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Please remove ELO loss for losing


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For next season. Its just a joke when you got people who just stuck it or afk at the start. Matches do not pop often enough to justify this kind of nonsense. I doubt they are going to do anything other then enforce more restrictions and punishments like they always do just to make everything worse. JuST REMOVE the dam elo loss for loses. So if I win a game then the next game a dude just stucks it I actually made some progress in the 30 minutes it took to get through both matches.
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it's not really a rating then, is it? rating is based on wins, losses, and to whom those wins and losses occur.


you are rewarded for win totals aready with ranked tokens.


for someone so cavalier about people complaining about regs, you sure whine a lot about your plight in ranked. life is hard.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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it's not really a rating then, is it? rating is based on wins, losses, and to whom those wins and losses occur.


you are rewarded for win totals aready with ranked tokens.


for someone so cavalier about people complaining about regs, you sure whine a lot about your plight in ranked. life is hard.


Nah its completely different. In rank you get stuff you can't get from anywhere else in the game. You end season result determines your flair, flags and bulk amount of tokens you receive. Someone afking or stucking it in a rank match can determine your end season result. Especially when it happens often. Seasons last incredibly too long and rewards take even longer to get. The amount of tokens you would get from placing bronze for example would require you to do 7 weeklies I believe unless they change the numbers. I think silver is 15k and Gold is 50? Now in regs there is nothing to gain from winning or losing other then a win or lose screen. Someone afk in the corner doesn't affect or cause you to lose anything or then a match if you even lose. Aside from what a green lootbox? In rank you get a green lootbox for losing.

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and everything you get in ranked is already stuff you can get without a good elo. it only requires compiling wins, not win ratio.


the only things that take losses into account are rating. you see, rating requires taking losses into account. otherwise the worst player in the world could amass a ton of wins simply by getting carried even though he wins at a 1:4 ratio. flairs, and rating tiers need to count losses. otherwise they are not ratings at all. just sign posts for how many games a person has played. in which case, I'm must be the best PVPer that ever played this game. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure how else to say this. it's like trying to convince someone that objects only have meaning because of difference. it's something you kind of have to take for granted if you are going to function in human society.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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Someone afking or stucking it in a rank match can determine your end season result. Especially when it happens often. Seasons last incredibly too long and rewards take even longer to get.


Can't you see how these statements contradict each other? Someone throwing can affect a small percentage of your matches, but over the course of a long season, they're going to be a drop in the bucket for most people. Obviously there are cases of people being targeted at season end to prevent them from getting top 3, but that is quite rare, and even that is surmountable.


Also, observe the player with the most wins this season and 134 elo: https://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611688262243921595

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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That can't be from losses. Abandoning matches?


I agree with OP in theory, but in practice, it would lead to more win trading.


I don't play on SS, but from my understanding it's mostly from losses in which he /stucks. He probably leaves games too, but I have no idea how much elo that accounts for, though it can't be all that much due to the timeout.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Can't you see how these statements contradict each other? Someone throwing can affect a small percentage of your matches, but over the course of a long season, they're going to be a drop in the bucket for most people. Obviously there are cases of people being targeted at season end to prevent them from getting top 3, but that is quite rare, and even that is surmountable.


Also, observe the player with the most wins this season and 134 elo: https://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611688262243921595


Ok so this particular guy...didn't get over 1250 so he won't even get bronze for having 800 wins? So is this a legit player here or was it trolling? Maybe he just kept winning 1 game and losing the next because of an rper or new player or someone throwing. Plus 17 for a win and -17 for a loss. Its completely possible to just sit in the same spot permanently and make no progress. Just validates my point really. If I played 800 ranked games for nothing I would delete all my characters and uninstall this game faster then you could say, 'time to go play a good game."

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Ok so this particular guy...didn't get over 1250 so he won't even get bronze for having 800 wins? So is this a legit player here or was it trolling? Maybe he just kept winning 1 game and losing the next because of an rper or new player or someone throwing. Plus 17 for a win and -17 for a loss. Its completely possible to just sit in the same spot permanently and make no progress. Just validates my point really. If I played 800 ranked games for nothing I would delete all my characters and uninstall this game faster then you could say, 'time to go play a good game."


He's a troll, and has been for years. He throws most of his games on purpose. The point is, with your system he would get top rewards, which is nonsense. I say this as someone that currently has the second and fifth most wins in solo ranked so far this season by the way. I would benefit from the kind of system you're recommending, and I think it's a terrible idea.


As for sitting in the same place and making no progress...that's part of the design of the system. It is not designed for people to climb infinitely. You're supposed to get to the rating where you get a 50/50 win/loss and roughly stay there, unless you improve. To reiterate: the job of the matchmaker is to create the most even matchups possible, not to help players climb.


Obviously in solo ranked there are a lot of variables, so rating can vary quite a lot depending on which people and classes are in queue, etc. But there is still generally an elo range that people normalize at.

