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Why ask for our feedback on the weapon outfitter if you're not going to listen to it?


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Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


Absolutely agree with you here.

I wasted my time downloading and playing on the PTS because I though it was worth (and currently much needed) to help the devs improve the game.

Seeing that all of our feedback was completely ignored is more than frustrating.


And no, it's not because they didn't listen to me. It's because they listened to no one.

Everyone who played on the PTS and posted feedback has just waisted his/her time.

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Everything I said was feedback that was posted on the PTS forums when THEY asked for feedback. They listened to NONE of it (mine, or others). That's why it's so frustrating!


I mean, it would have been a great feature in 6.0. But it comes out after 7.0, when we have combat styles... and doesn't even work with two combat styles.


We have been over this so many times. The devs DO NOT take feedback or listen to anything the tester's say on the PTS. Once it is on the PTS, you are just there to report bugs. That is it.


You think they are just going to redo a years worth of work just because a few players on the pts doesn't like how the crystals work in the weapons? Get a grip bro. My advice, don't test anymore. I stopped after 4.0

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You think they are just going to redo a years worth of work just because a few players on the pts doesn't like how the crystals work in the weapons? Get a grip bro. My advice, don't test anymore. I stopped after 4.0


No, because it is not functional with combat sytlel that use different weapon types, is not consistent with the way the rest of the outfitter works.

Also this is not years of work. It's something they glued together in a few weeks after the enormous backlash from 7.0 release.


But yeah, I'm taking your advice. I'm done with the PTS. No point trying to help someone who doesn't want any help.

If all they want to hear is "this is great" then maybe they should start by releasing something that is actually great, instead of just half-arsed.

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No, because it is not functional with combat sytlel that use different weapon types, is not consistent with the way the rest of the outfitter works.

Also this is not years of work. It's something they glued together in a few weeks after the enormous backlash from 7.0 release.


But yeah, I'm taking your advice. I'm done with the PTS. No point trying to help someone who doesn't want any help.

If all they want to hear is "this is great" then maybe they should start by releasing something that is actually great, instead of just half-arsed.


A year, not years. Read what I wrote again please. they have been working on that for over a year, Also it is not half arsed just because you say it is. That was my original point.

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A year, not years. Read what I wrote again please. they have been working on that for over a year, Also it is not half arsed just because you say it is. That was my original point.


Read again what I wrote.

It is half arsed because it is neither fully functional with combat styles nor consistent with armour outfitter (colour crystals and dyes don't work the same way).

That's not an opinion, these are facts.

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No, sorry. I'm a consumer that pays for a subscription. I am not going to thank BW for breaking a fully functional system we had in 6.0 for the garbage system we received in 7.0. Then months later adding weapons to the outfit tab which restricts their usage to specific combat specs. They asked for feedback and completely ignored everything... again.




A fundamental problem here is that they CREATED THIS PROBLEM when they took away what we already loved for 10 years (fully moddable gear, so everyone could reach max gear quality no matter what kind of content they played).


If they hadn't taken away a CORE, FUNDAMENTAL feature of the game that we all loved for 10 years, none of this would even be an issue.


The fact they rarely listen to any feedback on PTS is just the final knee to the junk.

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I mean... I'm not sure why I even bothered giving any feedback considering that none of it was taken into consideration.


First mistake, believe they listen to any feedback we send…


When I first saw the weapon in the outfit, I tell myself: “well it is going to stay this way, better deal with It”, but … no, honestly it has not been well thought out and the fix should be easy.


Right now, you can use the same outfit for both combat style unless they use the same weapon type in their main hand and off hand (ex: guardian – sage – juggernaut - sorcerer / vanguard- operative / gunslinger – mercenary, etc.).


When you switch on an outfit it checks the type of weapon you currently use and load the weapon in the outfit if it has the same type, the way to fix this is to create additional weapon slot on each outfit

Example for force classes we currently have main hand or offhand, if you add 2 more slot you modify the slot per outfit to:


  1. Main hand Single sabre
  2. Main Hand Double sabre
  3. offhand Single sabre
  4. offhand Empty


Then when you switch to a combat style it just have to check the current weapon equipped and load the corresponding weapon type save in the outfit ( if it exist )


This way you can have the same costume using different type of weapon

Edited by KaellSolaris
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Increasing their sub amount (in order to bring on more resources) is an option they could consider. I am not sure how that would land broadly across the player base however but it could work.


Asking more money for a vastly inferior product (that is 7.0 version of the game)?

I can't imagine it working as intended.

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Sure, if you have 2 combat styles that use the same weapon type, you're fine.

If not switching combat style breaks your outfit.


He hit the nail on the head though.


"it's working" is pretty much the only thing the devs really seem to care about at this point, nevermind that they could have done something much better. So they can say that "we have weapons in outfitter."


It's a bit sad that people wanted to be able to use their cartel weapons so badly that they don't care that the feature leaves much to be desired.

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He hit the nail on the head though.


"it's working" is pretty much the only thing the devs really seem to care about at this point, nevermind that they could have done something much better. So they can say that "we have weapons in outfitter."


It's a bit sad that people wanted to be able to use their cartel weapons so badly that they don't care that the feature leaves much to be desired.


Can't argue with that.

The times were they were aiming for "amazing" are long gone.

Now they settle for "sort of working".

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No they settle for "some parts are not broken from bugs"


Don't you mean "They settle for a few very small parts are not broken from new bugs we just created because we have no clue how to *not* break things that have been working for 10 years"?

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I'm gonna be happy clappy in this thread (since I do my fair share of moaning): I love the weapon outfitter! It's absolutely brilliant, especially now I have the ranged weapon sounds I prefer. I don't understand the "one weapon per outfit" discourse. Just make more outfits for your other spec if you use one. Although for people who do use other specs it probably would be nice to have a list of outfits that can be custom labelled unless the loadout also saves your stamped outfit. Does it? I haven't checked; if it does, problem solved.
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Don't you mean "They settle for a few very small parts are not broken from new bugs we just created because we have no clue how to *not* break things that have been working for 10 years"?

If you add in "and bugs we have never fixed over the last 10 years."

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