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Lets hear your likes, dislikes and suggestions!


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Hello Everyone


We (Tor-World) are looking for some community feedback for our upcoming Old Republic Shows and also for our monthly community events that we have coming up soon.

Besides is always nice to hear everyone's feedback in one place.


So lets hear about.




What you like and your favorite stuff about the game?



What you dislike and would change that is in the game?



What you would like to add to the game?








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I'll start


What you like and your favorite stuff about the game?


The game is immersive and some things it does very well and has polish. I like the animations and the way the running and fighting are animated. I really like the community as a whole in the game. I like the warzones and operations and the storyline at the higher levels is really great and I am not a story guy. the potential for this game is limitless.





What you dislike and would change that is in the game?


I think you should be able to que for individual warzones. I think most of the things that are in the game is ok. There is some balancing needed and more points awarded for team play in warzones as opposed to just kills.






What you would like to add to the game?


Where do I start. The PvP, Social / Guild Features and endgame to me are the weakest points. It does not really feel like an MMO. It seems in its current state like a game for 1-4 people. I don't feel the epicness of the SW movies and the massive feel of an mmo. Where is the Chaos? everything is either too scripted or not properly incentivized.

Give me sieging, objective based open world pvp, more chat options, server forums, Space combat PvP and PvE, PvE Raid content that is more than tank and spank, Guild spaceships, Larger warzones and operations. The good news is that this is all stuff that can be added and at its core it has full potential but poor business decisions have killed many an mmo.

Lets start seeing the Massive part of MMO

Edited by Muadibby
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Some fixes I would like ASAP:



  • Remember companion ability toggles. Adjusting which companion abilities are on auto-cast after every mount/dismount makes me want to scream.
  • As above, remember if I have guard active on said companion.
  • Fix sound bugs. For example, mount sounds occasionally cut out.



Some features/adjustments I would like sooner rather than later:



  • UI customization. I need a good HUD for cooldowns.
  • Mouseover macros. My next character will be a healer... Enough said.
  • Dual spec -- pretty please.
  • Allow mounts in some inside areas, particularly spaceports.



My biggest gripe so far: The GTN sucks... Badly. Please re-work this thing... I would like to be able to perform the following types of searches.



  • All heavy armor with strength > 50.
  • All items with "Guardian" in the title.
  • All items currently in the GTN, sorted by price.
  • All companion gifts in the "Underworld Goods" category.



If the GTN could do those things, I'd be happy.


The above makes it sound like a gripe post, but that is not my intent, as I am currently loving the game and have a 6-month subscription upcoming, so here are some things I like:



  • Class quests! This is the only game I've played where the quests make me really, really want to find out what happens next.
  • Combat. I really don't understand the people who have complained about combat. The combat system so far seems to reward good play and planning and punish screw-ups, as it should.
  • Crafting. Love having my companions do the grunt work (but would like some more personal benefit for being a crafter).


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What you like and your favorite stuff about the game?

  1. It's an MMO taking place in space - a futuristic setting.
  2. The content and scenery is marvelous.
  3. It's a real unique game. I don't feel like it's just "Star Wars" I'm immersing in. I feel like it is Star Wars but still unique with Bioware and Lucas arts working together. I'm not a die hard Star Wars fan but really enjoy the game.
  4. It's a very easy transition from WoW. I tried Rift and it was a little more difficult to understand some of the UI and such.
  5. The story is awesome. I love the cut-scenes and adaptable videos. I feel like I'm playing a movie. Compared to WoW, this blows its questing out of the water. Much more enjoyable to watch a movie and read subtitles than to squint at a quest caption box to read the what your objectives are (WoW), or have to read NPC chat spam to follow dialogue relevant to quest or story at hand (WoW).
  6. The game launch was smooth, for me at least. The day of launch, I was able to download the game and fully upate/patch in just around 3 -4 hrs, setup a subscription, login and level to 4.
  7. I could go on....



What you dislike and would change that is in the game?