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He's a troll, and has been for years. He throws most of his games on purpose. The point is, with your system he would get top rewards, which is nonsense. I say this as someone that currently has the second and fifth most wins in solo ranked so far this season by the way. I would benefit from the kind of system you're recommending, and I think it's a terrible idea.


As for sitting in the same place and making no progress...that's part of the design of the system. It is not designed for people to climb infinitely. You're supposed to get to the rating where you get a 50/50 win/loss and roughly stay there, unless you improve. To reiterate: the job of the matchmaker is to create the most even matchups possible, not to help players climb.


Obviously in solo ranked there are a lot of variables, so rating can vary quite a lot depending on which people and classes are in queue, etc. But there is still generally an elo range that people normalize at.


ok whatever bro. Not everyone is as cool as you at star wars. You saying you don't have dipshts screwing you out of wins sometimes? I assume most people play different characters in a season because of it. Two of mine now are just tanked at this point and there is nothing I can do. They might end the season with the "amount of wins needed" but neither of them gona get anything so there is no reason to even play them anymore. Unless I could somehow win 7 games in a row. The most I ever won in a row was 3 and that was probably just luck because the throwers and pvers didn't end up on my side. Make make rewards legacy bound so all characters get them?

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ok whatever bro. Not everyone is as cool as you at star wars. You saying you don't have dipshts screwing you out of wins sometimes?


At the end of last season I had several people deliberately throwing on me to prevent me from getting top 3. They would have succeeded if the season wasn't extended due to the snow storm in Austin. Some tried the same thing on the actual last day, but it was a moot point ultimately.


And of course that's not counting just random idiots. I had a sin today sit in stealth and do nothing for a whole round because he was mad that we had a dps jugg on our team. It was a winnable game too. Just have to take it and move on, **** happens. I won the next match. Stuff like that happens to everyone, and it'll all pretty much even out over time if you play enough games.


I assume most people play different characters in a season because of it. Two of mine now are just tanked at this point and there is nothing I can do. They might end the season with the "amount of wins needed" but neither of them gona get anything so there is no reason to even play them anymore. Unless I could somehow win 7 games in a row. The most I ever won in a row was 3 and that was probably just luck because the throwers and pvers didn't end up on my side. Make make rewards legacy bound so all characters get them?


It sounds to me like you need to take more responsibility for your own play. Are there some matches that are out of your control? Of course. But there are many more that are. You should focus on improving in those, control what you can control. You can't control trolls and throwers.

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Two of mine [characters]... might end the season with the "amount of wins needed" but neither of them gona get anything so there is no reason to even play them anymore. Unless I could somehow win 7 games in a row. The most I ever won in a row was 3 and that was probably just luck because the throwers and pvers didn't end up on my side.


If you're struggling to get bronze, it's because you're bad. Play better and stop blaming the throwers. Everyone gets them.

Edited by septru
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If you're struggling to get bronze, it's because you're bad. Play better and stop blaming the throwers. Everyone gets them.


That's a pretty smallminded opinion. Maybe the first 10 games just matters too much. I have several redundant characters. One of them won 6 of the first 10 and is in a decent spot while the other lost 7. Why would I be worse on the same class then on the same class? What I did notice is plenty of people getting globaled and just playing like they don't even play regs. I don't remember this many pvers in queue since they were playing teamranked to die for matts. Is there any reason so many pvers would be queueing this late in the season except to cause discord? They realize you get more tech frags or something? Maybe they tired of the grey pvp lootbox of scraps and want the green pvp lootbox you get for losing? I usually never play so much because I stopped before they added the tedious win requirements so I would play 20 matches or so then unsubb and wait for rewards because this game gets boring in large doses and is largely unworth even the $15 a month sub fee. Maybe if this was the kind of game with an actual population and arenas would pop anytime anywhere I would probably consider playing more...Imagine if the only pvp mode they ever added was Huttball lol. How horrible that would've been. The only pvp mode and they were all Huttballs. 4V4 Huttballs. Huttball 1v1. Huttball FFA. Off topic but I have ADD.

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Low population and queues will never pop and you will be getting way longer queue times or have decent population with throwers and bad players in the mix, can't win em all bro. Just get used to it or don't play ranked at all, more than likely all the decent players you see in ranked will be the same players you see every season, every year for as long as you play swtor
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I agree. Game is not big or popular enough to make such stringent requirements for placement in PvP.


It's not Street Fighter, SWTOR will never be a compelling competitive scene. Just open it up and take it easy.


On wintrading, the issue will always exist. With or without ELO loss.

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[deleted quote. misread it.]


the op is just driveling nonsense and wandering into la la land with every meandering reply.


when someone sets him straight, he ignores the meat of the answer and goes off into some tangent nonesense that creates a "new" issue so he can whine some more.


BW has already made everything available to players even if they can't even get bronze. the weaker the player, the more he has to throw himself at the queue to get enough tokens. the only things you need a specific rating tier for are the (wait for it) RATING TIERS. this entire thread is either the dumbest thread this section has seen in a long time or its best troll. no one is this obtuse. (well...ok...plenty of ppl are, but this is pretty bad).

Edited by CheesyEZ
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