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As a solo player and atlholic, I really miss 6.0


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Companions are fine. They are still incredible OP. You can semi-afk, watch TV with your head being on the TV and you will clear the whole story, no problem.

This is MMORPG at the end of the day. Also i don't know an easier MMORPG out there, and more simplified than SWTOR.

Combat should not be 1 click based. This ain't a simulator.

The combat is bad, because the game is 10 year old, and it's Tab targeting. Also like it or not, you have an optimal rotation or so. Even for leveling, and to be fair except for soloing FPS and some Heroics, mobs has always been dying in a nick of second, unless you are using default attack only, which ain't a game fault, but yours.


And btw i can't make mind of anyone. But plenty of friends don't want to touch this game, cause for them it's too damn easy. What you can tell anyone who ask when the game is going to become challenging in the story? Eh, uh, oh .... There is none. It's easy.

SWTOR too easy, and see how many people hate the "easy" mode we are in it.

I get people are different, but there is probably no easier MMORPG on the market than this.



P.P. Playing arounds alts in 7.0 is definitely not a fun thing. Still people could argue that the game is not and should be build around that. I get your point tho.


Completely disagree.

This game was built for players to play alts.

There are 8 distinct class stories when you start the game.

It was meant for you to play all 8 to get the full story.

There are 8 different Heroic Moment attacks that you have to earn via those class stories.


They've definitely veered away from that, but the game WAS, and still is for newer and new players, built to be played with 8 toons....at least.

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Completely disagree.

This game was built for players to play alts.

There are 8 distinct class stories when you start the game.

It was meant for you to play all 8 to get the full story.

There are 8 different Heroic Moment attacks that you have to earn via those class stories.


They've definitely veered away from that, but the game WAS, and still is for newer and new players, built to be played with 8 toons....at least.


Last time i check you can play just 1 classes, and you are just fine. Who exactly told you that the game was build around playing alts ? I doubt anyone build a game with that in mind.


And come on, this game is and never was just a 6.0 expansion. There was a game before that, there is a game after that.

I also never ever heard anyone on the Dev side claiming that.

And if the game was build around that, why exactly they are introducing Combat Style then ? :D

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- Companions are literally broken right now. You are either blind or running the literal easiest solo content available in the game if you havent noticed this.


Can't try with the rest, as it is more of a personal opinion. But i completely disagree with that. The game at some point become a complete potato, and the main fault for that was totally OP companions.

I hope they don't revert them to pre 7.0.


You can do all the soloable content perfectly fine.

Also i heard this thing like 10x time already and prove 3 people already wrong.

See plenty of people that were talking about certain Heroics that i tried(not with a maxed character, but more like of 30% of his capability :D), and they were done with ease.

Heard the same thing for some Story stuffs, which was ridiculous.

And for a FP, which was 100% doable solo.

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Last time i check you can play just 1 classes, and you are just fine. Who exactly told you that the game was build around playing alts ? I doubt anyone build a game with that in mind.


And come on, this game is and never was just a 6.0 expansion. There was a game before that, there is a game after that.

I also never ever heard anyone on the Dev side claiming that.

And if the game was build around that, why exactly they are introducing Combat Style then ? :D


Yeah and I quit shortly after the game was released and came back during 6.0.


So what is your point?


I personally couldn't care less if people only play one character. Why do people seem so bothered with the way "I" play the game?


Can't try with the rest, as it is more of a personal opinion. But i completely disagree with that. The game at some point become a complete potato, and the main fault for that was totally OP companions.

I hope they don't revert them to pre 7.0.


You can do all the soloable content perfectly fine.

Also i heard this thing like 10x time already and prove 3 people already wrong.

See plenty of people that were talking about certain Heroics that i tried(not with a maxed character, but more like of 30% of his capability :D), and they were done with ease.

Heard the same thing for some Story stuffs, which was ridiculous.

And for a FP, which was 100% doable solo.



And about being able to do all the soloable content fine - how are master mode chapters right now?


I never even mentioned companions in my post because I hadn't noticed such a huge difference. About heroics - the one on Belsavis where you had to click on 3 items with packs of mobs was difficult when 7.0 came out (on some characters), but it was fine using Heroic Moment. I haven't had to use it once since the last patch.


Small reminder though that everyone doesn't have all the abilities in Heroic Moment too (again - one of the things where you HAVE to play alts).


Anyway, none of that is relevant to my original post.

Edited by Pricia
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Last time i check you can play just 1 classes, and you are just fine. Who exactly told you that the game was build around playing alts ? I doubt anyone build a game with that in mind.


Maybe people got the wrong idea that the game was meant to be played by experiencing all 8 classes (Alt's) because of the Legendary Player tag and Flair awarded for doing just that.

