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KOTOR 1 and 2 style underlays and overlays for armor sets


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With the changes to armor sets and set bonuses, and the future changes to combat styles, including loss of utilities. I would like to suggest that you consider for the future being able to add underlays and overlays to armor sets. This would be applied to all armor pieces not individual pieces like augmentation. And could be created cheaply using crew skills for materials found in the world and certainly not as expensive to craft as gold augments, that in my opinion was a big fail.


for example, bio-restorative underlay mk-1

1% heal per sec when armor set have this underlay fitted. This could be used by classes that don't have heals such as snipers/slingers seem to have lost a utility that grants the passive heal of 1% total hp when in cover, (see where I am going with this).


Of course there would have to be changes to fit with swtor, but I am sure that environment underlay (for example) could be changed from cold/fire dmg to elemental dmg etc. Plus the addition of some new overlays/underlays to protect from melee dmg or ranged dmg, but you get the picture.

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