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Did 7.0 break the Gemini Captain boss fight?


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I'm currently stuck at the Gemini captain boss fight (story mode) in the Gemini Deception chapter of KOTFE. The skytroopers at the start go down fairly quick, then I interrupt the cone attacks by the captain. Then the thing happens where's 4 of them. that's where I get obliterated in 3 or 4 hits. On a few occasions I manage to get past that but stuff happens so fast that Senya can't keep up healing most of the time (influence lvl 13). I did this fight a few times before 7.0 and I never had any problems beating it. Am I missing something? I don't actively play the game, only checking stuff out when there's a new expansion so I don't know much about changes.

Edited by Syntar-Oben
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you need to increase the influence rate of companion. I did manage to do this with one character post 7.0, but I had Senya at level 50 (ya, i used the toiken). This was with a sith sorcerer spec so I stayed out of range & hit gemini with lightning attacks.

Then just attack whatever mob senya attacks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think this is another result in the new scaling changes, companions seem to have gotten ridiculously nerfed (I wouldn't even call it a nerf I'd call it a bug at this point).


I agree. My Senya is at level 50. I'am a Shadow on story mode and I can't beat the Gemin Captain, either. It was a hard fight before 7.0, now I'm stuck here. :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attempted this encounter a few times. Even picked up gifts and got Senya to 50. Have tried with her tanking and healing. Rank 50 got a lot further, though. I double checked that I'm on story mode.


At this point, it has to be a bug. I have no problem with challenging story content. I prefer a little challenge that makes me use interrupts and defensives. But this has progressed well into "not fun" territory. It's tedious and very frustrating.


I'm happy that some players are getting past it, but for story content, it's currently overtuned. I'm going to walk away from it for now and start a new character. At some point I will try grouping for it, but, Bioware, this encounter is not fun and rewarding post-7.0.

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Little updated. Took a break and decided to try it again today. I managed it rather easily with Rank 50 Senya healing and Heroic Moment. I don't know if the patch changed anything (I don't think it did), or if my satellite internet was just less crappy today than usual, so I can't say what made such a huge difference.
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I made a video of me being unable to even put a dent in the captain. Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong to get my butt kicked so quickly?



I don't recall but do you have to use Senya. A ranged healer might be better. When Senya has to leap back to you, she usually misses that heal and is ineffective in melee (same is true for all melee healers I have used). You also appear to be getting hit with the "stuck on cooldown" bug that healers have "acquired" in the 7.0 Expansion. Even though all her healing abilities should have been available at the end of the fight, she didn't use any of them (and they were greyed out)

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I don't recall but do you have to use Senya. A ranged healer might be better. When Senya has to leap back to you, she usually misses that heal and is ineffective in melee (same is true for all melee healers I have used). You also appear to be getting hit with the "stuck on cooldown" bug that healers have "acquired" in the 7.0 Expansion. Even though all her healing abilities should have been available at the end of the fight, she didn't use any of them (and they were greyed out)


I believe Senya is required for that part of the story. I tried again today after being logged out for 24 hours, but I got the same result. It seems like the captain is bugged in a state where she is doing her massive damage attack on me constantly, but there is no way to use Distract to stop her from spewing those crystal thingies at me and doing massive damage.

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I believe Senya is required for that part of the story. I tried again today after being logged out for 24 hours, but I got the same result. It seems like the captain is bugged in a state where she is doing her massive damage attack on me constantly, but there is no way to use Distract to stop her from spewing those crystal thingies at me and doing massive damage.


Those fights were tuned for a higher player damage output and higher companion healing output (like most of KotFE and KotET) and not re-tuned for the massively lower damage and healing of 7.0, so they are less forgiving. The only other thing I can suggest is try stacking Defense in your armor, though the rate at which you were losing health was very high (possibly a bug). When I log on tomorrow, I'll take my Sent through that chapter again and see how it goes. I personally haven't taken any ranged characters through KotFE or KotET so I don't have a good feel for how that fight should go with them. Senya is underperforming on healing as well. There is a companion bug where healers attack instead of healing and that may be some of your issue.

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I took a crack at it with my Sentinel and didn't have the same problems you had. With an influencel 9 Senya, I came close to defeating the Gemini Captain three times, but each time Senya died before I could finish it off (should have taken some med packs I guess). Did you do the "Find Supplies" mission and pick up the EMP grenades and the extra skytrooper companion (it didn't last real long but it was another target for a while). I'm wondering if the Find Supplies mission actually weakens the Gemini Captain instead of just giving you the extra companion and the EMP grenades. You blow up some reactors along the way and that may reduce her effectiveness (being a completionist, I tend to do all the side missions before hitting the final combat).


Since I had a bunch of Dark Projects lying around and tons of credits to play with, I boosted Senya to Influence 50 and the fight was actually quite easy after that (her healing was almost double after the upgrade). A couple of caveats though. The Sentinel was level 80 and in a full set of 306 gear. All my Alliance specialists were also at max influence. Staying close to Senya seemed to be key since whenever I strayed to far my health dropped quite quickly.


Being a melee class, it is possible that it performs better in that fight (I have definitely seen differences against some types of opponents). It's certainly the weakest defensively (Combat Sentinel anyway) The double Interceptor ability (jump to target) helped quite a bit because the Gemini Captain knocked me way back several times and running back instead of the Force Leap would have resulted in lots of damage.


