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Purchasing credits in cartel market.


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Given how many conversations are going on right now on the forums of ways to remove credits from the game to tamp down inflation, you probably won't find too many people agreeing with you.


Also, if you're looking for credits, you can buy stuff off the cartel market and sell them on the GTN. Some GTN items sell for millions of credits.

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I dislike this as much as anyone. You can earn credits easily by buying Cartel Market content and selling it on Galactic Trade Network. Just got to find stuffs that sells.


Would having this do anything to prevent goldsellers whom provide 3rd party websites to trade real money for credits?

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Go back to your pay-to-win mobile trash, O/P.


This **** is neither wanted nor welcome here, that *********** cash-shop and all this community's gormless little whales have subverted this game's integrity badly enough without also adding P2W.

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You can earn credits easily by buying Cartel Market content and selling it on Galactic Trade Network


^ Yeah. . .

A ton of the cartel items can be quickly sold for PRE-EXISTING credits within the game, as opposed to "printing new money". That helps to keep the in-game economy flowing by making those things cost just a little less (in credits), and actually reduces inflation because more credits get taken out by the GTN tax.


And what would the credits be useful for-?


Most things that cost a LOT of credits are something you can buy with cartel coins on the cartel market. . . If you can't find it on CM (the only example of a non-cosmetic, non-CM purchase I can think of that's insanely expensive is gold augments--but those Really aren't necessary to play) then the usual method is to buy black&black dyes* to auction. It seems to work out pretty well.

*(Though there may be other stuff, like decos/cheaper dyes/rarely-listed armor/mounts, that'll give you a better conversion rate.)


I mean, I have heard of other games making it so that there's a legitimate way for players to exchange currency--

You could say "Make cartel coins sellable on the GTN", for example.

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