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Skills in trees, please, dont do this...


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I posted this as a reply to another topic but wanted to put this in its own in the hopes it gets some visibility


Across all classes we are seeing some common things where really important skills are now stuck in trees with almost impossible choices to be made between them resulting in us losing VERY important skills, even if some of them aren't rotational.


I strongly recommend that this be reconsidered.


Do not take skills away in this manner, please, just dont... trees should not give skills, they should augment them.

Make them better, add something to them.... for PT for example jet charge and grapples should be baseline, the tree should add tweaks, such as an AoE burst to jet charge or the stun to grapple... not add the skills itself.


Please dont do this, get creative, leave the skills alone as baseline, use trees to modify them!!


And this is before the whole taking skills we have now and moving them to lvl 80, another terrible idea. If you cant give us something new, fine, but dont take the skills away, find new ways to augment them.


Trees should never give skills, period... give us options on how to use them, modifiy them, tweak them, whatever... but tying skills to this, especially pitting important choices against each other which fundamentally change the class, is not how to do it.

Edited by Floplag
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You are aware skill trees use in Swtor before Shadow of Revan gave crucial skills. Skill trees during WoW's prime gave crucial skills. They are just returning to more a traditional tree build for classes. That was probably the weakest part of your argument.
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You are aware skill trees use in Swtor before Shadow of Revan gave crucial skills. Skill trees during WoW's prime gave crucial skills. They are just returning to more a traditional tree build for classes. That was probably the weakest part of your argument.


Im aware of the whole history of this game, ive played it since beta, so yes.

Im not talking about the past, im talking the now, about them taking critical skills we have now, and moving them to the trees.

Im talking about taking away things we have to give them back 5 levels later.

Im trying to prevent all that from happening, again.


Since you brought up WoW, which i also know well, thats part of what hurt that game as well in my opinion and im hopeful that we can stop the same path from occurring here.


In this case though, it just feels like they put it together without really doing anything, taking things we already have to complete the tree isnt the right way to do this in my opinion.

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The unfortunate reality is that we are FAR too deep down the development rabbit hole for anything to really change.


They have 24 specs they'd have to change, test, and balance...they're not going to change anything major.


If history is any indicator, they are going to plow ahead with all current changes with no communication with the playerbase at all. The feedback threads will be empty voids that only serve for players to vent.


It will launch and be incredibly buggy and unbalanced. In PvP as it stands, Juggernaughts are absolutely worthless and PTs will be an even easier kill than before. Operatives will be king with multiple stuns on the shortest cooldown in the game and the highest survivability.


It will cause more veteran players to leave the game, increasing queue times. The game will not die. It will never die with the cartel market.


Bookmark the reply if you want and come back in 3-4 months and see how these "predictions" turned out.

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It will launch and be incredibly buggy and unbalanced. In PvP as it stands, Juggernaughts are absolutely worthless and PTs will be an even easier kill than before. Operatives will be king with multiple stuns on the shortest cooldown in the game and the highest survivability.


What makes you say PTs will be an even easier kill than before? What defensive ability have PT's lost? Haven't all classes lost defensives? I think sentinels and juggs are gonna be far easier to kill than on live... relatively speaking, PT's are becoming more tanky, no?

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