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Player Owned Houses?


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Capital ships seem like a great idea but when they decide to remove the space on rails feature and actually sandbox it (I heard somewhere that current space combat is just a place holder for a better system still in development) I can see it being a problem for implementation in space battles.


I think the concept of player owned housing worked in SWG because the game really had no direction end game. Sure it was PvP oriented but I can't see the vast majority of SWTOR gamers really caring about it.


The fact that each character has to essentially gear 6 characters and a starship will pull the focus away from any sort of player owned housing.

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Yes, ships could do but as you said, they must add things to do inside like drop every item from the game on the ground and move/rotate in in any direction and on any spot in the ship and add furnitures, dynamic togglable lights, display weapons and armor, etc. At least on par with the 8 years old SWG. It's what make many people stay subscribed.


Well actually no. That is not something that keeps subscriptions up. New content, smooth gameplay and gameplay throughput features are what get people signed up and stay. What you are talking about are 'neat' features. Things that are interesting and cool but not necessary to keep subs around.


Another problem is that you are a talking more about a sandbox RPG. This is not sandbox. Yes there is some customization, but for the most part it is limited to things that alter the player's appearance. A traditional RPG is one that the player alters the lore of a world, not the world itself. Not only that, adding POH is a nightmare and a half to implement. It is a major development sink that, will yield no real rewards other than people going, 'Huh that's cool' and moving on.

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That's what kept many people in SWG until the last day. That sandbox feature in a theme park MMO is possible and well deserved. Because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's the same for everyone. Sometimes, think about the fact that you are not alone and it's not all about yourself. Edited by Dreossk
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I think they intended the starships to be kind of like your player house. I also played SWG and the housing was cool in that game but it wouldn't work in SWTOR. (at least in its current state). If they maybe give you more ship customization and decoration options (with more space for it) along with a new free roam space system, that problem will can be solved.


I am also hoping they allow you to buy different kinds of ships. From luxury ships that you can just decorate and show off, like SWG had, to one person fighters.

Edited by thebluefire
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That's what kept people in SWG until the last day. That sandbox feature in a theme park MMO is possible and well deserved.


As has been said before, companies like BioWare are not her to cater to niche players. They are in the business of making money and that means adding meaningful content. This is NOT a sandbox MMO it is lore centric, not about customizing your house. They worked in conjunction with LucasArts to provide a genuine Star Wars experience and this sort of customization does not add to it, it detracts from it. You are also talking about adding features that at this time the game does not support, that means bugs, patches and other things that most people won't care about. Just because it interests you and other SWG vets, it really is not a representation of the public SWTOR community as a whole.

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They have said in many press releases that while many of their earlier games were targeted at niche crowds, they also recognize the rise of the casual gamer and the need to cater to them, the casual gamer. The day of the niche gamer disappearing is nigh. Because they(casual gamers) are the ones with the money. Again they are in the business of making money, plain and simple. Edited by gannonmoss
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I'll have to see BW say "We don't your kind of players in our game" before I believe that, but I doubt it will happen since it would make them look even more bad.


They don't have to say it. If they supported your play style they would have made a sandbox MMO. They didn't, and have no intention of ever making it one.

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He talked about a owned house.


It's not in but it's one of the things they'll have to add fast if they want to keep a specific group of players past the lvl 50.


Lets hope that disaster never happens again in a game like this.


Look at how well SWG is doing...


Oh wait.... yeah... player housing was good for the first month... then you could only have so many paintings.


It was useless.

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Lets hope that disaster never happens again in a game like this.


Look at how well SWG is doing...


Oh wait.... yeah... player housing was good for the first month... then you could only have so many paintings.


It was useless.


It was useless to you, but some people have imagination and like to RP and do other things than kill everything that moves (only thing to do in this game) and want more. What is so hard to understand? You are not alone in the whole world.

Edited by Dreossk
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housing on the capitol ship yes. but not on the ground. there simply isnt room on the ground.


There isn't room on the ground, now, but what ground is in hardly represents whole planets, just the portion we are concerned with. They could easily add extended areas to the existing worlds, or even new worlds entirely, solely for the purpose of player/guild housing.


Personally, I'd be pretty happy if they gave us a lot of customization options for our ship interiors as a start point.

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It was useless to you, but some people have imagination and like to RP and do other things than kill everything that moves (only thing to do in this game) and want more. What is so hard to understand? You are not alone in the whole world.


What you are failing to see is the casual gamer dominates the sway of this game. It makes up a massive percentage of their player base. That being said the casual gamer is described as someone who likes/loves to game, but have many responsibilities that hinder amount of play. That player is not going to stand around in a customizable house for fun, RPing. They are going to be advancing the story, leveling crafting and making an effort to reach the end game.


Once again, I have said this in other MMO's and will more than likely say it many more times: You pay to play BioWare's game. Not your game. They make decisions and we live with it or we unsub. If you love the game, you accept the features or lack thereof.

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no, not planned as far as I know.


This is not a sandbox MMO.


And you're talking about removal of the level cap. What do you meaqn by that ? they won't remove it ever... it may get increased with an expansion, but it won't be removed.


It doesn't have to be a sandbox in order to have housing. You must b a new schooler to MMO's.

Edited by SWGVet
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He talked about a owned house.


It's not in but it's one of the things they'll have to add fast if they want to keep a specific group of players past the lvl 50.


