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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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We're all in 330 Rakata from easily farming Nefra, Dashroode, WrithHorror.


These fights are EASIER than healing a veteran flashpoint without clicking koltos.


Atleast in 6.0 I had to put in some effort by grinding MM fp ques and actually being responsible for my outgoing heals/dps.


You tried, but yea.....you didn't take the necessary steps needed to actually lock best gear behind difficult content.


A massive waste of time and resources. You (Bioware) need to hire a 3rd party consulting company for how to run an MMO at this point, you've clearly lost all employees who can critically think about how it feels for the player in-game.


I don't even know what to think anymore, you guys are all over the place with decisions. An entire expansion of crap we didn't need.

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Not playing operations so can't say if they are easy or not, and there are loads of players that don't play Ops too.


So we are all well behind the 330, atm my best is 321.


I think the difference is between people who MUST have best gear and endless farm whatever content required (being it Ops or gsf that they never cared before) and people who simply play the game and "normally" increase their gear while playing.


The only chance to stop farmers is make content semi-impossible or totally kill the drop rate.

Both the things will create way more mad ppl then the whole 7.0 failure.


It's not so easy to find a good way to address the thing for people who play 24/7 with strong guilds/teams and casuals that simply wanna have fun playing but ofc deserve some gear improvement on the way.

Edited by PancaSWTOR
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We are not all in 330, you don't speak for everyone.


I'm still gearing up one character in PVP gear via GSF and PVP.


I can't join for a Nefra run 'cause they are asking for 326+ gear as a requirement.


So if you, OP, have lots of free time for playing and thus gearing to 330, it doesn't mean that all of as are in the same boat as you.

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Their problem is that half the population wants it to be easier and half wants it to be harder.


Their problem is a few hundred people wanted it to be harder. Nobody else cared. Nobody else does NiM operations anymore.


Fixed that for you.

Edited by arunav
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I think the difference is between people who MUST have best gear and endless farm whatever content required (being it Ops or gsf that they never cared before) and people who simply play the game and "normally" increase their gear while playing.



As someone who pugs everything, general chat decides the norm. (Which is typically the best bang for buck gameplay) Most mmorpg players would consider 'farming' normal and essential. That's why we group and get it done together.

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Afraid your also mistaken. Not everyone that does Operations pugs, not everyone wants to do those 3 bosses. Assuming everyone does what you are doing is flawed thinking.


I for one only do guild runs for anything over sm Ops, and even those I do not like pugging, because I do not know what mess I'll be getting into with random players. Even in story ops I see people standing in things they shouldn't every time. So pugging anything that has actual mechanics to it like any HM or NiM Operation boss is a definite no for me.


I don't have 1 character in full 330 gear, while I am close missing only 2 pieces which are 326 it still means not everyone is in 330 like your original claim.

Edited by Toraak
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I'm not in 330 gear as farming 3 different OP bosses and a World Boss non stop is boring as heck to me.

Heck I'm so bored with the repetition that I only do the Seasons and bumble off.


If people are that desperate to get the 330, they will find a way. Short of BW locking it to one piece a week per server!!

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How cute of you to assume we are all in 330 gear now and that we have all managed to tolerate the elitist scum who farm Nefra and Dash. Who the hell are you?? You want them to make it even more grindy than it already is? Such a fool...Go play another MMO that you can work on like a full time job.


Did I say I want more of a grind? I'm simply telling them how it is. I don't care if they remove stats entirely or if they lock BiS gear behind FINAL bosses of Nim Ops. Gear has always been secondary to skill in this game...lets hope that never changes or the game will actually die, not just memes about it.

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Afraid your also mistaken. Not everyone that does Operations pugs, not everyone wants to do those 3 bosses. Assuming everyone does what you are doing is flawed thinking.


I for one only do guild runs for anything over sm Ops, and even those I do not like pugging, because I do not know what mess I'll be getting into with random players. Even in story ops I see people standing in things they shouldn't every time. So pugging anything that has actual mechanics to it like any HM or NiM Operation boss is a definite no for me.


I don't have 1 character in full 330 gear, while I am close missing only 2 pieces which are 326 it still means not everyone is in 330 like your original claim.


