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Voss Walker Changed


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The last update did mention they changed the Walker quests. Those who complain the game has become too easy won't be happy. In Eternal Throne Voss Walker Story Mode, you move relatively fast and there's a new power that allows you to move even faster than that for a bit. The enemies are pushovers. Grunts drop in one hit, the silver in about three. They do less damage; I had barely a scratch and didn't really need the healing circles. For the Final Boss I didn't test getting hit with its big boom power. Get out of the way of it and keep firing. Do attack the skytrooper add-ons when they come. They're back to being numerous, so you need to deal with them, but as with the others they drop in one hit.


It might matter my gear was 272-278 playing it. You will need Veteran or Master Mode to get any true difficulty to overcome. It's very easy now. One could say too easy even accepting Story Mode should be mild difficulty, but since it's a thing where you just want to get it over with that it doesn't take long to finish is a good thing.

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imo it was fine before they changed it. The walker fight on Iokath during fractured alliances was difficult, I always had to kill 1, die, revive and kill the others. But the formula worked.


Conversely, there's another walker fight on Iokath during KOTET which I dread, and the change won't help. You have to distract the droids while your friends get away, and even before the change, it was piss-easy. The problem isn't the difficulty, it's that it takes just slightly too long that it stops being fun and becomes a chore [like most combat in this game]. You don't notice it the first time, and maybe it's better on higher difficulties, but somehow BW made giant robots stomping smaller robots tedious.

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