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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition to reduce lockout timer to 5 minutes?


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I understand many people AFK in a match and that can seriously be annoying. But let's say you want to get your weeklies done quickly. Wouldn't 5 minutes be more gracious? There are many pros and cons about this but I want to know what everyone thinks about these damn lockout timers. Here is what I think:



-I get weeklies done quicker, no guarantee I will win a match but it still gets me through with some rewards.

-I don't have to deal with premades (many mixed feeling pvp players will tell me otherwise).

-Gear up quicker.

-Have more motivation in the next match.

-Able to form groups for other content like PVE or Raid (OPS) after a match.



-Afk players will take advantage of this, we can rightfully kick them.

-Premades will also take advantage of this resulting in teams leaving all together.

-People gear too quickly all together.

-People jump to win matches quicker.


Please let me know what you all think, don't yell at me if you don't like something. I gave both pros and cons to the timer but I think I would lean more to the reducing of the pvp lockout timer. :sy_blaster::jawa_angel:

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I understand many people AFK in a match and that can seriously be annoying. But let's say you want to get your weeklies done quickly. Wouldn't 5 minutes be more gracious? There are many pros and cons about this but I want to know what everyone thinks about these damn lockout timers. Here is what I think:



-I get weeklies done quicker, no guarantee I will win a match but it still gets me through with some rewards.

-I don't have to deal with premades (many mixed feeling pvp players will tell me otherwise).

-Gear up quicker.

-Have more motivation in the next match.

-Able to form groups for other content like PVE or Raid (OPS) after a match.



-Afk players will take advantage of this, we can rightfully kick them.

-Premades will also take advantage of this resulting in teams leaving all together.

-People gear too quickly all together.

-People jump to win matches quicker.


Please let me know what you all think, don't yell at me if you don't like something. I gave both pros and cons to the timer but I think I would lean more to the reducing of the pvp lockout timer. :sy_blaster::jawa_angel:


Just remove premades from unranked solo que, and make it premades only mode.

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Just remove premades from unranked solo que, and make it premades only mode.


I see this line all over the forums. Removing premades won't solve your issue of losing back to back. You will only focus the bad gameplay towards another scapegoat. 8 solo qued players that are playing together are able to beat a premade time after time. I been on both sides of the fence. Focus your hatred towards improving the PvP community on better gameplay and obj/focus target game style.



Side note: 15 min lockout is working as intention. I vote no change.

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I think this is a tough spot to be in. When there was no penalty, as soon as a node was capped 5 people would quit. It really did put pvp in a bad state because half the game was refilling players. At the same time, 15 minutes for ANY kind of issue leaving sucks. If you crash it’s 15 minutes, same if you get a movement bug and get stuck in spawn.


5 minutes won’t hit most players that bad. 15 is too long for any kind of disconnect issues or bugs. So medium is 10? All I know is so many matches were ruined when there was no penalty. I’m guessing 5 minutes would be right there with everyone quitting.


Premades do not kill pvp. If you search back on this forum to the very beginning and just skip a couple pages at a time, you’ll see about 10,000 threads with people screaming the same thing. Sometimes it’s just a bad night or bad couple of nights pvping. It’s gonna happen. It’s an MMO and if you can’t party with your friends doing what you all enjoy, then why play?


Separating queues and segregating premades to a pre made only queue is just separating the player base even more. I enjoy quick queues. Think about how long the queues would be if you cut the player base down to small little groups of different wz groups.


I know it sucks getting some players on your team that don’t really know what they’re doing, but just remember everyone has to learn and sooner or later they will get better. Premades can be beaten pretty easily because most of them all have parse and have to impress the one girl in their group by showing their chest muscles in dps numbers instead of wins.

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I see this line all over the forums. Removing premades won't solve your issue of losing back to back. You will only focus the bad gameplay towards another scapegoat. 8 solo qued players that are playing together are able to beat a premade time after time. I been on both sides of the fence. Focus your hatred towards improving the PvP community on better gameplay and obj/focus target game style.



Side note: 15 min lockout is working as intention. I vote no change.


No its because 4 scrubs hiding behind premades in order to win. No way you can win vs a premade of a tank, operative and sorc healer on hutt ball games.