I feel like everybody completely missed the point...this was a post about nightmare bosses being easier, and jucier to farm than a veteran fp. It's just that simple brother

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I feel like everybody completely missed the point...this was a post about nightmare bosses being easier, and jucier to farm than a veteran fp. It's just that simple brother


You think most players could do WH NiM easier than a veteran FP? i've yet to see "LFM Writhing Horror NiM" on SF. What server are you on where this boss is being so easily farmed in pugs?

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You think most players could do WH NiM easier than a veteran FP? i've yet to see "LFM Writhing Horror NiM" on SF. What server are you on where this boss is being so easily farmed in pugs?


Satele Shan, and honestly it feels like our pugs aren't even trying, we've been through way worse. BUT remember what I said though, "easier than healing a veteran fp with no koltos" is my exact quote, there is a big difference from what you wrote.

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Satele Shan, and honestly it feels like our pugs aren't even trying, we've been through way worse. BUT remember what I said though, "easier than healing a veteran fp with no koltos" is my exact quote, there is a big difference from what you wrote.


Claiming it's easier to heal then a Vet FP's is being disingenuous. No NiM Ops boss is so easy healers fall asleep in it.

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Claiming it's easier to heal then a Vet FP's is being disingenuous. No NiM Ops boss is so easy healers fall asleep in it.


I didn't claim that, I said easier to heal than a vet fp using no kolto stations.


Have you qued as lvl 80 heals with 3x new lvl 20's before? I'm going to assume not or you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.

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BUT remember what I said though, "easier than healing a veteran fp with no koltos" is my exact quote, there is a big difference from what you wrote.



We're all in 330 Rakata from easily farming Nefra, Dashroode, WrithHorror.


you said "easily farming" these 3 bosses. Then you said easier than healing a vet FP....so there is the difference ....i commented on you saying they're being easily farmed and by pugs. if you're looking just at healing then you're missing 2/3rds of the puzzle. I don't heal, so lets say it is easier to heal nefra than a Vet FP. Is it easier to tank? do you think you need the same DPS to clear a vet FP as you do WH? So even if they are easier to heal than a vet FP (which I highly doubt), it still doesn't mean overall they're being "easily farmed" because there is more to it than healing.

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you said "easily farming" these 3 bosses. Then you said easier than healing a vet FP....so there is the difference ....i commented on you saying they're being easily farmed and by pugs. if you're looking just at healing then you're missing 2/3rds of the puzzle. I don't heal, so lets say it is easier to heal nefra than a Vet FP. Is it easier to tank? do you think you need the same DPS to clear a vet FP as you do WH? So even if they are easier to heal than a vet FP (which I highly doubt), it still doesn't mean overall they're being "easily farmed" because there is more to it than healing.


Tanking as dps through a flashpoint vs. standing still and just sending out a rotation for 10min. I'm pretty sure people put in more effort hitting spacebar than they do downing these guys...it's a strange setup for sure, 1.0 was better where certain pieces dropped from certain bosses. Way more fun.

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Tanking as dps through a flashpoint vs. standing still and just sending out a rotation for 10min. I'm pretty sure people put in more effort hitting spacebar than they do downing these guys...it's a strange setup for sure, 1.0 was better where certain pieces dropped from certain bosses. Way more fun.


You think DPSing WH in NiM is standing still and running thru your rotation for 10 mins? I think you're just trying to back up your initial exaggerated claim with more exaggerations.

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Not only are they easier, they take less time.


and yet you still didn't answer. I get it, you made a wild claim and then couldn't back it up so you keep trying to dodge the question. So guess we're done here

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I didn't claim that, I said easier to heal than a vet fp using no kolto stations.


Have you qued as lvl 80 heals with 3x new lvl 20's before? I'm going to assume not or you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.


I've healed many Vet fp's as a healer, and I'm always falling asleep out of boredom. NiM Ops bosses aren't easy enough to put one to sleep.

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Well good for you, as a solo player I am nowhere near, my max cap because unless I want to waste my time farming content for my limited game time I don't have the matrix to upgrade anything often, also only one of two legendary implants because I don't have tech frags either. 7.0 is a complete mess for me in terms of gearing.
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