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Legacy of the Sith is a complete disappointment


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Dear Bioware,


As a founder and someone who has been paying their sub on and off for 10+ years (more on than off), I am extremely dissatisfied with what you delivered with 7.0. I'm not using the fact that I'm a founder as "proof" that I'm right, it's just my way of saying that I've been here through all the questionable choices, the content droughts and the countless missteps.


I extremely rarely post in the forum, but this time I feel you 100% deserve the hatred you are receiving.


I usually don't care about most of the changes you guys decide on.


New Content?

Unlike most people here, I get that you have neither the means nor the population to justify consistently producing new content for a 10 year old game. In fact, if we're being honest, "big chunks" of content kind of ended after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel. But OK, it never really felt like a game on "maintenance" mode, we were always waiting/hoping for something so it was fine.



I kinda understand that you have to gate gear progression behind dumb RNG systems (like the Renown system) or nonsensical and complex for the sake of complexity systems like the current one. I don't like it. But I get it.


Combat Styles?

I don't really see what the point of having two "combat styles" on the same character (other than for RP reasons, I guess? ) considering 10 years in we all have a gazillion alts, but fine. It's whatever.


New UI?

OK, I understand you wanted to spice things up. It might even seem "cool" to you. It's not, it's a bad UI, and everybody told you on PTS but you still went on with it. You didn't even try to make the currently chosen abilities on the ability tree a bit easier to see (seriously, who created this mess? ). BUT STILL. It's a step forward. Maybe not the best one, but I'm willing to accept you tried to modernize a 10-year-old UI.


What I won't accept is

  • that you sold us on an "expansion" that is literally shorter than most simple "story updates". Quite literally the Twitch event when you initially announced the December release was longer!
  • that you guys kept saying how there are so many things to look forward to with the new story etc and it's honestly as long as the prologue of any ESO expansion
  • that the story is extremely boring (which I get is subjective) and the missions are ONCE again "go down a long corridor, shoot the 3-4 mobs that ambush you and press a button" (which I feel is quite objective)
  • that the beautifully produced trailer is probably 3 times the budget of the entire actual expansion
  • that you felt like what you offered was enough to "justify" it as an expansion, that you thought it was clever to keep us waiting for the new daily area and the new Operation...


This is a disgrace and probably one of your worst moments. And it's not a bad choice, that would've been something you could justify.


This shows a complete and utter disrespect to your player base.


I understand the fiscal challenges of a 10 year old game, but why oh why not focus then on what you can deliver instead of half-baked UI updates and a badly written story that could literally fit on a napkin? It doesn't even make sense why you'd bring back so many characters (and pay for so many voice actors!!) for something that felt like a new daily area - only smaller!


FYI: I bought the digital collector's edition. Not for the cosmetic stuff, not for the cartel coins, but because I thoughtthat was my way of supporting you a bit more. But then the expansion came out and I felt like you completely disrespected me and everyone else still holding out for a good expansion from you.


Completely shameful for a game that's supposed to be celebrating a decade long run...

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I have not expected much from SWTOR for years. I can live with what they added, that's not the problem for me. My problem is they basically took away a good part of the "Play Your Way" features they bragged about years ago. I've been a sub for 10 years, there is no other game that I have played that long. Now the run is over, Legacy of the Sith killed it for me. This release asks me to change my play style and I won't, goodbye SWTOR.
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Another founder here, and this post resonated a lot with me. Over the years I've been very patient with changes in the game, going with the flow each expansion and having very little to really complain about. However, Legacy of the Sith has been such a disappointment that it actually affected my mood. I found myself actually depressed when the credits rolled, realizing that this is it. After 10 years, a barely 2-hour story (that hardly expanded on the plot) being counted as an "expansion", an unnecessary UI revamp, unnecessary ability culling, laughably buggy flashpoint (myself and many others have fallen through the floor numerous times and other goofy stuff) so many things that just feel like steps backward. Especially compared to previous expansions (besides Onslaught), or even more embarrassingly, compared to FFXIV's absolutely delightfully dense Endwalker expansion (another ~10-year expansion for an MMO released in the same timeframe).


