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New Flashpoint Rotation is awful

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Week 1--you force us to run Lost Island, Nathema and the new Flash Point. Horrible time sink in the least liked Flash Points in the game. (People leave Lost Island right after zone in frequently & Nathema is still not suited to a group without an actual Tank & both take way too long)


Week 2 you push Esseles on us--the most Cut Scenes ever & another big time sink. No benefit to running at all it now.


Between things like this, drastically slower Conquest gains for those of us who work long hours & have limited play time, making the Gear sets we worked hard to collect useless after going from Level 75 to 76, and the new armor system--this Expansion is just bad.


Being able to switch from Commando to Smuggler and back with a Loadout doesn't make up for any of it.


Fellow players--if you enjoy it, that's great. Not here to change anyone's opinion. As a Star Wars fan since I watched A New Hope in the Theater back in '77, I hope my feelings are not shared by other Star Wars fans.


I just don't see anything they added being fun for the players. Since 7.0 went live I feel like I have a 2nd Job, not a relaxing past time.

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I agree. I think having Black Talon in vet weekly is a mistake, especially as a 1 of 7 so odds of getting it over and over are increased. With the new 'perpetual' gear grind, they had to know that the patience of a lot of players would be further strained with a cut scene-heavy fp. Last night I got it three times in a row for the weekly and was trying not to lose my mind with someone always not using space bar. I am not a player who shouts sb in chat, I go with the flow in gf, but I can easily see the toxicity increasing by making this fp part of the weekly putting more grinders with cut scene fans together.
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I think we all know some FP are better or worse than others, and no one is forcing you to run the bad ones, skip em, circle back... but we created this by doing hammer station 1000 times :)

Im kind of liking the variety, but there are definitely some i will not do with a pug, so i leave the group and go do PvP or heroics for the 15 mins and re-queue.

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...and MM traitor -last-droid is a bit overpowered. Stun / sniper / red circle -- tank wiped in 1 GCD.

Maybe somebody could do it in 340 gear, but 324 is too low.


...that droid does not do avoidable damage to tank, so tank cannot regen force (also shadow tank has 2 possible new builds depend on shielding which is just not work = 3-4 lines of skill tree wasted). When that FP introduced force - regen skills were added, like "force speed regens force" and ...now all that is removed.


...btw, another one what I hate ...stuns, stuns everywhere. Now I finally back to heroics after 5 years of ignoring it. Well, sooo many stuns. It's just perma stun lock (especially in old-old content like 20-30 lvl heroics). It was ok before, but now players do not have stuns, most skills are removed. And mobs remain exact same as in 1.0 and more annoying.


So, update is just bad. I'm sorry I wasted money for sub to get 7.0.

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Yeah, to me it makes no sense at all to have such limited options for both FPs and Ops each week. I mean at least have a weekly for every Op even if you can't use GF.


Did they really think that less options and higher conquest requirements is what the players wanted during a grind for gear? I also don't buy the hammer station / Athiss excuse because people can still do that without the GF if they want. Why limit everybody like that? Anybody under 50 couldn't even queue last week and now they only have Black Talon. There should be more options, not less at this point.

Edited by Barcstradamus
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This isn't an expansion by any normal definition.

What did they do?

Forced players to play old content they normally prefer not to.

Severely Limited options for both FP's & Ops.

Created a horrid Equipment grind that compels players to do every type of activity that they want to force on us.

(Hint--if players aren't playing old content--like Heroics or low level FP's, there is probably a reason. You can't make them better by just making them mandatory for the grind)

Completely Devalued our old Gear Sets.

Took away our variety of weapon looks. (Are you going to reimburse everyone for the real $ they spent on Cartel Coins for the cool looking weapon that they no longer use thanks to your poor decisions?)

Raised the Level Cap--nobody cares about that.

Gave us 1 new FP that has more Bugs than Starship Troopers.


As they were hyping up 7.0, they told us there would be a new combat system that allowed you to play your class in new ways--making it sound like we'd be able to be a Power Tech wilding a Lightsaber if we wanted to. Then gave us a weak option of adding an existing Class as our 2nd combat option.


All of us Legendary Players have these classes already. Great--now I have another [insert Class Name].


In short--you took away our freedom to play how we want to play & gave us basically nothing in return.


7.0 is an insult. When you finally realize how badly you blew this & start fixing things--take a serious look at Cut Scenes in Groups. They were a cute novelty at first. Now they are nothing more than a source of frustration amidst a huge time sink you've turned our supposed source of entertainment into.

Edited by LordReevar
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I'm quite a new player to SWTOR currently grinding to get Legendary Player, but I want to take my time and try to enjoy the content and story.


I would play FP when I want a break from the class stories, so I can level up and get good gear. It's really annoying now I can't do that until I complete the class story.


I know the flashpoints are still there but it honestly feels like content is being taken away rather than given to us.


(Not to mention the Death Knell armour I've been grinding for and finally managed to get a week before the update. Now the armour's effects don't work making all those tech fragments I grinded and millions of credits I spent practically a waste)

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I agree though for different reasons. The limitation to 9 available FPs is even less than that with the restriction for lower level players, you end up constantly doing the lowest level available FP. This week being athiss, I've run it 4 times in one night alone. As a level 80 this is ridiculous and boring. Either they need to allow the whole list again or group similar levels together. I'd rather wait in queue longer for a group of all lvl 80 toons than run athiss yet again. This does not mean allowing low levels to get into higher level FPs, as the level boost for low level toons won't be enough for higher level flashpoints.
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I agree though for different reasons. The limitation to 9 available FPs is even less than that with the restriction for lower level players, you end up constantly doing the lowest level available FP. This week being athiss, I've run it 4 times in one night alone. As a level 80 this is ridiculous and boring. Either they need to allow the whole list again or group similar levels together. I'd rather wait in queue longer for a group of all lvl 80 toons than run athiss yet again. This does not mean allowing low levels to get into higher level FPs, as the level boost for low level toons won't be enough for higher level flashpoints.


I agree, but how funny I find it thinking to myself, "anything but Black Talon or the Esseles" and am just fine spamming Athiss in comparison lol.

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I... actually like Nathema, Copero, Umbara, and the other harder flashpoints.


Are they a little overtuned right now? Yeah, a little bit.


But it's nice to have some harder content which I can't sleep through again. You can always run in to the other flashpoints if you want to run them. Its just group finder which doesn't have them listed. If you want to go spam Hammer Station again, go to the fleet and create a group, then run in.


Group finder being different and having different challenges week to week is something I like.

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This would be (slightly-)less asinine if the 4.0 to present Flashpoints weren't such utterly wretched slogs to begin with --100% by design for time-padding the story, because these idiots want to centre their "stories" around doing the FPs in babby-mode.
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