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Energy Regen for Sniper now Atrocious


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I'm planning to main my Sniper for this expansion. However, now that the set bonus is gone, the energy regen for the sniper, plus the options to gain back energy, are pretty sad. I can go through my rotation maybe twice before I am out of energy completely. Is there a completely new rotation in order to keep energy regen going, or is there going to be something to help with that in the future, like the old set bonus when you use Entrench? Or is this now the fate of Snipers, being unable to really do much of anything?


Please tell me this is something that will be addressed later. Flashpoint bosses are painful to go though, being stuck with using Rifle Shot half the time just to gain some semblance of energy back. Adrenaline Probe and Target Acquired are used as often as possible. Am I missing something?


(Note, I am level 80, I am working on the gear for her.)

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