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Maybe people got the wrong idea that the game was meant to be played by experiencing all 8 classes (Alt's) because of the Legendary Player tag and Flair awarded for doing just that.


How is that the "wrong" idea? Just because you don't care for it doesn't mean it's the "wrong" idea.

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Yeah and I quit shortly after the game was released and came back during 6.0.


So what is your point?


I personally couldn't care less if people only play one character. Why do people seem so bothered with the way "I" play the game?





And about being able to do all the soloable content fine - how are master mode chapters right now?


I never even mentioned companions in my post because I hadn't noticed such a huge difference. About heroics - the one on Belsavis where you had to click on 3 items with packs of mobs was difficult when 7.0 came out (on some characters), but it was fine using Heroic Moment. I haven't had to use it once since the last patch.


Small reminder though that everyone doesn't have all the abilities in Heroic Moment too (again - one of the things where you HAVE to play alts).


Anyway, none of that is relevant to my original post.


Where did i say i'm bothered how you play the game ? I asked if anyone promised that the game will or should be balanced to playing Atls, and that you will be able to gear up in a week time or so, all of your alts.


But you are getting triggered by anyone who is trying to enter a discussion on here.


Chasing items in RPG genre is always been huge part of it, as well as grinding for gear.


I at one time had like 30 characters in POE, but the game is build around making a new one with seasons, but still the game was not build around playing and gearing your alts, it's pretty much impossible.


In MMORPG the grind is a lot easier, and especially in SWTOR, where it's a cake.

Yeah obviously 30+ alts is going to be a pain in the **** to be up to date, but again if anyone design a game around that, that is a terrible design.


As far as the earlier stages. The biggest % of the player left this game was with the KOTFE expansion, you can guess why that happen, no matter how much some people trying to spin the majority stuff. Then it's actually show what people actually wanted and played, and what actually keep a stable player base. Not come and by, see and good bye.

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Where did i say i'm bothered how you play the game ? I asked if anyone promised that the game will or should be balanced to playing Atls, and that you will be able to gear up in a week time or so, all of your alts.


But you are getting triggered by anyone who is trying to enter a discussion on here.


Chasing items in RPG genre is always been huge part of it, as well as grinding for gear.


I at one time had like 30 characters in POE, but the game is build around making a new one with seasons, but still the game was not build around playing and gearing your alts, it's pretty much impossible.


In MMORPG the grind is a lot easier, and especially in SWTOR, where it's a cake.

Yeah obviously 30+ alts is going to be a pain in the **** to be up to date, but again if anyone design a game around that, that is a terrible design.


As far as the earlier stages. The biggest % of the player left this game was with the KOTFE expansion, you can guess why that happen, no matter how much some people trying to spin the majority stuff. Then it's actually show what people actually wanted and played, and what actually keep a stable player base. Not come and by, see and good bye.


Nobody's asking to get geared in one week. My post was to compare 6.0 and 7.0 - you can say what you want about what a MMO "should" be, in the end, the game has changed substantially between 6.0 and 7.0 - THAT is what I'm complaining about. Because, let's be real, if the game was the way it is now 2 years ago, I wouldn't have stuck around long enough to make 34 characters.


But you're right in the sense that stories are not what makes people keep playing (unless you make alts, obviously). But the MMO parts that I like have nothing to do with grouping - the reason I play this game and not single player RPGs are the regular (haha) updates, selling/buying with other players, and being able to improve your gear.


7.0 has been a huge let down for the latest part for sure, and, as we both agree, people don't stay just for the story so... You would agree that people won't stay if the gearing system sucks for their playstyle, yes?

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In my very first point i stated that i feel your pain, cause i know what is it to kill your "playstyle" or the way you like to enjoy the game.

One of the reasons i Quit POE, cause with every expansion the game literally wipes entire builds. Not nerfing, killing them, and i'm not talking about meta builds, but builds that actually require a lot of investment.

And while i also like challenging content, as people already know by my post here, and that i believe chasing gear is a good thing, POE was too much for me. Because you need to be ON at least for 8 hours per day, which for me it's kinda bad design. You can progress, but in STD, and when a new expansion hit, they literally wipes your build. :D

if you intend to play leagues, eh POE should be your main job.

For me this is a bad design.

This is what i like in SWTOR i can always progress, even if i play 2 hours per day or 20. It's just in a different rate, and actually progressing slower is a good, cause there is always something to do.

But i just don't like to go out and the monster in the univers to not posses any treat at all and i to be able to semi-afk them.


And as i said i see plenty of such opinion that X and Y content aren't viable, yet i'm trying then with less than 30% of my character capability and i'm able to solo them with ease and no treat at all.

This is my problem with some people totally spreading false narratives. It's super hard for developer to take a feedback like that.



