP servers are for a certain sort of people. Creating names like lollipop only to break immersion and piss off others is certainly against the rules of common sense. RP servers are there for a reason, if someone wants to have stupid name, there is plenty of other servers to choose from.


So yes, bioware is missing the "common sense" rule in their naming policy, but pointing out that, does not make such names less stupid.


Are you telling me that a person naming himself "idontlikeyou" is a roleplayer and has a deep story behind his character name ? I could imagine lollipop on female smuggler, but not Darth Lollipop sorry...

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It is called common sense. RP servers are for a certain sort of people. Creating names like lollipop only to break immersion and piss off others is certainly against the rules of common sense. RP servers are there for a reason, if someone wants to have stupid name, there is plenty of other servers to choose from.


So yes, bioware is missing the "common sense" rule in their naming policy, but pointing out that, does not make such names less stupid.


Are you telling me that a person naming himself "idontlikeyou" is a roleplayer and has a deep story behind his character name ? I could imagine lollipop on female smuggler, but not Darth Lollipop sorry...


Some names, i could kind of get. Lollipop for instance, could of been their characters nickname as a child and they just never grew out of it, you know? (or they could of been an ex cantina dancer and that was their stagename), names like "harrypotty" or "moardotz" are just trolls.


Whats the point in rolling on an RP server if you don't want to RP? I understand some do it for the "community", but YOU'RE THE KIND OF PEOPLE ROLEPLAYERS ARE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM BY ROLLING ON RP SERVERS!


Now, don't get me wrong, names are hard to come by. I couldn't use names i ALWAYS use because people took them - So, what did i do? I either renamed them, or just didn't make the character.

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It is called common sense. RP servers are for a certain sort of people. Creating names like lollipop only to break immersion and piss off others is certainly against the rules of common sense. RP servers are there for a reason, if someone wants to have stupid name, there is plenty of other servers to choose from.


So yes, bioware is missing the "common sense" rule in their naming policy, but pointing out that, does not make such names less stupid.


Are you telling me that a person naming himself "idontlikeyou" is a roleplayer and has a deep story behind his character name ? I could imagine lollipop on female smuggler, but not Darth Lollipop sorry...


Dal, your blowing into the wind here


I said same stuff about


Darth Marshmellow


And some here replied same way to me as they are you


It is common sense and ... well I already covered what the options are for those who keep argueing it!

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Ye I know, people like to play devil's advocates. I would compare it to farting and burping on public. There is no law against it (at least not in my country), but common sense and good manners dictates that you shouldn't do it.


Same goes for names on RP servers.

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