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Did the GS2 GSI weekly... almost 2 hours... 9k Conquest points


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There is really no excuse for such a pitiful amount of points. The weekly is broken and has to be done in one day or it resets, so I had to run all over Makeb, Alderaan, Hoth and Tatooine and got 9k conquest points for my troubles (already had earned rep that day for another character).


It is NOT ok.

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Wait, the weekly is bugged? It was fine before.

I was actually happy to see it, because I'm still missing some rep for GSI. But if I have to do it in one day I'm not going to bother.


And yes, they did nerf all weekly CQ rewards horribly. Just adding insult to injury, since they also took our choice of which we even want to do...

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There is really no excuse for such a pitiful amount of points. The weekly is broken and has to be done in one day or it resets, so I had to run all over Makeb, Alderaan, Hoth and Tatooine and got 9k conquest points for my troubles (already had earned rep that day for another character).


It is NOT ok.

you did it for +8 galactic season points too


dulfy says you have to be level 52 to start the chest chain to unlock Weapon of Chaos and Groundwork

two hours in one day seems like a lot of work for 8 measly points


Might be easier to try and find a Sparks of War kill 0/25 champion guards Ops Group than it is to solo a GSI weekly. 0/25 champion base guards gives +12 season points


I have no choice but to do this GSI weekly on all my low level/new legacy servers. Can't craft dark project, not high enough level to enter eternal champion. hit or miss whether you find a Sparks of War kill 25 champion guards Ops Group when you are online


last week, I got at least level 48 on all servers to enter battle of ilum for the flashpoint weekly. During the flashpoint those toons leveled to 50 or 51. so not much left for 52 to unlock macro/seeker questlines


I have to bite the bullet and repeat this malarkey over and over or risk missing a weekly


Trying to save "Mutual Beneficiary" for really bad weeks to avoid reaching max reputation before the season is over

0/1000 Increase Reputation with the Shadow Syndicate

Edited by Falensawino
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The weekly is not bugged and does not reset (after a day). I did Tatooine yesterday and still have 5/10 today on my progress.


For me it said it would reset 11 hours later. Honestly... I wasn't going to find out if the tooltip lied.

Edited by Pricia
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I do Alderaan+Hoth ones because that' 10 missions in total, just enough to hit the weekly, and if you are using a stealth toon, you can basically skip 99% of the stuffs. It's just a lot of leg days. I was doing the Dark Project and Invasion Forces crafting at the same time. But yeah, it's long, took me 1.5hr.
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For me it said it would reset 11 hours later. Honestly... I wasn't going to find out if the tooltip lied.


It shows that because you must have had dailies in your log. I thought that too so I rushed to finish the ones I had last night but I checked this morning and I still had my weekly progress.

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I found Tatooine and Makeb to be the fastest planets. They each have 5, so you don't need to go to any other planets. These missions, like a lot of missions in SWTOR, benefit from experience. They are very unclear what to do, so it takes forever the first time. Once you've done them a few times, you know what to look for and can knock them out much faster. It still takes an hour probably, but it's much more reasonable for a Season Objective. Definitely not worth it for 9k conquest points. For the amount of time, it should be worth at least 50k.
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It shows that because you must have had dailies in your log. I thought that too so I rushed to finish the ones I had last night but I checked this morning and I still had my weekly progress.


Nope, it's a bug. Apparently it resets daily for characters over 80, but weekly for characters under 80 (as reported on the bug forum).


If it's not fixed by the time it comes back, I'm not even going to bother.

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