As far as 7.0 - totally agree - disaster. Sorry but they promised us a very big expansion, and we get nothing of it.

I also play ESO, and i cannot even compare it to ESO DLC chapters, let alone expansion ......


As far as 6.0 - i was very happy with it, cause i usually play night time, and at that time i want to relax and play solo, going through the worlds, enjoy the game and the environment around me. It's absolutely the same in ESO.

I barely play group content to be fair. In my old account i have done it, but with my guild, and was fun, cause we were talking in discord and so.

But playing with random sometimes is a pain. In ESO tho it's a nightmare. :D


As far as KOTFE - i actually liked the direction the game is going, and i actually loved not so much the story, but the thing that we have some power, that is not just the Jedi and the Sith.

Also KOTFE trailer is the best trailer and "movie" this game/franchise ever has. It has so much potential, that they blew alway.


Main problem is they just don't deliver enough content, otherwise they could have a very balance part of solo/group playing. But for that you need delivering regular contents.

Yet they are having not much resources and on top of that they are wasting it on things that should be last priority if you ask me.


As far as the last part - to be fair i never play with the intention to get that last piece of Item Rating gear. At some point i'm going to get it, but if i was playing the way like you are playing around alts(which is absolutely your choice and i'm okay with it) it would definitely be a game changer.

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That's the thing exactly though - with story moving along so slowly, there's basically no reason to play anymore. Getting gear gives me a goal, at least. And that's why I still try and do conquest, at least it's something to do, if I stopped I wouldn't even have a reason to play anymore (not gonna lie though, once I have my last 10 toons geared up I will seriously reconsider my time investment - I should finish upgrading legendaries this week at least).


Although yeah, 2 days left on the week and I have no reason to play past getting the 20k for daily GS2. I've been capped on ARMs since day 2 and there's no point getting more thyrsian parts that I won't be able to use either (down to 8 medals so I can't buy anything). So I have 750ish ARMs and 230ish thyrsian parts. I also have 8k tech fragments and obviously can't upgrade any legendary either. It is just so... bad.


And I still have some bit of story left for some characters, but Conquest points are so parse past the second character daily that I'm just saving those for when I'm desperate for those 16k points... Because if I'm going to do it anyway, I might as well do it when it advances my character somehow.


I miss being able to just play my way and getting gear and Conquest points.


But I'm subbed until June so maybe they'll give me a reason to sub again?

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I love how people keep saying, "adapt", or just do this or that. These replies completely miss the OPs point of "playing how you want." Which IMO was the best part about this game.


From ability selections, to conquest, to rewards it all had the same philosophy. In other words, play the game and have fun. And for the 5.0 and 6.0 expansions I did just that. With 7.0 all I do now is watch the forums hoping the devs will come to their senses and fix this mess. That and whine to my fellow guildies that this game is no longer fun and I miss it.

Edited by gidder
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I love how people keep saying, "adapt", or just do this or that. These replies completely miss the OPs point of "playing how you want." Which IMO was the best part about this game.


From ability selections, to conquest, to rewards it all had the same philosophy. In other words, play the game and have fun. And for the 5.0 and 6.0 expansions I did just that. With 7.0 all I do now is watch the forums hoping the devs will come to their senses and fix this mess. That and whine to my fellow guildies that this game is no longer fun and I miss it.


Thank you. And no, I don't want to adapt because it's not a game I want to play.

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I love how people keep saying, "adapt", or just do this or that. These replies completely miss the OPs point of "playing how you want." Which IMO was the best part about this game.


From ability selections, to conquest, to rewards it all had the same philosophy. In other words, play the game and have fun. And for the 5.0 and 6.0 expansions I did just that. With 7.0 all I do now is watch the forums hoping the devs will come to their senses and fix this mess. That and whine to my fellow guildies that this game is no longer fun and I miss it.


Is there much choice apart from adapt?

Sure, stop playing is an option too.

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I miss being able to play anything I want, get renown exp, and get a loot drop


This right here is one of the biggest reasons why v6 was superior to v7.


You could play whatever type of content you wanted, get upgrades, and eventually reach the max gear quality/level.


There was none of this weird gatekeeping and "forcing" you to do types of content you have no interest in.


7.0 is about being forced into group raids or GSF until you soul dies because the story/solo path caps out in a few days with garbage 326 greens.

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Selling such a downgrade as an "expansion", only works one time. For pain is hard to forget, by nature!


Trimming the fat for the ultimate maintenance mode perhaps? Preparing for the slow descent into the sea of entropy? That's the only thing that make some kind of sense.


If there is no sense involved, that is not unprecedented either! SWG waves from the past. Another product blessed with brilliant ideas of how to keep the customers happy and content!