If you have the funds to push Senya's level to 20 or so, that might be enough, although I think you do have some sort of glitch because I did not experience the rapid Health loss you did at the start of the fight and the Gemini captain seemed to be doing less damage. If you haven't tried it, drop the mission by starting another earlier chapter then switch back and see if that undoes the glitch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

EDIT: was able to beat it using a defensive loadout. But it was still very close and too difficult for story content.


Just got to this fight with assassin and its' impossible.. Had no problem in pre-7.0. The companion can't heal through the massive damage received. This is broken story content.

Edited by DigitalHype
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Going to bump this because it's a shame that it hasn't been fixed in almost 2 months since 7.0 came out.


Do you want new players to actually stick to the game or quit in frustration?


After REPEATED MULTIPLE TIMES OF DYING I used my Level 71 Sage and just kept barraging the damn Captain with spells and kept healing myself and Senya. Whenever I got a shield, heal or spell up I used it. Senya was only Level 4 in influence but it worked..after about 30 times! Could NOT do it in Assassin mode...only in the secondary combat mode of being a Sage/healer.


BEFORE 7.0 I did this exact same fight with my Maruauder, My Sentinel and my Sorcerer. It wasn't an easy fight but it wasn't like this! I played in Story Mode each time. After 7.0 this has become super hard for no good reason!n It's a QUEST, not an OP. I just like playing through the storyline as a casual player. This was a Boss Fight I'd expect to see in a harder mode Flashpoint or Op. There's a reason I don't do this unless I can solo on story mode.


They need to FIX this. At least put some of those health totems up like when you are in a Flashpoint. It's doible. I only use quest gear so my gear is around 210-220. Nothing special but you shouldn't have to go crazy and grind gear and reputation to finish a simple questline! :eek:

Edited by __andrea__
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  • 3 weeks later...
It worked for me today with my level 78 Shadow (who became 79 as soon as I started fighting the sky troopers). Seems like something was fixed, as even this character got her butt handed to her the first 4 times I tried it back in early April. I'll go back and try it with my smuggler again, since that is who I'd prefer to complete this story with first.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

I'm currently stuck on the Gemini Captain Boss. Every time the Captain clones herself, I would get it right the first time but when she does it again the 2nd or 3rd time the bug won't make the clones disappear, instantly killing Senya. I was told that this is a possible bug and can be solved, so I restarted my pc and game but to no avail. I don't know if everyone else has this same bug. Can someone tell me how to solve this issue? Any help will be appreciated, Thanks. 

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37 minutes ago, Atreus_Razner said:

 , so I restarted my pc and game but to no avail.

Not sure who told you to do  that ^ , but it was totally unnecessary and a complete waste of your time.  (for this issue)

37 minutes ago, Atreus_Razner said:

 I was told that this is a possible bug

I don't know if everyone else has this same bug.

Whenever you remember, always try your best to take a few seconds and do a quick forum search before posting.   Anyways, i went ahead and found the same topic thread for you here: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/919525-did-70-break-the-gemini-captain-boss-fight/

37 minutes ago, Atreus_Razner said:

Can someone tell me how to solve this issue?

See that thread ^  i linked for you (yes it's a lot to read) .  Otherwise, only BIOWARE  Developers/Coders can  "solve" this more widespread type  overtuned issue.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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35 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Not sure who told you to do  that ^ , but it was totally unnecessary and a complete waste of your time.  (for this issue)

Whenever you remember, always try your best to take a few seconds and do a quick forum search before posting.   Anyways, i went ahead and found the same topic thread for you here: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/919525-did-70-break-the-gemini-captain-boss-fight/

See that thread ^  i linked for you (yes it's a lot to read) .  Otherwise, only BIOWARE  Developers/Coders can  "solve" this more widespread type  overtuned issue.

Ok thanks for finding few topics of my problem but they don't have my issue they all talk about how she kills you in a matter of minutes, none have my issues on the clone phase. I always check forum before I post I was a 6 different sites to find the same issue. Thanks anyway for the help really appreciate it. 

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3 minutes ago, Atreus_Razner said:

Ok thanks for finding few topics of my problem but they don't have my issue they all talk about how she kills you in a matter of minutes,

none have my issues on the clone phase.

It's the same boss fight and the same general issue, since all  KOTFE/KOTET  chapters are  overtuned since 7.0  update.

Just curious:  Are you doing that chapter on  story mode, veteran mode, or master mode?

Edited by Nee-Elder
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11 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

It's the same boss fight and the same general issue, since all  KOTFE/KOTET  chapters are  overtuned since 7.0  update.

Just curious:  Are you doing that chapter on  story mode, veteran mode, or master mode?

Story mode, since its easy mode, its still damn hard


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Just now, Atreus_Razner said:

Story mode, since its easy mode, its still damn hard

Right, so that's what i'm trying to convey to you here.  ( i might not be doing  a very good job , because typed words on forums )

Since 7.0 , as mentioned in that thread ^ i linked for you above ,  ALL  of those 'chatpers'  ( even on story mode ) are wayyyy  overtuned & unbalanced  combat wise and stat wise, etc.

My suggestion to you, other than making certain you've read all the guides for that boss fight , is to maybe ask a friend or guildmate to  'invite into your story phase' and help you with that mission.

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