  1. The maps, flight paths and quick travel system is confusing to me for some reason. In WoW, I find it much easier to navigate and identify where I need to go. But in this game, it's really taking me time to get used to. Quick Travel and Flight Paths read different names for same location. On my map, it's difficult to find where I'm at. This is really frustrating.
  2. There is a lack of documentation from Bioware on how certain things in-game actually work. I imagine I'm going to have to rely heavily on third-parties such as torhead, user-driven blogs and other websites to understand how the game works more in-depth. Knowing what level's required for this and that, or knowing where Galactic Trade Kiosks are located, is difficult know and locate.
  3. The Flash Points are fun so far but I think there should be a portal system to jump to them immediately, instead of having to travel to it. WoW started out that way but arrived at a "Teleport to instance" feature at some point as a standard. At this time it's not as frustrating, because I'm in my level 20's so running to the place is nice as part of the exploration and quest gathering, but at some point it needs to be instance for the sake of others waiting on you, and removing the obvious time-sink of running/driving.
  4. I think there should be a "Space to continue" on every single loading screen that comes up for missions. On some Space Missions, for example, there are important tips/instructions, but sometimes the load screen progresses so fast that there's no time to actually read it.
  5. Some objectives and status updates that popup on your screen popup then fade away really fast, I have no idea what it said. Should go into Other chat tab or stay up a little longer.
  6. The Smart Camera system that automatically goes back to POV view is really annoying. As far as I know there's no way to turn that off. I'd like to be able to autorun while looking behind me or at an angle, without having to hold down the left mouse button. There's an easy way to fix that in WoW.
  7. Add-on support. I think Bioware should either open up add-on support like WoW does, and we could have useful add-ons to use from Curse gaming for add-ons that are LUA based or something similar, or Bioware should create add-ons themselves that are option to turn on/off in-game, such as meters for damage, healing and aggro. This will only help us master our characters more, and verify that we are doing as good as we should based on gear and rotations, etc.
  8. Full-Screen windowed mode is still a little buggy. Window stays on top even though you're tabbed out into Explorer (Windows) or other applications. I like to tab out and reference guides, and this makes it challenging. When in Full Screen mode, the game has to practically reload the whole UI everytime I tab back into the game. WoW was a lot faster to load/unload when tabbing out.
  9. I could go on, but I find more positives than negatives in this game at the end of the day.


Added to game?

More space stuff. I'd like to be able to fly around freely in space. Board other people's ships and hang out. Explorer space more. Fly to different planets not on galaxy map. Space co-op missions and space PvP.

Edited by EscVelocity
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General Combat and game play

Design of worlds(most of them) especially tattooine

Music! god i love the music!

Voice Acting



Modding being pointless at 50... and remains at top of my " FIX NAOWS!" list


Talents: basically talents have no branches loved old school WoW because had to make choices in way built yourself. in TOR just grab all talents because only choice you have...


Gear Design: while some of gear in game is amazing looking i feel like SI and Consular got shaft in gear design some of its either terribly designed or looks like something out of rockey horror picture show... only not as cool <<


Lack of light armor pants: COME on why are these rare to non-existent? I WANT SOME PANTS! A DECENT PAIR OF PANTS!


Load Times: are aweful! i cant express how bad this is... waiting 5 or so minutes everytime i load up a new area is silly... and its gotton kinda old... probably games biggest failing.


Ability Delay: tons of delay when i use abilities sometimes takes ages or doesnt fire at all, i realize devs are working on this but probably one of my bigger annoyances.


Crafting feels sub-par: feels like all stuff get from commendations and flashpoints trump the crafted goods for leveling and end game alike so whats the point? short of biochem almost no use for crafting or thats way it feels. Also where are my moddable gear sets for syntheweave? whole reason i took it and only seen 1 modable armor peroid...

Edited by Lokai
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Unfortunately I cancelled my sub, and regret playing this game. The game was amazingly fun for the first 25 levels or so and instantly I was bored...and could not make myself play ever again.


I will outline what I liked and disliked about this game..




1. Story is Awesome, voice acting is really great (the first time around)


2. Different theme, it's sci-fi not your same ol medieval times theme.





1. Terrible combat response times. For example, if I cast a spell or an action with a 2.5 cast time, the spell or the action does not FIRE when the spell time is over. There is an animation (which looks dull) that must finish before the shot or the action is casted. This is game breaking for me in PVP and I can see it can be game breaking in high end PVE as well.


2. It just doesn't feel like a MMO. Now hear me out on this one. To me, the game feels like a single player with co-op online play. There are no worlds to explore, no hidden secrets to find. I enjoy exploring the maps finding villages of mobs that are off the map. I know this doesn't change the experience for many, but for ME this is a big deal. I like an OPEN WORLD. As it stands I feel boxed in and there are even numerous shards within a zone.


