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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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In Outland you started in Hellfire Peninsula, however you could avoid Zangarmarsh entirely if you completed all of Hellfire Pensinsula. By the same merit, at elvel 68 you had either Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley to choose from.


In Northrend you could either start in Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord, see where I'm going? In WoW you have options where to quest. You aren't forced into an area.




Considering my class story doesn't work, yes I would. ^___^


I do see where you're going. Sorry your class story is broken at the moment. But that story is the main reason for the linear progression. The game is story driven. The worlds also have plenty of room for expansion later since they have no clear defined borders unlike in Azeroth where the base formations of all the zones is defined my landmass.

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In Outland you started in Hellfire Peninsula, however you could avoid Zangarmarsh entirely if you completed all of Hellfire Pensinsula. By the same merit, at elvel 68 you had either Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley to choose from.


In Northrend you could either start in Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord, see where I'm going? In WoW you have options where to quest. You aren't forced into an area.




Considering my class story doesn't work, yes I would. ^___^


Thats just proven how wack the leveling in WOW is...No reason to follow a story or anything...Just grab uninteresting quests in whatever area and go collect 20 fish scales

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perssonally ive ran into ALOT of republic that we got into pvp matches with..ive played with alot of my friends... ive explored HUGE areas gto try and find secret places and datacrons and btw ive played wow for 7 years on the biggest world pvp server of all time (vco btw) and i know for a fact that game has become (lets all sit in stormwind and wait for a que to pop) so dont start talking about open world when no one even goes in the world anymore it should be named "world of looking for group que"
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Some of you guys don't get it. It's not about the size, it's the structure. Every Planet I've been to in SWTOR has been like one giant luge.


SWTOR is a better game than WoW, but the planets feel sooooo restrictive. I don't even try to cut across anything anymore, because I know it's a waste of time. You CANT go too far off the path, or you will be blocked by something. There is only one way to get anywhere. Sucks man.


Exactly. There is so much to like about SW:TOR. Their level designers made such nice looking worlds. Worlds that you can't go anywhere in.

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Why I was in beta , others confirmed this by remembering my name in the beta forums, they had a high level server and I played in it.

I guess avoiding a fact and making a excuse is what you do when you have no constructive counter point.


We believe you, bro. Really.


Nothing in your entire OP or the rest of this thread, for that matter, is even remotely constructive.


Do you see any of us hanging out on the WoW forums talking about how terrible it is and that SWTOR is so much better?


Nope. We don't like it, so we don't play it.


Too complicated for you?


You're not offering any (realistic) suggestions that could possibly make the game better or fix anything.

You are very obviously just whining. That is why people are jumping on you...Which is exactly why you started this thread in the first place. To start a big flame war and argument.

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I still have no clue what you guys are talking about. My server's tatooine population I usually between 50-85 people pending the time of day.


You guys do realize that number on the top of your screen is not the actual planet population right? That's the instance population. Open that window up and hit refresh. You will get the actual population then.

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So the previous poster who said you played beta and complained the whole time saying you wouldn't buy the game was correct with his assessment? Thanks for clearing that up. So now the million dollar question is, "Why did waste your money on a game you obviously knew you weren't going to like since you had already experienced what the game had to offer?"


When I was in beta I read a previouse build had no exhaustion zones , I read they were put in beta to stop ganking during beta and would be removed.

In beta the cities seemed to have many more people in them , I assumed with retail release there would be even more people in cities instead there are far less(Reason #1 for unsubbing)


Reason #2 is once I reached Tatooine in retail I saw they didnt remove the exhaustion zones and like reason #1 the sharding leaves tatooine less populated than in beta.


Thats why I unsubbed after testing beta.

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Exactly. There is so much to like about SW:TOR. Their level designers made such nice looking worlds. Worlds that you can't go anywhere in.


I wont say this doesnt happen at all...But for the most part...I really feel like I'm playing a different game then yall


I really never feel restricted like you guys do...And I deviate from the path all the time and get to where I want to go the way I feel like...Not saying I'm never forced to take a certain path...But I was forced to the same in WOW a lot of the time as well

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Having another area to do the same uninteresting questing doesnt make it better


TOR stuck to that format for the leveling and story...Yes the questing/leveling process is linear..Thats because they are being truthful to the RPG aspect and have written awesome stories so people like me (who hates questing in WOW with a passion) would actually enjoy the trail to max level


If you were able to go just anywhere at any time to quest, how the hell would they be able to accomplish the epic story that I love???


Ya, and the awesome stories are about 10% of leveling. The rest of it is typical mmo stuff. "Go here and kill 20 nerfs. "Oh, no kill 40 more." "Got that done, now kill King Nerf."

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I am playing WOW and Im posting so the devs no why I quit , its important to know why they are losing customers, is that so hard to figure out?


when you unsub your account there is a spot where you can fill in the reason, so that kinda is the spot to do that maybe you missed it..