( Hint: downgrading the user experience, and ignoring the feedback from said users, is how to get rid of them. Quite thoroughly. )

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I'm not an altaholic. I have 23 characters, but these days I basically only play one.


But in any case, I thought that the armor being BtL should cover that. Can't you just get a set of 324 or so gear and pass it from one alt to the next. I realize the stats might not always be max then, but...

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I'm not an altaholic. I have 23 characters, but these days I basically only play one.


But in any case, I thought that the armor being BtL should cover that. Can't you just get a set of 324 or so gear and pass it from one alt to the next. I realize the stats might not always be max then, but...


I have a full set of 326, mostly purple gear. Switching back and forth is a PITA for me. I want to log on toon and go. It's already bad enough that I will probably have to share the legendaries. I keep forgetting to get the gear before grabbing a weekly. And whatever time we gained by not having to disintegrate 10 pieces of gear is now wasted by putting gear in and out of the vault.


Besides, what else is there to do for a solo player who likes alts right now anyway than gear them up? I've never minded the grind, it's being forced to do specific content that I don't like (especially for subpar gear).

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I have a full set of 326, mostly purple gear. Switching back and forth is a PITA for me. I want to log on toon and go.

I wasn't actually suggesting you switch your main gear around, but since you have 326 gear, you must pick up a lot of 324 gear that you could just use for alts.

For example, I recently started taking my Sniper through the new content. But rather than start from scratch, I simply gathered up spare 324s from my main to give him.

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I wasn't actually suggesting you switch your main gear around, but since you have 326 gear, you must pick up a lot of 324 gear that you could just use for alts.

For example, I recently started taking my Sniper through the new content. But rather than start from scratch, I simply gathered up spare 324s from my main to give him.


I get a ton of 326 gear but 80% of the time it's another belt, bracers, implants (WTH BW? I have 330 legendaries WHY DO I GET 326 IMPLANTS???), or crit gear I will never use.


I mean, it's not that awful. I have one legendary left to upgrade to 330 once I get the fragments (common set still), and I only have 8 alts left to gear up. And I have a whole legacy vault of useless 326 stuff...


I'm just tired of doing the same content over and over and over again every week man... At least when CQ was 50k I felt that I was actually getting somewhere, now I progress CQ on my toons 5k at a time, it's pathetic.

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I cancelled my subscription because:


- Game version 6.x was totally fine but 7.x currently is total crap and not worth paying money for a subscription.

- Companions are completely broken / useless. Their heal is just a bad joke compared to 6.x

- Level sync makes sense in principle if it is implemented intelligently. As it is at the moment, it is complete nonsense. When crit and hit values are absurdly low and the entire gameply is therefore ruined.

- Currently, it makes no difference at all whether you're running around on lvl 80 with 306 gear or 326 gear. Apart from the fact that the 326 stats are total crap. To give an example: with lvl 75 / 306 gear I knocked down a gold mob in a few seconds. With lvl 80 / 326 gear I need almost 1 minute for the same mob. I have no interest in that waste of time.

- It's a joke when Bioware offers weapons in the cartel market that can't be used at lvl 80 because there is no moddable gear available - except 330 and that is only available for players who run ops.

- Most players are casuals and don't run ops. Therefore, it is just stupid to hide the best gear behind Ops. In version 6.x this was perfectly solved and there was no reason to change it.

- Bioware should finally accept that SWTOR is not World of Warcraft, does not have their player base and never will have.


This is a brilliant post and it nails every major problem I have with 7.0.


6.0 was a blast. You could play the content you wanted and reach the max ilvl 306. It was great. It was not catering to the 1% elitist raid population. EVERYONE could reach the best gear playing what they like. What a concept!


Now I'm stuck spending more time doing content I hate just to slog through this terrible gear system.




1) I lost abilities that were fun.


2) I cannot use cosmetic weapons I paid for.



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Dont see what is the problem with adapting to new systems, it as valid as unsubscribing is.

we are all adapting to all game changes since 1.0. If we cant adapt, we leave the game.


You aren't listening. People who enjoy the solo/story part of the game (which happens to be ~90% of the population) have had the ability to reach the max gear quality completely ripped away from them. No possible adaptation exists.


Story/Solo: These are the people that have kept this game in business for 10 years. This is the aspect of the game that it is best known for and is the only thing this MMO is actually good at.


Solo/story players (again ~90% of the playerbase, perhaps more) get unmoddable, green, 326 trash gear.


This patch caters to 1% of the population (raiders) and takes a giant crap in the faces of the 90% who play for story/solo/etc.


That is the problem.


Previously, people could reach the highest gear by playing whatever type of content they wanted.


That is a VASTLY superior system than to be told "Play what we want you to play. Do raids or wallow in the mud with your garbage gear, peasants."

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