3. Dull looking Armor, and overall not aesthetically pleasing to the Eye I don't think there was a time I got a new piece of gear and was like "wow that is freaking awesome looking". Everything seems dull, not live like.


4. UI is TERRIBLE I'm sure BW will fix this asap, but as it stands everything is tiny and not customizable.


5. PVP is a complete joke There are no LEVEL BRACKETS!! why?? how could BW not have thought about this? Is it fun for a level 20 to go against a level 50 full specced, stimmed and geared? I'm sure this will be remedied soon.


6. I just cannot see past the storyline, how it will hold my attention.


Again folks, this is just MY OPINION of the game.

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What you like and your favorite stuff about the game?


I love the story, ive never spacebar a single story event (except when they only speak some alien language, then ijust read the sub faster then they speak) Id stay with the game purely to play more quests, ive done every quest in the game so far at least once on the empire side at least, i will most likely make more alts to do the rest.


I enjoy the companion system, its actually really cool.


I like the crafting system to an extent.



What you dislike and would change that is in the game?


The global trade network only being on the fleet and nar shadaa is completely stupid, i would add a kiosk to every planet in the spaceport. I would also remove the unnecessary barricade of separating empire and republic networks, who thought this was a good idea? Its call the GALACTIC TRADE NETWORK, why the heck is it separated by faction, especially when both factions get items that are only for the opposite faction. The lack of kiosks is KILLING the economy, i personally dont go to the fleet for 3 or 4 levels at a time, it is extremely obnoxious to make the journey to the fleet then back to where ever i was questing. Its 5 steps to go to the GTN.


The flashpoints are a lie, and by that i mean the story you are given in black talon unique to black talon only, every other flashpoint is like every other MMO, Just land, and spam trash and then kill a few bosses and leave. How are we supposed to farm social points? Should i go run blacktalon 500 times with 3 friends to hit social 6? I thought flashpoints would be a story onto themselves, instead you get 1 obligatory dark and light choice and thats it. I would love to farm social points bioware if you gave me more options to do it.


The UI is obnoxious, the windows being locked in place and auto placed, the lack of auto sort, auto attck, auto selling grey items, cmon bioware, the lack of eveery other common MMO feature to date UI wise. The lack of cooldown timers, even League of legends has a detailed minutes/seconds cooldown clock, bioware cant do that as well?


Someone forgot that endgame gear should take some effort to earn, pvp gear is ridiculously easy to farm and its better then the gear you get from hardmodes, *** bioware. Hardmodes have lockout timers and take a hell of a lot more time and effort then pvping. If you power leveled to 50, you couldhave a full pvp set in a day or two by rolling lowbies.


Which leads to my hatred of the pvp bracketless warzones, bad idea is bad.


the 1.5mil mounts should give you 130% movement speed, nuff said on that.



The entire Alignment system needs to be ripped out and rethought, a completely cosmetic feature should not have so many restrictions on your progression, as it stands now players are going 100% light or 100% dark, is that really what you wanted bioware? because whatever dev thought it was OK to release the game only catering to the extreme clearly thinks it is ok. The fact that you guys have no netral gear and no ETA on when it will be in game shows how much you guys didnt think about this system in the long run.


Im not even grey, im level 50 and im only LIGHT SIDE TWO. Because i actually made decision i wanted to make and im getting punished for it because every end game drop is light/dark 5.



Crew skills, seriously bioware, zero sorting, ZERO SORTING bioware? The disgusting mess that is my 400 synthweaving recipe book is beyond unacceptable. is it asking to much to sort by each individual part? And is it asking to much to black out recipes we have already learned when we search the auction house?


What you would like to add to the game?



More companion sidequests, i got vette to 10k and she gave em 2 actual quests were i have to leave and do something. But i want actual quests similar to the loyalty quests in mass effect 2.


Also want optional companions, there should be about 10 or 15 companions in game universal to all classes and we should be able to aquire say 3 of them of our choice by doing their quests series.


Harder flashpoints, harder raids, just make hardmode hard please.


Companion skill kits, id love the ability to change my companion load out, i should be able to change vette into a tank or healer, id love to use my companion based on what i like and not be forced to change to one out of necessity.