I loved it on SWG but I don’t think it’s practical in SWTOR. SWG had masses of open space to build in, SWTOR simply doesn’t have that. Personally I’d like it if they added the ability to decorate the inside of your ship, give you a bit more ownership of it. Also let other people come on board.

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There is already a few long winded threads in the suggestions section. I have heard all of this banter already.


It all boils down to SWTOR is not a sandbox and BW has no current plans to add POH system. BW Does have plans for Guild Capital ships and player ship customization.


You might be better off brainstorming ship customizing ideas than arguing about POH.

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People can already come aboard tho it's very bugged for the travel but I'm with you with the decoration and customization part. Having a personality and attachment will make people stay in this game, unlike the desert that is endgame.


As for idea, it's simple, make every item in the game droppable on the ground and allow us to move and rotate them anywhere on the ship. Add furniture and interaction items to that like toggleable lights and we're in for a long time.

Edited by Dreossk
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It was useless to you, but some people have imagination and like to RP and do other things than kill everything that moves (only thing to do in this game) and want more. What is so hard to understand? You are not alone in the whole world.


No but this is a business as well as a THEME BASED MMO.. this is NOT SWG, leave that mindset behind.


It died.. and so did the NGE mindset with it I can only hope. As a Tester in SWG the housing only brought on a mess in server lag, item issues and issues with the game as whole.


While I am sure some RP is needed I have to say that I also know that it is a small part of the community.


So with that said I do not think it is of importance as far as progression into the game and the business if you will.


Also as a proven failure in some games since it is NOT a focus and not a Sandbox game I see it as trival as I am sure we BW does or other wise we may have seen it in closed beta a year ago starting even.


However, it was never ever even a discussion. Due to having ships... it was that filler if you will.


So if you were prioritize getting some sort of housing where do you see it? Game breaking? no... lets be real here.


Like I said... this is NOT SWG... nor is it a SANDBOX driven MMO, I think once people come to terms with it we can move on and continue to build on what the game was made to be.

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As has been said before, companies like BioWare are not her to cater to niche players. They are in the business of making money and that means adding meaningful content. This is NOT a sandbox MMO it is lore centric, not about customizing your house. They worked in conjunction with LucasArts to provide a genuine Star Wars experience and this sort of customization does not add to it, it detracts from it. You are also talking about adding features that at this time the game does not support, that means bugs, patches and other things that most people won't care about. Just because it interests you and other SWG vets, it really is not a representation of the public SWTOR community as a whole.


I’m unsure as to why you think adding customisation detracts from the SW experience. You do know that the Millennium Falcon is heavily customised right? Also the model T16 Luke is playing with wan’t left there by a Tunisian resident. I’ll just add. “No Mr The Hut. You can’t hang the Hand Solo Carbonite decoration in your palace. That’s customisation and it’s not authentically SW. Why have I just fallen down a trapdoor?” :)

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As most have tyou have said there isnt enough room in the game at this time for the amount of players to be able to place them down. The game is what nearly 2 weeks after launch and there is still alot more to come. Personally id like to see after the completeion of the main class storyline for your character class the expansion of the planet and the ability to visit all of it so that there would be more room for Guilds and such to make mini sort of towns where your houses could go. It is just a sugestion no need to argue about this.:D
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Like I said... this is NOT SWG... nor is it a SANDBOX driven MMO, I think once people come to terms with it we can move on and continue to build on what the game was made to be.


I think you need ot get out of the mind-set that feature A should only be in a sandbox game and feature B should only be in a theme park game. Many features of a sandbox game would work just fine in a theme park based game. I agree that player housing may well be impractical, but customisations of the player ship is another matter.

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I think you need ot get out of the mind-set that feature A should only be in a sandbox game and feature B should only be in a theme park game. Many features of a sandbox game would work just fine in a theme park based game. I agree that player housing may well be impractical, but customisations of the player ship is another matter.


Yeah i agree and possibly the ability to visit each others starships.

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I’m unsure as to why you think adding customisation detracts from the SW experience. You do know that the Millennium Falcon is heavily customised right? Also the model T16 Luke is playing with wan’t left there by a Tunisian resident. I’ll just add. “No Mr The Hut. You can’t hang the Hand Solo Carbonite decoration in your palace. That’s customisation and it’s not authentically SW. Why have I just fallen down a trapdoor?” :)




They are customized by set designers and writers. People that have the creative license to the series. We are players in that universe. This game is lore centric.

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I think you need ot get out of the mind-set that feature A should only be in a sandbox game and feature B should only be in a theme park game. Many features of a sandbox game would work just fine in a theme park based game. I agree that player housing may well be impractical, but customisations of the player ship is another matter.


I do not argue that concept at all. But lets face it, think about what is practical and gosh, if you payed any attention in SWG when they added it - what it did.


Let me rephrase this:


If you had a list of 100 things to change in the game as a priority as a business where do you rank this... using common sense.


Now then, player housing is really designed around more of a SIMULATION type game is it not? I mean really based on concept and creation what is it use for? RP? SIM? Yes... it is not a concept that is a focus point in this type of game.


Now I am not saying anything is possible but based on the design of the game and it's "THEME BASED MMO concept" this would be at the end of the list in all cases as a profitable change.


In most respects this is like adding 26" inch rims to a Porsche. Sure it may still drive.. but it is clearly not needed at all.


I mean this is like saying... MAN we need to have more outfits of clothes to wear or the game will fail.

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