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Avoid to do story ( class / expansions ) and calls for compagnons


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Hello everyone,


I hope you're all doing great !


I was wondering if there were any possibility to actually "not do the story line", either for the class, but also for extention.


After having quite a few characters, having to do all the story line everytime just so it's not in my quest log I found it anoying.


I understand it's just a little thing, but I really dislike having quest in my log that I can't abandon.


That goes for the class quest, the illum quest also and the expansion one.


But also for compagnon call, my menu keep telling me as a notification that there is something to do with partner, but if I don't want to answer the call to get a compagnon, it stays and .. well again, I really dislike that.


Is there any known change to come maybe in "legacy of the Sith" ? or is there actually a workaround to be able not to have those quest poping and showing in anyway ?


Thanks in advance for the answers, and have a great week-end

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I am not quite sure if my answer does help you but here is what I thought of:

The "mission log" shown in the upper right corner of your screen can be collapsed. Also, you can untrack missions in your mission log (the one where basically everything is shown and categorized in plantes, etc.), so that they do not appear on your screen anymore until you track them again (again, use the mission log for that).


For companions quests, I think the untracking might help too, but I have never tried that so I can only suggest it. Otherwise, I see no other option than untracking and collapsing your small mission log in the upper right corner of your screen. Missions will never fully disappear from the game whatsoever until finished. Yet, I had quite some missions I simply untracked, so they didn't bother me in my normal game experience in the corner of my screen until I felt like doing them.


I don't know if that is a help but it's the only thing that came to my mind. Please correct me if I misunderstood anything or said something incorrect.

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Hey thanks .


That wasn't what I was looking for but I get your point.


No what i'd like is realy to be able to not have at all the quest in my quest log, not to only shrink it on it's list or the following part of the screen when your doing it.


Simply , not have it at all

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So , i've ask through the in game client services.


basicly, to not have story line quest in the quest logs , you need to : at least finish illum when you arrive at lvl 48 cause this one is not skippable.


For the expansion ones, we need to do the ossus ( as of right now ) as this will automaticly make choices for us from the previous expansion, so if we finish ossus, we finish at once the previous content.


Obliged to do some content in order to not have it on the quest log.

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Use the commander's token. The only quest you'll be unable to get rid of is "The Hunt", first chapter of KOTFE.


Otherwise, the answer is no, and no, they aren't going to change it to accommodate the minority of OCD players who can't just ignore extremely minor aspects of the UI.

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