Edited by deserttfoxx
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Unfortunately I cancelled my sub, and regret playing this game. The game was amazingly fun for the first 25 levels or so and instantly I was bored...and could not make myself play ever again.


I will outline what I liked and disliked about this game..




1. Story is Awesome, voice acting is really great (the first time around)


2. Different theme, it's sci-fi not your same ol medieval times theme.





1. Terrible combat response times. For example, if I cast a spell or an action with a 2.5 cast time, the spell or the action does not FIRE when the spell time is over. There is an animation (which looks dull) that must finish before the shot or the action is casted. This is game breaking for me in PVP and I can see it can be game breaking in high end PVE as well.


2. It just doesn't feel like a MMO. Now hear me out on this one. To me, the game feels like a single player with co-op online play. There are no worlds to explore, no hidden secrets to find. I enjoy exploring the maps finding villages of mobs that are off the map. I know this doesn't change the experience for many, but for ME this is a big deal. I like an OPEN WORLD. As it stands I feel boxed in and there are even numerous shards within a zone.


3. Dull looking Armor, and overall not aesthetically pleasing to the Eye I don't think there was a time I got a new piece of gear and was like "wow that is freaking awesome looking". Everything seems dull, not live like.


4. UI is TERRIBLE I'm sure BW will fix this asap, but as it stands everything is tiny and not customizable.


5. PVP is a complete joke There are no LEVEL BRACKETS!! why?? how could BW not have thought about this? Is it fun for a level 20 to go against a level 50 full specced, stimmed and geared? I'm sure this will be remedied soon.


6. I just cannot see past the storyline, how it will hold my attention.


Again folks, this is just MY OPINION of the game.


I think the armor looks cool. Republics don't but the smuggler looks awesome!


UI I'm used to now, so I couldn't care less on what they do. It will just be a bonus.


PVP is not a joke. I would rather 10's join instead of me waiting for all 50's. My server is flooded with 50's but I may get one or two per match. Sometimes we get the majority but very rare.


Response times do suck but again I'm used to it. It's weird and no idea how they haven't fixed this before live. It will break the game for sure if it stays this way.


And I'll agree a little with it doesn't feel like an mmo. While I like being able to complete all the quests I did it would have been cool to see a bunch of people around fighting for things.


My server is one of the most highly populated ones with crazy queues and I still don't see anyone really. When I got to voss there were 8 people, my buddy was there too but in (2) He joined the group and instanced to us to make 9 lol.

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  • Sound effects and music
  • Story driven gameplay
  • Standard but innovative design
  • Class Appearance and overall world feel





  • Ability Lag
  • Ability Bloat - too many abilities that are similar
  • ATI graphics card issues from light poles
  • PvP target marker is too small





  • Create a larger target marker or give choices for target marker
  • Fix the ATI graphics issues
  • Condense some abilities into others


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- I really enjoy the story. The voice acting, the plots, the ability for the story to make me excited to go do the same fetch and kill quests I personally have done thousands of times now. The decisions that need to be made and the tiny changes that they bring to the story.


- I've enjoyed flashpoints so far, having story in a dungeon makes it a bit more interesting instead of it just being another dungeon with people to kill.


- I like having crew members that can perform tasks for me while I am playing the game. It's kinda nice to not worry about setting aside time for farming/crafting/etc.


- I like the story areas that are just for your story, no more fighting over spawn points for critical mobs.






- Very disappointed with the limited races and classes. This being Star Wars I was planning on seeing a lot of races at least. Two weeks in and it already feels like content has been throttled back so that it can be "introduced" later as an expansion perk.


- The controls are a little clunky. I like that I can que abilities but even those don't go through 100% of the time. The controls just don't feel fluid. It's only acceptable because this is an MMO and you don't need fast response time or tight controls. Any other game type and this game would be close to unplayable.


- The GTN is a mess. I don't like having to select required fields before I can search. I don't like not being able to type in a name and search outright. Overall the design is just poor and needs to be improved dramatically. One of the worst auction formats I've seen in an MMO.


- I don't like that all of the quests are essentially standard MMO quests. Go kill, go retrieve/place, go talk to. I was really hoping for something new, anything new. I don't like that nothing changes in the world. The concept of decisions and consequences goes out the window the moment you step out of a cut scene. It's right back to hundreds of players destroying the structure with it having no effect on anything other than them getting exp for doing a quest.


