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Storymode Operations

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Create Storymode for Operations.

I have played this game for 8 years, but only done a few operations.

Im always working and only play in the mornings usually, and im eager to see the worlds of operations.

I been watching them on youtube, but the idea to be inside these new spaces and go through the stories, would be really amazing to experience.

So my suggestion is that you make them in a kinda storymode version, where you for example can make a team of 7 companions with you, that you play with inside it.

Thanks! Maybe something for 8.0



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nah no point in this, you can easily make/find groups at most times of the day for operations. if you don't feel comfortable with social interactions its not unreasonable that you will be missing out on some content in a multiplayer game. there is also youtube if you want to experience the story, conversations or gameplay from the encounters Edited by RikuvonDrake
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So my suggestion is that you make them in a kinda storymode version, where you for example can make a team of 7 companions with you, that you play with inside it.


95% of the difficulty of operations is coordinating with the group to beat the mechanics.

just having 8 bodies doing damage, healing and taunting doesn't work.

lets assume they rip all mechanics out, what is left?

I think it would be a terrible Experience.


Do you realize just how different Enemies from within (I believe that is what Revan Solo is called, no?) is from Temple of sacrifice the Operation? there's basically nothing that connects these two pieces of content.

I'd say all Operations being lv80 now is the worse problem from a story perspective.


Group content is quite special and IMO makes the game way better then if it was all solo stuff. however It does suck if you don't have any regular group members and are always pugging, I get that.

I just think Operations and also Flashpoints highlight the social aspect of the game in a way they couldn't anymore if they were designed for group and solo play.

While cutting them down to be soloable would make them a terrible experience not worth the cutscene.

And splitting the story and letting you defeat the big baddy "in two timelines" just feels wrong.

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