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Patch vs Expansion - a little content comparsion


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What 10 year anniversary?


As relieved as I am of them holding off releasing a broken 'patch'. I am sad that this anniversary is now a bust. :(

No backup plans, no alternative celebration, no nothing. Who can be excited about celebrating New Years day 2 months later? :mad:


If you miss Christmas, there's always the Chinese New Year that takes place about 2 months later lol

Even though I wasn't there since the beginning, I feel like this delay is fitting the tradition of Bioware Feature.


Combat Style is nice. I'm not "super excited" like some people (whose happiness than crushed by the news of not be able to change their first CS), but able to have a second role for gf is always good. The only thing I REALLY care about is the story, which is kinda worrisome due to how quiet Bioware is about it. I just hope whatever the story is, it's longer than Onslaught lol

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I had the solution for this years ago, go back to kotor tradition and have the player character be text-based instead of voice acted, either that or use a very good AI voice program. we would have got so so much more story content and other content. Oh well. :o Edited by SaerethDL
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This is one thing I'm looking forward too. I have a special lightsabre (the one the Master of the Councilor has on Tython), I will let my Guardian Knight use. :D

It's an awful idea. Weapons should have their own slots that can be switched around separately from armour outfits.


My characters' weapons are not part of their outfits. With this change, either:

* Their weapons *become* part of their outfits (which is wrong for my way of playing FW:tOC(1).

* I don't use the feature, so for me and the various people who think the same way, developing it was time and effort wasted.


And before you ask why I didn't say this before they built it, well, I did. Repeatedly. Any time I ran into someone proposing it.


(1) Fashion Wars: the Old Catwalk, the proper name for "Space Barbie".

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Ability to change Advanced Class is something that was mentioned a lot when it had it's own thread. But that thread hasn't been touched several years. I call profuse BS on anyone that says class swapping took hundreds of thousands of $ to code (although the new UI and loadouts + class swapping easily could have). KOTFE had more game changes than LOTS and that was mostly a story update.

It wasn't *one* thread, but many, over a series of years, but whatever.


And yes, the combined game mechanics changes for 7.0 probably did add up to a significant amount, although I'd note that "ability to change advanced class" is naturally an inherent part of class swapping.

That said sometimes just throwing money/people at a problem doesn't solve much. I have no doubt that it would take a bit of time for even the best coders to learn enough about SWTOR's environment to make meaningful contributions - for the first several months + they'd need a lot of handholding and code reviews/rewrites.

Don't lecture me about the ins and outs of the job of programmer (I spit on that word "coder", thanks(1)). I've been doing it as my day job for more than thirty years.

It really depends how long Bioware's been working on 7.0.

Not long enough, obviously.


(1) The code is actually the least important part of a programmer's job. Any monkey can bang on a keyboard and produce code. What's important is how you design the code, modular structures, all that stuff. If housebuilders built houses the way a lot of programmers build programs, we'd hear a lot of stories of rows of houses falling down as trucks drive by three blocks over.

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It's an awful idea. Weapons should have their own slots that can be switched around separately from armour outfits.


My characters' weapons are not part of their outfits. With this change, either:

* Their weapons *become* part of their outfits (which is wrong for my way of playing FW:tOC(1).

* I don't use the feature, so for me and the various people who think the same way, developing it was time and effort wasted.


And before you ask why I didn't say this before they built it, well, I did. Repeatedly. Any time I ran into someone proposing it.


(1) Fashion Wars: the Old Catwalk, the proper name for "Space Barbie".


What’s even worse is it’s actually broken on the PTS too. I would have thought it would have been working by now, but that’s obviously one of the reasons why they need more time.

Ie, rolled a BH story and chose sniper as the spec. But because the BH usually uses two hand guns, it’s wouldn’t let me add a sniper rifle to the outfit.

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Glad I'm not the only one who has a "meh" attitude towards the combat style changes. I never had a desire to change my character's combat style because that was one of the reasons for picking my mains in the first place. I've played all of them at one point or another and never thought "Man, I wish I could switch" Now if I was able to pick and choose ABILITIES from each style in order to make my own personalized combat style, then I would get more excited. A sith who could shoot lightning AND wield a double bladed saber would be cool. But that's not going to happen due to the design of the game.


I'm far more interested in the story and whether or not I'll want to run my other characters through it again. I think that is where the devs need to spend the majority of their time and resources. Slogging for gear and changing combat styles isn't going to keep me coming back. But that's me.

This...it's not and update at all. Content REAL content added worlds Story That's and Expansion.

I I did the same I picked toons for Their combat styles

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I completely understand the sad snail phase when it comes to story content. PlayerChar voice actors alone amount to 48(!!!!) different people. So when story requires playerchar to say " Help me step sither, I'm stuck in kolto tank", it takes voices of 48 people to get past that line.

Ummm... what? The correct number there is 16, not 48, unless I'm missing something really big.

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