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First area is like:


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Compact, easy to reach quests, good fast pace, 2+ mobs die in 5-10 seconds.


Later areas are like:

Travel half an hour to point, enter cave, 5mobs, bam bam bam, 5 more mobs, bam bam bam, 5 more mobs, bam bam bam, 5 more mobs, bambabmab, golden mob, bamnsmd21qdq....2 minutes later...dead, press one button, quest updated: press button number two on the other side of the map, travel 45 minutes because i made the mistake not to follow the yellow brick road and thought i could take a shortcut (spoiler: there are no shortcuts, every questzone has one and only one accesspoint and everything arround it is gated off), point of quest reached, surprise 5 mobs, bannssabasmn, 5 more mobs, kahsdlsndoq21, 5 more mobs, sadakHHHNNGGG, 5 more mobs, aAAAAHHHHH, golden mob....10 minutes later, press button, "AHAHAHA YOU FOOL I AM ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CONTINENT!", surprise 5 mobs + golden mob, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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"Help us Mister Jedi, you need to activate these three power generators and only you can do the job !"

"What about all those Soldiers and Jedi here?"

"Oh they? Yeah, well uhm....they aren't feeling so well right now."


Goes off...

"Haha we did it guys, he bought it. He really is as stupid as the people told us!"

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Yeah it's unfortunately very MMO in that regard of stretching things out and padding content to artificially lengthen the experience.


I really enjoy the starter planets. You only ever have like 1 to 3 quests in your log, your hitting story beats fairly quickly, you get fairly familiar with the layout, know where everything is, etc, but then once you get to the bigger planets it's like


- Run into this quest hub area & pick up several quests all at the same time and hope that you can keep track of them all in your head after spending 15 or so minutes talking to all the different NPCs in the hub area.


- Travel across a vast stretch of nothingness to get to the quest area(s) & spend like 30 mins to an hour doing all the quests.


- Go back to the quest hub area and turn in all the quests hoping that you remembered what they all were or that they didn't muddle together.


- Move onto the next quest hub area and repeat the process all over again.


That's of course all while still trying to do your class quests and keeping track of what's going on there as they themselves become fewer and further between during the Chapter 1-3 experience.


I understand why they built it all out the way they did but it just doesn't work well in the end and it definitely clashes with the story aspects of the game.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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A 'squad' in this game [other than for the Trooper] is three guys, and two squads is still three guys. The game is very uneven for preparing players for later leveling...I remember on Hoth there's a scene in the Knight class story where the Jedi you were helped is 'ambushed' by a 'squad' of three soldiers, and thus 'outnumbered'. Except including you and your comp it's numerically an even fight, and the mob is just trash. Then you get to planets like Makeb and Oricon which swarm with mobs [and Makeb used to be even worse] many elites and champs...:rolleyes:
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This is the only Star Wars game on the market with a GOOD story and not includes any disney crap so I'm not going to complain.


1. Jedi fallen order + not everyone can play dark souls like game = not interested

2. Squadraons + no story with 2 hours long cutscenes to do $59 pricetag = waste of time and money and its already dead on multiplayer

3. We do not talk about new Battlefronts = community is so dead that they giveaway on Epic launcher = dead on arrival within 3 months


so yes, SWTOR is the only good SW game on the market since years and despite EA its still alive. I can only recommend to not complain,(no offense to anyone, just my two cents)

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