- I don't like the UI and I really don't like that I cannot change it.






- I should have the option for items gathered/made by my crew members to be dropped in my vault instead of my inventory. Also, if my crew member can sell my vendor trash, allow them to make deliveries to my vault as well. It'd also be amazing if they could post things on the trade network for you but now I am getting way out in dream land.


- Put a mail box on my ship please. Seriously.


- Add more utility to the LFG tool. Right now it is not a tool, it's a who list that you can flag with LFG note.


- It'd be nice to cut out some of the filler in travel. I have to load from my ship to the space port to the world. Then back to the space port to the fleet to my ship... This whole process could be streamlined down. I don't need to run 100 paces in a hangar that only I can enter to touch the door on my shuttle to go out into space. Those 2-3 minutes here and there add up quickly to lots of wasted time.


- I'd love to see some enemies with AI but that's never going to happen because this is an MMO and scripted events are apparently the only way business can be done. So I'll just keep mashing my buttons while the sniper allows me to walk right up to him and smash him in the face.


- Make my droid shut the hell up. I don't know why he's afraid of my deactivating him when I can't even press a mute button for him.



Could think of more but I wanna go to sleep.

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- Make my droid shut the hell up. I don't know why he's afraid of my deactivating him when I can't even press a mute button for him.


Haha I would agree with that one. At least Han Solo could turn C3PO off when he got annoying.

Edited by Muadibby
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please for the love of (insert deity) move underworld fabrics (gotten from underworld trading) out of crafting materials>diplomacy to crafting materials>underworld trading where it belongs. And put companion gifts in its own sections, misc is not a section!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I put this under the title - BioWare hates pvp healers...


Rating/commendation system is horrendous for pvp healers. We get no credit for kills of the people we heal and people can get the same commendations as us simply by using buffs and medpacks. It's absurd.


The OPS panel and the right side of your console do NOT update properly. I can be healing someone and it appears that they're health isn't moving and they're going to die, then suddenly, it's full. Similarly, someone's health looks full and then splat, they're dead.


TARGETING - Targeting players directly is impossible. Names are difficult to identify quickly due to the titles and legacy on nameplates... this makes looking for a name and then finding that person on the ops panel time consuming in a fast paced, damage intense fight. People die because you're fudging around looking for someone's name. I should be able to see their health on their nameplate and click on it to target them.


Ilum is a giant mess. Standing around trading kills and trying to pull repubs out of their base to achieve daily quests is pathetic. It is poorly designed and the antithesis of fun.


PVP is meaningless. It has no impact on the world, the guild, the faction. It's boring. People farm it for gear and that's it. Warzone's are stupid and the worst sort of pvp out there.

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Story: The thing missing from the MMO genre, it makes leveling alts actually enjoyable.


Star Wars setting: Don't have to say much about this, love everything about Star Wars.


Companions: A nice touch to the MMO forumla, and they are more than simple pets.


Resource Gathering System: I love that I don't have to grind stuff to make things, and sending companions out to gather these things is addictive and a great feature.


4 player party: This is perfect for me and my friends who play this game as we are 4 people.


Space Ship: great to have your own place, there is much potential here that can be done with ships.

Dislikes: As it is more important to mention what needs to be adressed, this is much longer than the Likes section.


Gear variety and polish and to less customization: The gear in this game is by far the most disappointing aspect, to be fed false advertisment of great looking gear for years and then end up with a game with so few in game models and models that do not reflect what advertised. Jedi Knights all look alike because all of their armors have hoods on them that are covering their heads. And the sad part is that I have heard that there was much more variety on beta which does not make any sense.


Social gear is also just light armor, which is very unfair for classes other than Consular and Inquisitor, there is no real point in gaining social points for other classes.


Also the fact that Artifact gear is not fully moddable just ruins the whole end game for me as I am again forced to look like everyone else. Make all gear fully moddable, would bring much more variety as there is not point in using green or blue gear. These things is turning into a deal breaker for me and if it is not adressed soon I doubt I will continue playing.


Companion versatility: With Mass Effect 2 they did something I loved, they made the companions not have skills that was necessary, so I could bring who I wanted and not being forced to use companions I did not like that much. But in SWTOR I have to use the healer companion and not the Jedi Padawan I want to use because she is dps. Horrible design on the companions in this regard.


