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Ignore and Legacy


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Um... slight confusion... "an individual player and not their Legacy". Do you mean an individual CHARACTER and not their Legacy, which wouldn't make much sense as the Legacy is still the same player no matter the character? Or do you mean an individual player and not their FLEET or something like that?
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First : You can't - whether it be a player without a legacy or with one - its all/everything.


Second: Why would you ignore a char but not the entire legacy in the first place?


The Ignore feature is obviously designed to silence an offender - the legacy feature prevents them from making a new char for the expressed purpose of bypassing said feature.


What your asking for - is very contradictory to say the least.

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1. I don't know what other characters I'll also be inadvertently ignoring if I'm ignoring an entire legacy.

2. I'm of the opinion that nuance trumps convenience when it comes to who I choose to listen to.


Then you are in the minority here, because the Legacy ignore feature has been high on the wishlist for many years before they finally implemented it only a year ago.


The reason being that players could harass other players with different characters without any consequences.

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1. I don't know what other characters I'll also be inadvertently ignoring if I'm ignoring an entire legacy.

2. I'm of the opinion that nuance trumps convenience when it comes to who I choose to listen to.


You're overthinking this.


Just do it..and get on with your life...or don't....its on you to make that call.

Don't break something that isn't broken.

Edited by kage_goomba
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I'm thinking there is some confusion due to the name of "Legacy Ignore".


Legacy names are not unique anymore so there can be 200 players with the "Stark" legacy on the same server.


When you add a name to the "Legacy Ignore" you are actually doing a "Player Account Ignore".


If you add someone with the "Stark" legacy to your ignore list you won't see anymore messages from that one player on any of their characters on that account. You would still see all the messages from the other 199 players with that legacy name.

Edited by UlaVii
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First : You can't - whether it be a player without a legacy or with one - its all/everything.


Second: Why would you ignore a char but not the entire legacy in the first place?


The Ignore feature is obviously designed to silence an offender - the legacy feature prevents them from making a new char for the expressed purpose of bypassing said feature.


What your asking for - is very contradictory to say the least.

I'm sorry, but I have to ask again because the question's really bugging me...

A Legacy ignore is ignoring all characters created by the same player; why would you want to ignore a single character but not others when it's the same person behind all of them?


a lot of players use troll toons and are perfectly civil on other toons. it makes sense to have the option. for example, deadofwinter and the guy who made a meme toon for deadwinter in pvp. I'm certain he doesn't act like a child on all of his toons, and in pvp, you really do need to be able to see what your teammates are typing. and unlike pve, putting someone on ignore does not mean they cannot end up on in your random ops group.


therefore, ignoring the meme toon only is the right play. b/c if you have all of his toons on ignore, then you cannot see him typing useful things on all the other toons, which he isn't trolling ppl on.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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a lot of players use troll toons and are perfectly civil on other toons. it makes sense to have the option. for example, deadofwinter and the guy who made a meme toon for deadwinter in pvp. I'm certain he doesn't act like a child on all of his toons, and in pvp, you really do need to be able to see what your teammates are typing. and unlike pve, putting someone on ignore does not mean they cannot end up on in your random ops group.


therefore, ignoring the meme toon only is the right play. b/c if you have all of his toons on ignore, then you cannot see him typing useful things on all the other toons, which he isn't trolling ppl on.


Here's a better idea....tell your friend(s) or "other players" to stop acting like a(n) idiot and they'll not have that problem in PVP.


Problem solved.


People will be less inclined to ignore at that point.


The feature is working as intended.

Edited by kage_goomba
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I'm sorry, but I have to ask again because the question's really bugging me...

A Legacy ignore is ignoring all characters created by the same player; why would you want to ignore a single character but not others when it's the same person behind all of them?

Same here but then I saw:


a lot of players use troll toons and are perfectly civil on other toons. it makes sense to have the option. for example, deadofwinter and the guy who made a meme toon for deadwinter in pvp. I'm certain he doesn't act like a child on all of his toons, and in pvp, you really do need to be able to see what your teammates are typing. and unlike pve, putting someone on ignore does not mean they cannot end up on in your random ops group.


therefore, ignoring the meme toon only is the right play. b/c if you have all of his toons on ignore, then you cannot see him typing useful things on all the other toons, which he isn't trolling ppl on.

What the actual what? If someone is a moron on one of their characters to me they are a moron full stop & are out via legacy ignore as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about any they're-just playing-at-being-a-moron troll roleplay. I don't play to tolerate that kind of bs.

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If someone maintains a character just so they can have a "meme" or troll toon, they're not a person I want to associate with.


"I want to be a jerk but escape social consequences by being jerk on a character which is not my main" is not the amazing 'gotcha' you seem to think it is.


Don't be a jerk.

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I'm thinking there is some confusion due to the name of "Legacy Ignore".


Legacy names are not unique anymore so there can be 200 players with the "Stark" legacy on the same server.


When you add a name to the "Legacy Ignore" you are actually doing a "Player Account Ignore".


If you add someone with the "Stark" legacy to your ignore list you won't see anymore messages from that one player on any of their characters on that account. You would still see all the messages from the other 199 players with that legacy name.


BW keeps track of a legacy more then we do. There are behind the scene's numbers or letters beyond what we see that links a legacy to the account that is using it. So if you /ignore a commonly used legacy name, it's only ignoring the 1 account that you actually ignored, and not every account that has that common legacy name.


Edit: As others have said as well. If someone is doing something on one character that is deserving of being put on an ignore list, then it doesn't matter to me if they're civil on other characters. If they earn being ignored on one toon, they deserver being ignored on all of the characters they play. I seldom put anyone on ignore personally, so if they are put on that list, they earned it.

Edited by Toraak
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If someone maintains a character just so they can have a "meme" or troll toon, they're not a person I want to associate with.


"I want to be a jerk but escape social consequences by being jerk on a character which is not my main" is not the amazing 'gotcha' you seem to think it is.


Don't be a jerk.




If a person "makes a toon just to be a jerk" then I am going to ignore the entire legacy.

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If someone maintains a character just so they can have a "meme" or troll toon, they're not a person I want to associate with.


"I want to be a jerk but escape social consequences by being jerk on a character which is not my main" is not the amazing 'gotcha' you seem to think it is.


Don't be a jerk.



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the playerbase is small enough as it is. imagine how much less people you have to queue with in content with legacy ignore.


i dont ever ignore for any reason.


I don't have that problem. I group up with my guild but I normally do not ignore for just any reason but if a person is going to keep being a jerk once I asked them to stop and leave me alone, then it shows they have no intention of listening to what I have asked and therefore that will give me a reason to ignore them and if they act like that on one character I am not giving them another chance. I warn 3 times and then they get ignore. In the last 10 years I have had to only put someone on ignore (before legacy ignore) twice.

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