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I'm at a loss and can't beat this- Purifier Droids in Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die


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I fully understand my class Sith Marauder but this missions is so unbalanced and causes me to die inevitably by being beaten down by 7 droids at once despite having 5 followers and a healer. People say to cheese the mission by having vette heal you while camping out a corner but it doesn't help, it doesn't break their line of sight.


I just want to play the game does anyone know how to beat this mission on Veteran??


I thoroughly feel the mission is broken because I can't even make a dent, I played it a couple of weeks and somehow by the grace of god beat the mission but it bugged out and said there were droids alive when there weren't, after that I gave up on the game.

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I fully understand my class Sith Marauder but this missions is so unbalanced and causes me to die inevitably by being beaten down by 7 droids at once despite having 5 followers and a healer. People say to cheese the mission by having vette heal you while camping out a corner but it doesn't help, it doesn't break their line of sight.


I just want to play the game does anyone know how to beat this mission on Veteran??


I thoroughly feel the mission is broken because I can't even make a dent, I played it a couple of weeks and somehow by the grace of god beat the mission but it bugged out and said there were droids alive when there weren't, after that I gave up on the game.


I sent off a bug report to Bioware and can indeed confirm it is a bug they know about and will be fixing. For now if you can bring a friend a long you should be able to beat it as I did.

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I found if you go to the first doorway. (To your left as you face the main entrance) you can fight the mobs there without getting overwhelmed. The trick is to briefly turn Vette to passive if she runs too far out into the main room in order that she doesn't pull too much aggro and die. If you can keep her alive then she can heal you enough for you to deliver a beatdown to the waves of purifier droids. Once they stop coming head to the main entrance and then the right side entrance to polish off any remaining droids. That worked for me.
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I saw a post that brought attention to this almost a month ago and there is still no fix. I want to continue the story so i can play the new expansion i paid $40 but I can't. I feel genuinely scammed since I can't play the new expansion because of this mission.
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I saw a post that brought attention to this almost a month ago and there is still no fix. I want to continue the story so i can play the new expansion i paid $40 but I can't. I feel genuinely scammed since I can't play the new expansion because of this mission.

As said before, it's possible to beat this mission when you play with someone else. So, if you really like to continue as fast as possible, try to find anyone who's stuck at the same point of the mission. Ever since there have been quite some complaints about it already, you should be able to find at least one person.

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According to this thread, the fight with the Purifier Drones is a known bug. There was also a post from Keith about companions' overall performance in level-synced content, but that might not be something they have a fix for right away.


I hope they do fix it soon, my sniper is stuck getting dunked on by the GEMINI captain in KotFE chapter 15 :(

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I saw a post that brought attention to this almost a month ago and there is still no fix. I want to continue the story so i can play the new expansion i paid $40 but I can't. I feel genuinely scammed since I can't play the new expansion because of this mission.


This along with the library fight with malgus in jedi onslaught and the malgus fight at the end of legacy of the sith. Some say they are also having issues with the gemini droid fight as well. These have persisted for a long time now and still no fix. It's beyond acceptable that nothing has been done about them. Scaling has broken so many things.

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