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When I was in beta I read a previouse build had no exhaustion zones , I read they were put in beta to stop ganking during beta and would be removed.

In beta the cities seemed to have many more people in them , I assumed with retail release there would be even more people in cities instead there are far less(Reason #1 for unsubbing)


Reason #2 is once I reached Tatooine in retail I saw they didnt remove the exhaustion zones and like reason #1 the sharding leaves tatooine less populated than in beta.


Thats why I unsubbed after testing beta.


Come on man really??? Why the hell do you need a crap ton more NPC's in cities that would just end up making things a cluster @#$$%


And you really unsubbed for THOSE reasons????? Definitely smoking crack....no offense but you sound like my wife...Making mountains out of mole hills

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They are simply different designs. You can run around all the open areas of WoW and see.. nothing. Because most folks are just camped at the city, waiting for their next LFD group. The only time people run around is to collect resources. You are limited going forward while leveling due to the level of critters. Once someone leaves a zone, they don't go back. So while sure, you may think there are these great open areas, to be honest, they are rarely used. It's an overblown issue imo.


I was worried about Skyrim for example, being too small. I remember the huge, massive landscape of the first game. But I'm having the most fun in the content-packed land of Skyrim. Bigger and open isn't necessarily better.

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this guy had multiple threads about the same thing in beta. He knew what he was getting into and knew exactly how the gameplay and world exploration works. He said he wasn't buying the game then, and his unsub is no surprise now.


This is what was I referring to OP. You didn't answer all of my questions. Another long term beta tester called you out about your posting and flaming in the beta forums saying you weren't going to buy the game then. I guess you decided to give the game a chance once again, but seems like you did already know what you were getting into. Thanks though for paying money and helping BW/EA make their money back on their initial investment. Hope you have fun in Azeroth with your son.

Edited by GraunKrynn
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Ya, and the awesome stories are about 10% of leveling. The rest of it is typical mmo stuff. "Go here and kill 20 nerfs. "Oh, no kill 40 more." "Got that done, now kill King Nerf."


I wont lie...There is the same old format when it come down to it...But at least I enjoy the 10% story BW put in oppose to the 1% WOW had...Well since theres 2 different areas, .5% and .5%

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14 max for empire.


Not counting Quesh because it's the size of a caterpillar.

Not counting Nar Shaddaa because it's linear.

Not counting Hutta because it's the size of a shoe.

Ilum doesnt count as it's where people trade PvP bases to complete their daily/weekly.

Taris didn't count (for me) as it was hurrendous. Memory leaks and all.

Not counting Corellia as it's completely linear.

Not counting Tatooine as you can ignore 90% of it as you have no reason, other than you're own silliness, to explore.

Not counting Hoth for the same reason.


Thus you're left with 5.


DK is fine. Tells you to explore every inch.

Belsavis is the same, and has proper end game content - dailies, bonus, world boss.

Voss is lovely. Tells you to go everywhere. Quests aren't "entirely" linear.


But really, most of SWTOR is entirely linear.


ah you are making you own rules, scrub

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They are simply different designs. You can run around all the open areas of WoW and see.. nothing. Because most folks are just camped at the city, waiting for their next LFD group. The only time people run around is to collect resources. You are limited going forward while leveling due to the level of critters. Once someone leaves a zone, they don't go back. So while sure, you may think there are these great open areas, to be honest, they are rarely used. It's an overblown issue imo.


That is exactly what this game is going to be once people hit max level. Just occasionally going to an old zone to get mats because there is no reason to revisit them. Although they even took some of that necessity away by having crafting quests you can run for level appropriate mats. Instead of using LFD they will be sitting in the fleet spamming a channel trying to find a group.

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7 year wow player here...


Wait, what? People are complaining that the worlds aren't open enough? You're upset because SWTOR isn't a vast expanse of nothingness where you can run around aimlessly?





You're comparing it to WoW right? The same game where every lowbie complains of having to run to -blank- town and people whined so hard they practically give mounts to new players just so people could get from point a to point b in a reasonable amount of time?


You actually WANT to spend all day running to the next objective?


Frankly, I don't see why people even give this idea the time of day. If it were any more open people would just complain it's too far to their next quest/city. If you want vast expanses go outside and visit your nearest park/lake/ocean/field. I can confidently say majority of gamers want to kill, explore, and quest, they don't want to frolic in meadows all day.

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I wont lie...There is the same old format when it come down to it...But at least I enjoy the 10% story BW put in oppose to the 1% WOW had...Well since theres 2 different areas, .5% and .5%


I love the 10% of the story. Exactly what I expected from Bioware. It's just the other stuff that has gaping holes.

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Pls pls do not turn this in to another WoW vs ToR Battle :/ You know what happened today when i logged my Hunter in Wow? I missed ToR so much i Alt+F4'ed so hard and logged my Sith Jauggy...Just...pick one and be at peace... Edited by Cadivus
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