What is happening now is 8 qued randoms vs a team of 4 organiozed people. You there is a reason why Grouped Ranked and Solo Que Ranked have different ratings. Based on your arguement we should merge Solo Que and Group Ranked together since there is little difference.


Stop. Just stop. Premades are easy mode for scrubs who cant do **** on their own. Have them be in their own world fighting against each other. It is aggrivating when 3 melee just jump on you and CC you back to back.


Premades are not fun to play against as they coordinate defensive CDs, CCs damage. Go hide behind a premade like a scrub you are.



Premades do not kill pvp. If you search back on this forum to the very beginning and just skip a couple pages at a time, you’ll see about 10,000 threads with people screaming the same thing. Sometimes it’s just a bad night or bad couple of nights pvping. It’s gonna happen. It’s an MMO and if you can’t party with your friends doing what you all enjoy, then why play?


Its funny how majority of Solo quers just want Warzones on equal footing, and then we have premade scrubs come here and argue the opposite.


All we want is to OPT out of Warzones with premades. That's it. Go fight each other if it does not make a difference. Test your own skills against another premade. We want everyone to be on equal group. That is what PvP is about. It is about Skill given equal tools. Premades have an advtange.

Edited by ReinhartRussian
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I think this is a tough spot to be in. When there was no penalty, as soon as a node was capped 5 people would quit. It really did put pvp in a bad state because half the game was refilling players. At the same time, 15 minutes for ANY kind of issue leaving sucks. If you crash it’s 15 minutes, same if you get a movement bug and get stuck in spawn.


5 minutes won’t hit most players that bad. 15 is too long for any kind of disconnect issues or bugs. So medium is 10? All I know is so many matches were ruined when there was no penalty. I’m guessing 5 minutes would be right there with everyone quitting.


Premades do not kill pvp. If you search back on this forum to the very beginning and just skip a couple pages at a time, you’ll see about 10,000 threads with people screaming the same thing. Sometimes it’s just a bad night or bad couple of nights pvping. It’s gonna happen. It’s an MMO and if you can’t party with your friends doing what you all enjoy, then why play?


Separating queues and segregating premades to a pre made only queue is just separating the player base even more. I enjoy quick queues. Think about how long the queues would be if you cut the player base down to small little groups of different wz groups.


I know it sucks getting some players on your team that don’t really know what they’re doing, but just remember everyone has to learn and sooner or later they will get better. Premades can be beaten pretty easily because most of them all have parse and have to impress the one girl in their group by showing their chest muscles in dps numbers instead of wins.

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No its because 4 scrubs hiding behind premades in order to win. No way you can win vs a premade of a tank, operative and sorc healer on hutt ball games.


What is happening now is 8 qued randoms vs a team of 4 organiozed people. You there is a reason why Grouped Ranked and Solo Que Ranked have different ratings. Based on your arguement we should merge Solo Que and Group Ranked together since there is little difference.


Stop. Just stop. Premades are easy mode for scrubs who cant do **** on their own. Have them be in their own world fighting against each other. It is aggrivating when 3 melee just jump on you and CC you back to back.


Premades are not fun to play against as they coordinate defensive CDs, CCs damage. Go hide behind a premade like a scrub you are.



You are clearly drinking your own sauce. You sound like you want free and easy wins handed to you without having to work hard and focus on winning a match. I would love to know the percentage of matches you lose to that are not against premades. I imagine that number is still high for you.

I give you an fresh example of going against a premade. A friend and I (I guess you can call that a "premade") went against a full premade in Hutball. I know you can't comprehend what happen next. It was easy to overcome that pOwErFulL premade and win. We didn't instantly give up, nor care that we were going against a premade. We did the objs and play our class correctly.


Unless you change your current outlook and focus on your gameplay to become the best assist your team can have. You need to step away from SWTOR PvP.


Should I give you another example. Take a look at your precious Overwatch. Solo players still go against premades all the time. Not a full 6 stack. Same thing in Swtor. You are not going against a full 8 stack premade. If that was they case, then I would understand your argument.

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You are clearly drinking your own sauce. You sound like you want free and easy wins handed to you without having to work hard and focus on winning a match. I would love to know the percentage of matches you lose to that are not against premades. I imagine that number is still high for you.