For the first time ever since playing this game from the start, I actually feel truly bummed about the state of the game and what appears to be a very low bar moving forward. Enough so that I'm making what I think is my very first post on these forums. Thanks to the combat styles addition, at least I can level an alt or two one last time with a slight twist, but that's all that seems to be in store for me at this point. I've been playing MMOs for most of my life now, and this expansion has been, by far, the most disappointing of any of the multitudes I've played. And I was around for Warlords of Draenor.


BioWare, thanks for everything over the last 10 years, but you made this longtime fan very sad with this release. I don't think I have enough faith to stick around for what's next.

Edited by xjasx
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I have not expected much from SWTOR for years. I can live with what they added, that's not the problem for me. My problem is they basically took away a good part of the "Play Your Way" features they bragged about years ago.




Honestly, I'm ok with everything else but not this. I hate the conquest changes, it forces me to do things I don't want to do just to finish CQ on my characters. It's not fun anymore, it's a chore.

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Founder here. I wouldn't even call this an expansion. It is more of a story update (but of course we will have those people in denial who obsess over the definition of expansion). This was way overhyped and way underdelivered.


It's not that difficult to just pour extra money into hiring developers and making content. The passion doesn't seem to be there any more. EA obivously don't see any financial future in this game, and it really does seem like it's on maintenance mode.


The updates over the years have changed the game completely and looking back, I miss the old days.


Like I said in another post somewhere, I logged in ONE DAY on this update and never logged back in. That's how bad it is for me.


I feel the only future for this game is going to consoles, give us only a select few abilities like DA or ESO, get rid of armorings/enhancements, dumb it down enough for a controller. The game is story focused and you don't need a keyboard for story.

Edited by DarthWoad
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Also a founder.


New content:

I don't actually expect much. There can almost never be enough 'new content' for me, but if you take the game as a whole, there is a lot of content. Especially for new players.



What a mess. They need to go back to a 6.0-like method of gearing, if nothing else. All this various green, blue, purple fixed stat stuff is just ... bad. 😡

Also, without a weapons outfitter, all previous fancy CM weapons become useless. Bring back weapon's mods.


Combat Styles:

Seems kind of pointless, especially given all the restrictions on when you can switch styles. I'd be just as happy if they just ditched this idea.


New UI:

I like some aspects of it. The contrast or colours could be toned down for some people. Switching outfits is a bit slower now.



Hopefully, either BW fixes SWTOR and it manages to survive, or some new game I like comes along.

I said "wait and see". I've waited and I've seen. I'm not happy. 😯

Edited by JediQuaker
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I am a founder as well and I could not agree more with the original post that started this thread. I am so incredibly disappointed and the fact that I actually paid for the Digital Collectors Edition makes my disappointment twofold. This was DLC, at best. This was nowhere near an expansion and certainly didn't justify the purchase cost.


Creating games nowadays does not seem to be about real content anymore. It's only about money and pumping out as many games and expansions as possible. Companies don't care about the true gamers anymore. They just put out crap that is quick and easy instead of thoughtful and something you actually have to put some effort into. Gone are the days of games like Star Wars Galaxies, EQ, early SWTOR, and yes, even early WoW. Gone are the games that actually had content and took you a while to level your character. Games where you wanted to take your time and explore. And, unfortunately, it's not just MMOs that have been impacted by this. It's everything.


When was the last time it took months to actually beat a game as it did back in the day? Now you can pretty much beat any game within a few hours. Where is the fun in that? Where is the sense of accomplishment? Seems it might be time to move on to another hobby. That feels sad to say with how advanced technology is now vs even 10 years ago. It seems that something incredible could be made but none of the gigantic gaming companies care enough to make it. :confused:

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