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Now that I'm a n00b again...what can I buy with all these currencies?


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All of them capped.


I still only have 6 chars of the 17 equipped with the 326 Implant from the fleet mission. I can't seem to get enough tech frags to compensate.


I can't loot medals of commendation anymore. They just sit there on a corpse I can't harvest.


Maybe instead of organizing all this we can have a Jugglernaut class?

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All of them capped.


I still only have 6 chars of the 17 equipped with the 326 Implant from the fleet mission. I can't seem to get enough tech frags to compensate.


I can't loot medals of commendation anymore. They just sit there on a corpse I can't harvest.


Maybe instead of organizing all this we can have a Jugglernaut class?

  1. Purchase gear from the Vendors
  2. Reverse Engineer said items
  3. Get a couple of Tech Fragments for your trouble
  4. Spend said Tech Frags on purchasing/upgrading your Legendary Implants

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