I give you an fresh example of going against a premade. A friend and I (I guess you can call that a "premade") went against a full premade in Hutball. I know you can't comprehend what happen next. It was easy to overcome that pOwErFulL premade and win. We didn't instantly give up, nor care that we were going against a premade. We did the objs and play our class correctly.


Unless you change your current outlook and focus on your gameplay to become the best assist your team can have. You need to step away from SWTOR PvP.


Should I give you another example. Take a look at your precious Overwatch. Solo players still go against premades all the time. Not a full 6 stack. Same thing in Swtor. You are not going against a full 8 stack premade. If that was they case, then I would understand your argument.


No. Premades want easy wins queing agaisnt solo people. We want equal footing for everyone in warzone. Meaning solo quers vs each other and premade vs premade.


You and your buddy wont against a premade. WOO HOO yes that happens when premades on hutt ball just farm kills and numbers. But tell me are other solo quers having fun facing that? take yourself out of the equation and think of other players. Facing premades is not fun, and in this game premades have more sway on the outcome in comparison to WoW or otehr games.


I am not asking for hand outs. You are the one who wants his false sense of superioty untouched by farming new players with your terrible premade.

Edited by ReinhartRussian
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No. Premades want easy wins queing agaisnt solo people. We want equal footing for everyone in warzone. Meaning solo quers vs each other and premade vs premade.


You and your buddy wont against a premade. WOO HOO yes that happens when premades on hutt ball just farm kills and numbers. But tell me are other solo quers having fun facing that? take yourself out of the equation and think of other players. Facing premades is not fun, and in this game premades have more sway on the outcome in comparison to WoW or otehr games.


I am not asking for hand outs. You are the one who wants his false sense of superioty untouched by farming new players with your terrible premade.


What a salty baby lol. Time for diaper changing? Translation: Has no friends and plays solo regs in 2022 WAAAAY past the game's prime and gets farmed by any 2 or 3 random DPS in a group and is mad about it. I hate to hit you with some knowledge kiddo but more often then not; its just pugs are better on the other team then you. Most pvpers already quit this game and the few that remain just log in to queue arenas.




Dude is been getting thrashed solo in pvp for over 5 years now and was so desperate to group with those "bad premades"

Edited by XYouMadBroX
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The reason why I brought up premades and understandable touchy subject for everyone including myself, was because both sides are right in many points. It's like a political argument but yeah... for PVP. Premades (grouped people) should be a thing but I can agree it would be more fair if it was against another premade team on equal footing. Solo queue'd people do have a rough time dealing against those premade teams since they're always coordinated and sometimes even in discord voice chats (Or any type of 3rd party communication system). I see that in a lot of premades however, I can't complain that's the reason for this petition of the lockout's.


I think reducing the lockout time to ten minutes was a brilliant idea when reading on these replies. Those extra five minutes could be saved or who knows... when you queue you could be the hero of a losing warzone match that's already halfway done. Maybe someone disconnected within those 5 minutes and you're there when you queued to save the day. Those extra five minute reductions to lockouts would make a difference for someone in my opinion. The point is there are some people who do want to keep fighting because they find warzone matches fun. Some find it just to grind. :wea_09:Cool Imperial blaster... pew pew

Edited by DeZanzibar
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Add me to the petition:


1) Many times you just disconnect. Then you come back and it takes 15 minutes of your life. If you have only a small window to play: this is infuriating, annoying, specially if you are PAYING TO PLAY. It just gives me one more reason to hate the game.


2) It is not stopping people from leaving the wzs. Yesterday I saw 3 players leaving in a wz.So it really doesn't work.


3) I am an adult enough to don't give a damn if someone in my team decides to quit. No one should be forced to play something that they don't want to play. And you should be able to cover a temporary disadvantage.


But well, this is another thing Bioware will never fix. Those amazing features they add without any feedback.

Edited by Giberelina
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What a salty baby lol. Time for diaper changing? Translation: Has no friends and plays solo regs in 2022 WAAAAY past the game's prime and gets farmed by any 2 or 3 random DPS in a group and is mad about it. I hate to hit you with some knowledge kiddo but more often then not; its just pugs are better on the other team then you. Most pvpers already quit this game and the few that remain just log in to queue arenas.




Dude is been getting thrashed solo in pvp for over 5 years now and was so desperate to group with those "bad premades"


Aren’t you the cheater? Why should anyone listen to you?

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