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Point C for Lost Shipyards?


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I have witnessed three times today groups of players basically orbiting each other here, unable to kill the other, from game start to game finish, repeatedly. I get that cover is good, but what were you thinking when you designed this? Was it a joke that somehow made it into production?
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I have witnessed three times today groups of players basically orbiting each other here, unable to kill the other, from game start to game finish, repeatedly. I get that cover is good, but what were you thinking when you designed this? Was it a joke that somehow made it into production?


So the funny thing, is that when GSF launched that area was actually much worse, there were actually more Blue Forcefield walls. We asked them nicely to make it a little less of a nightmare to navigate and they were able to remove some of the Blue walls leaving us with what we have today.


While C is very dense with cover, it's still very possible to get on Sat kills. Maybe try asking someone to bring an inderdiction drone to slow all the enemies turning/speed, or bring some EMP effects that ignore line of sight. You could also target their engine power by using Remote Slicing + Lockdown.


Anyways my point is that I get what you're saying that node is very difficult for new players, but it's good for different areas to have different tactics needed to capture them.

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I have witnessed three times today groups of players basically orbiting each other here, unable to kill the other, from game start to game finish, repeatedly. I get that cover is good, but what were you thinking when you designed this? Was it a joke that somehow made it into production?


This is what Scouts are for. If you're flying "on-nodes" correctly, the walls and structures around C don't interfere or matter to you. If you're going that far off-node that the box is a problem, then you're already no longer interacting with the node and risk losing it, or not capping it. To stay within comms range of the node you essentially need to be within the structure of the node itself. Rough distance for staying in Comms range with a node, is 5m. Less than the width of your ship. So if all those guys you saw orbiting C were having problems killing each other because of the Structure / box around C, then none of them were actually in the right ship for the job, or proficient in the right ship for the job. An Ion, heavy laser, Proton Strike is going to struggle big time there. What you almost undoubtedly saw was bunch of people trying to lock protons on each other while using the box to dodge locks from each other. That's a fundamental lack of understanding of the skills required to play this game.


Playing on nodes - staying within 5m and still getting kills - is probably the hardest skill in the game. Too many people think they are playing on-nodes, but they aren't. As evidence by what you saw.


Sure, you can do as Drakolich suggested and use CC or interdiction / slow effects to stall your targets out, then kill them while they can't move. And that's fine, if you want to do that. Personally I prefer to teach people how to fly a Scout. One Scout Ace in that mob you saw would've swiftly wiped them all out by the sounds of it.

Edited by Ttoilleekul
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It's also worth noting that in a scenario like this it really only takes one skilled defensive flyer to hold the sat against the mob from the other team.


That leaves team mates free to set up in places with a good field of view. For example, in a strike if you fly down to just over the ridgeline of the Harrower, and then nose up at the sat, you have a good field of fire with HLCs, Quads, and even Proton torps, at any ship not above the sat. Have another person say in a gunship cover the sat from above, and there's not a lot of places to hide. Make the defensive flyer a bomber, and you can revise it to no places to hide, provided they know where to drop mines and drones.


For low skill team play usually what you see is stacked bombers, which will clear a tight sat pretty quickly with mines.


For solo play, a BLC battlescout is usually the weapon of choice.


For high skill team play it almost doesn't matter. It only takes 2, maybe 3 people to keep ships near the satellite under constant fire, and one person to contest the capture state. Kill all the enemies, and the people providing fire support can swoop in on the sat and help capture it very quickly.


It's a good place to practice the fundamentals of using Line of Sight in GSF, both on offense and on defense. Also a great place for practicing spatial awareness. When you can use Retros or Power Dive there and survive most of the time, you know you're getting good at spatial awareness in GSF.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What every one forgot to mention is, that this is a perfect node for a bomber.


He has the cover of the girders and what not. He doesnt have to "tick".


About the only ones that will kill the bomber, are brave scouts with appropriate weapons, or a strike with the same.


Most people build the strike for open space fighting, so not many strikes will bother you.


Scouts, can be the pain for the bombers, but they are so thin hulled, they can pop with one mine going off.


In Kuat Mesas, B is the perfect spot for bombers.


If you are a bomber person, those are the two nodes to go to, off the bat.

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