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Focus Spec for the win


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sry but combat is were it's at. i have burst crit that cool down very fast (nine sec's) then if i add that with the penatration skill it does way more than the sweep plus comes back with a critical burst in 9 secs that still does more than sweep. then use my stasis that makes them use there force stopper then hit them with mastter strike that stops them. then when they run crippling throw stops them with leg sweep but there already died it's over kill.
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This is my first time playing this class/focus spec, so I have nothing to compare it to as I'm clueless to how the other specs work, but I'm really enjoying it so far at lv 26. Force leap+ sweep is a very visually satisfying combo :p


I have some trouble with champions (4~5 levels above) but I figure it's just supposed to be hard and I team up with people to get through...other than that it's pretty fun, and I really hope it stays this way as I progress.


Here's the spec I'm building towards:



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yes, focus uses shii-cho


It provides 3% damage buff, damage reduc naturally.

Talented it provides, +4% additional damage reduc for 7% total. This is not reduced by armor pen. And is energy, kinetic, internal and burns.

Additionally, reduces the CD of force abilities by 3s, and focus cost of blade storm by 1, and provides 20% armor pen.

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Yeah, cool. Thanks for confirming that.


I've been trying this spec out for the last few hours, and it's the only spec out of the 3 tree's that I can do well at after just hitting 50. I fricken loving critting people for over 3k with force sweep!!

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Focus has it's Damage-Over-Time abilities as well. We still have the un-buffed Cauterize and also have Force Exhaustion, which when used before a stasis grab really does tick alot.


Speaking of which, it doesn't seem as though many Focus Sents spec for Merciless Zeal.

At endgame you should have ~ 40% crit chance, so even with unbuffed Cauterize, you still have a good chance at healing 2% of your health every other tick. Seems worth it to me, especially as the first tier of Watchman is pretty much universally specced into by Focus Sents.



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For PvP watchman is better hands down.

Played all the three speccs with great gear and watchman just completely floors everything.


Alot of people say this. I think I've found out the reason why I hated Watchman so much.



Lag. Not network lag as much, but computer lag. I've been playing on a 3 year old machine and my system often only gets a handful of frames per second, and in PVP that can be a killer. If you are aon a slower system you will likely have a much easier time with the Focus Spec, because you aren't relying on concantly moving and trying to face another moving target, you just jump in and hoe you hit something. Even with lag that can work!



I've ordered a sweet new machine and the last piece shoudl arrive today, so once I'm rockin 100+ Frames per second, I'll be sure and give watchman another try and see how it compares to focus.

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Alot of people say this. I think I've found out the reason why I hated Watchman so much.



Lag. Not network lag as much, but computer lag. I've been playing on a 3 year old machine and my system often only gets a handful of frames per second, and in PVP that can be a killer. If you are aon a slower system you will likely have a much easier time with the Focus Spec, because you aren't relying on concantly moving and trying to face another moving target, you just jump in and hoe you hit something. Even with lag that can work!



I've ordered a sweet new machine and the last piece shoudl arrive today, so once I'm rockin 100+ Frames per second, I'll be sure and give watchman another try and see how it compares to focus.


Just make sure to play it for a while before you go back to anything else, takes abit of getting used to but definately the best specc.

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as just reviewed in the pvp thread.


Cauterize counts as a "force attack" for focus specs' +30% crit damage.

It does not however count for the -3s CD.

There is no way to test if insights +6% crit chance does effect it, however, it is very likely that it does.


Cauterize then should be part of your rotation.

Also makes the +crit/power trinket. Crush, cauterize, stasis burst even more lol.


And helps solve my, no real way to stop stealthers from escaping issue as well.


(Granted, I have no idea where I'll find a free key to map it too.)

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Focus spec is really strong, but guardians using it is even stronger. They get a 30% additional bonus to force sweep if they spec 2 points in vengeance.


yup what he said....in my exp with the focus tree, guardian is a lot better than a sent (plus you can respect tank if your group/guild needs you for something)

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