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Picking 2nd Class Can Switch Your Faction!


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The guild member who first reported this to me has magically appeared back on Imp side. He said he did nothing to advance the story and hasn't logged in until now.


He can do everything on Imp side again although his Combat Style is locked to Gunslinger and he can't switch back to Bounty Hunter. He can access the BH personal starship. He has no option to pickup the quest to choose a 2nd spec (again).


It sounds like Bioware did some stuff on the backend to address this, saw a mention of it in another thread. As I guessed, though, it doesn't seem like they're having an easy time fixing the people that actually got hit by the issue.


Would be nice if they would have actually acknowledged the issue at some point. We still have no clue what actually even happened here and how they let a bug like this slip through in the first place.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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It sounds like Bioware did some stuff on the backend to address this, saw a mention of it in another thread. As I guessed, though, it doesn't seem like they're having an easy time fixing the people that actually got hit by the issue.


Would be nice if they would have actually acknowledged the issue at some point. We still have no clue what actually even happened here and how they let a bug like this slip through in the first place.

Is there actually a Dev post about this?

It's probably close to the biggest error in the whole 7.0 mess of errors. I know a lot of us want to be able to switch factions but through the story and choice not via a forced coding mistake! I was really hoping to take two republic specs on one of my Sith Warrior saboteurs but the potential to be inadvertently switched stopped me. Devs, please post something in the known issues about this (unless it's already there).

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Is there actually a Dev post about this?

It's probably close to the biggest error in the whole 7.0 mess of errors. I know a lot of us want to be able to switch factions but through the story and choice not via a forced coding mistake! I was really hoping to take two republic specs on one of my Sith Warrior saboteurs but the potential to be inadvertently switched stopped me. Devs, please post something in the known issues about this (unless it's already there).


No, they haven't said a word about it publicly, not even to confirm that it was a bug and they were looking into it. We know they're aware of it thanks to affected players sharing responses to their tickets, and now it seems like they've made steps to start addressing it, but they've been completely radio silent about it since it started making the rounds on Tuesday.


This is a big enough bug that they should have at least acknowledged it so players would know what's going on, and so they could also update us on when it's safe for players to make that choice without potentially risking their characters. The fact that they won't even talk about this is concerning to me. They're more worried about the effect it would have on their reputation to admit they let a bug like this slip through the cracks than they are about the paying customers being seriously affected by it.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Add me to the list I am now stuck as an Imp Assasin. I am a Sith in a Republic guild with no ship. It is not good. I really a Jedi Guardian.


Check out the security key vender on the Imp side and see if you can buy the Imp social outfit.


There is also a vender in the cantina on fleet that sells an imp version of a uniform.


This might be the only time you can pick up those items as a republic character.

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I was on Coruscant yesterday with my Consular and we were doing The Face Merchants heroic together with a Sorc and an Operative. Didn't talk to them tho, was on the German server and ich spreche nicht Deuche (excuse my German :()


That doesn’t necessarily mean these 2 are experiencing the bug.

I switched to pub side combat styles with my Sith warrior and am still on DK… Lucky me I guess :eek:



As a side note: while the new symbols are mostly easily recognizable it would have been nice to have an indication which origin a player is - for instance only 8 colors (let’s say green for commando) - so if the bull‘s eye (sniper) is green we would know: aaah, that is a trooper with a sniper spec…

Edited by Dekibra
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I just want to point out for any devs that might be reading that the problem has not been 100% sorted out. The guild member I was originally writing about has been popped back to Imp side however:



  • Trapped as a Gunslinger.
  • Can't switch back to Bounty Hunter.
  • Gunslinger is now set as their first style and the second is empty.
  • Don't have the mission that lets them select the second again.
  • Can access the Bounty Hunter personal star ship.


In-game customer services closed the ticket as they can't help and suggested that he submits a bug report:



He hasn't completed the Gunslinger story with this character as he wants to enjoy it at his own pace but he'll let me know if it triggers any changes, you know, if the devs haven't properly fixed it by then already ;) ;) ;)

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CS closed the first ticket after suggesting that he tries CTRL-U twice and if that didn't help to do a repair install. They said if that didn't help that he should create a second ticket. A few days ago when he logged in he found the character had been moved back to Imp side but he still has the problems I described in my previous post. He created the second ticket to get help which is when they told him that there was no record of there being a problem like this in their system and that he should create a bug report and then closed that ticket as well.


He's created two in-game tickets and a bug report along with a repair install. I've created this thread and I've seen several others and yet CS say they are unaware of a problem. Picking a second combat style is one of the biggest new features in this "expansion" and yet it has a significant game breaking bug that nobody is even looking at.


It's ridiculous that a game which makes so much money is being so poorly managed. I feel bad for the devs who have to work under these conditions. :(

Edited by UlaVii
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CS closed the first ticket after suggesting that he tries CTRL-U twice and if that didn't help to do a repair install. They said if that didn't help that he should create a second ticket. A few days ago when he logged in he found the character had been moved back to Imp side but he still has the problems I described in my previous post. He created the second ticket to get help which is when they told him that there was no record of there being a problem like this in their system and that he should create a bug report and then closed that ticket as well.


He's created two in-game tickets and a bug report along with a repair install. I've created this thread and I've seen several others and yet CS say they are unaware of a problem. Picking a second combat style is one of the biggest new features in this "expansion" and yet it has a significant game breaking bug that nobody is even looking at.


It's ridiculous that a game which makes so much money is being so poorly managed. I feel bad for the devs who have to work under these conditions. :(


Definitely keep us posted if there are any updates for your friend. Given we've now gone over a week since this bug was discovered with zero word from Bioware, I get the impression that they're simply unwilling to admit it's a thing, so anybody dealing with this is pretty much on their own outside of what we can glean from stories like your friend's (the need to create tickets and hope that Bioware is doing something on the back end even if they refuse to actually speak about it and warn people publicly).

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I think it's great in the sense that it shows characters can swap faction so it opens the door for it to be added as a proper feature. What's not great is that it's unintentionally happening now and locking people out of aspects of the game.
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  • 2 weeks later...
My guild member pressed ahead and completed the story on their 2nd class and sadly it did not unlock the first combat style so they are stuck with the second. This ties in with the dev post about Known Issue - First Combat Style inaccessible. That means one part of the bug is listed on the Known Issues thread but nothing about people getting trapped on the opposite faction.
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I think it's great in the sense that it shows characters can swap faction so it opens the door for it to be added as a proper feature. What's not great is that it's unintentionally happening now and locking people out of aspects of the game.


Would not bank on that. I will go ahead and assume that even if they tried to make this intentionally, it would not work.

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  • 3 months later...

Someone tried to join our guild today who has this problem so it's definitely not been totally fixed. To them they appear to be on Imp side but we can't /f or /ginvite them as the game says they do not exist.


One of my officers discovered a work around which is to login with her Imperial character that has a Rep combat class. That let her send the /ginvite although we're still not sure if they will be able to join groups and events.


For anyone that ends up on this thread from a search result; there was a follow up forum post from customer support a few months ago where they said if anyone was still experiencing the problem then they should contact them directly:



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LMAO, And the whole time players have asked for this ability to swap factions, Bioware have said it’s technically not possible. 😂


This reminds me of a joke : a guy at the airport tells the lady at the luggage check-in : " i'd like the green bag to be sent to Tokio, the red one to Amsterdam and the blue one to Paris" . The lady replies : "but sir!! that's impossible!! " .The guy says, with a grin on his face : "really? but how did you managed to do this last month? "


Same here, nothing is impossible :D

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