Galactic Market issues: I can't search for specific items like pants or chest, also orange gear is not its own item type and is filed under both standard gear and blue gear.


Synthweaving is useless: Most of the stuff I can make on Synthweaving is pointless. Give us much more sets that are fully moddable, including belts and bracers.


"Speeders" are not speeders: Speeders in this game are not fast enough at all, at max skill they should be as fast as the texi service or at least close to that speed. Now it feels like I am driving futuristic lawnmowers.


To many Inquisitors in PvP: This is not an issue that can be resolved easily, but I just want to put it out there. I don't want to PvP anymore because I almost only fight Inquisitors. I have had matches where there has been 7 inquisitors on the opposite side and it is just extreamly unbalanced and boring to fight. But PvP balancing is impossible with such a game anyways so nothing to be done here I think.... Maybe have some cap on how many of each class can enter a Warzone.


Edit: forgot suggestions :p




Gear variety fix: First of all implement much more gear and looks, I have heard that Bioware took items out of the game before release and if so, these items should be put back in asap. Make all items fully moddable or at least make some kind of station where we can pay a price to make it fully moddable. Or even more easily, give us an apperance tab and this issue would never have been present.


Hood toggle option

How on earth something like this is not in the game is beyond me, should be a button next to the chest icon where you can choose if you want the hood up or down. And not so it disappears completly like when you have a helmet on that removes the hood, but so that the hood model is there but not over your head.


Companion versatility: Give all the companions different skills so they can all works as tank, dps or healer. Maybe have some kind of talent trees for companions. Take for instance Kira Carsen, the jedi padawan sort of companion for the Jedi Knight. She is like a Jedi Shadow and is a dps, give her talents that can make her a healer, tank or dps.


Speeders fix: Increase the speed for the 3 different speeder types.

First Skill: 100% speed.

Second Skill: 150% speed.

Third Skill: 200% speed.

And make all the speeders not restricted to speeds, I really want to use my CE vehicle.

Synthweaving or all crafting crew skills: Give the missing variety of gear as recipes to the crafting skills in the game, this will fix two problems as making the crafting skills more usefull and interesting and adressing the issue of gear variety.

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1. It's Star Wars.

2. The Story on some classes.

3. Combat.

4. The Companion system.




1. I can't do anything with my guildies who aren't 50.

2. Crafting is non-existant at 50. It's just there for the sake of saying "SWTOR has crafting"

3. Space Combat. Not fun, Not Star Warsy, not multiplayer.

4. PvP and World PvP. Needs work, since its the only thing a 50 can do that doesn't like raids and gear farming.

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Game is different, it is Sci-Fi, personally I'm tired of fantasy games.

Companion system, perfect for hardcore solo players or small party, 2+2. In previous game I always had a combat pet, that give me ability do small party mobs/quests.

Despite game is very similar to WoW, it still has a lot of different own things in.

As many been mentioning story, simply like it.





Most annoying, ship droid, that piece of junk driving me crazy every time I enter my ship.

Game is to raw, it was pushed out too early.

Too many things missing, what would make game in to noticeable MMO.

Can't put here much, as I couldn't play since 1.1 due over heating problems.


And now rant.

What ever you changed in 1.0.1 made game unplayable for too many peoples. With every patch after wards things just got even worse. Pre access was fine, did you actually tested patch enough? Don't think so. Why in the earth game taking so much GPU and CPU on minimal graphics?

For testing I over clocked my my laptop's GPU on to extreme. Core 650 (factory 500), RAM 500 (factory 400), shader 1300 (factory was something 1200+, don't remember).

So after over clocking my GF9600M GT should be now something around GF250M buy performance.

I was playing The Witcher for hours on: 8xAF, 2xAA, 1440x900, medium textures. Couldn't hear laptop's fan, GPU temp never vent over 63C.

With those settings Witcher actually should cause more load than TOR on minimum settings (everything minimum/off). TOR beats even burn in test, witch running on extreme load mode, despite TOR is on minimal settings. I don't believe that Hero engine is so bad. Fix damn game, that peoples could play finally. Or change your misleading min/max requirement for computer. You can not hide your lies for ever.

Edited by Chaffery
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