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Combat Styles Question


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Hi Guys,


My main is a LS Sith Assasin and I like the way my moves look and I think the LS ones are cool but not as cool (e.g. Death Field vs Balance of Force).


My question is: if I continue to play LS, will I HAVE to switch my upcoming combat style to a LS option or can I still decide to use DS moves?


LMK, thanks!

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It sounds to me like additional Combat Styles are optional. Kinda like how a Trooper probably won't be forced to switch from a cannon to a sniper rifle, but there will be a choice or some sort of requirements before you can use that sniper rifle, if you choose to do so.


In the stream they said Combat Styles = Advanced Classes. They're literally the same thing, it's just that tech classes will at some point be able to unlock other tech Advanced Classes and use them, and similarly for force users. It's something you unlock, and then swap in your UI if/when you want to, from what I understand, like outfits, titles, or flair.

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OP's question is fair, since they said that the styles for Force User classes would be alignment-linked(1). And at the moment, it's not clear.


(1) Or maybe I misunderstood that part, and what they meant was that access across the current faction boundary (e.g. Sith using Jedi styles) would be alignment-locked, but "home faction" styles (lightning and chokes for Sith, rocks and such for Jedi) are always available.


As I said, it's not clear.

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I'm missing one thing can i switch to a different combat style from a character at lvl 75?

It's not clear quite *how* the switching around works, but it seemed pretty clear that (especially with the Loadouts feature), we'll be able to switch styles more or less whenever we want. (Loadouts would be pretty pointless if switching around was once per character or once per day or once per week or something.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Guys,


My main is a LS Sith Assasin and I like the way my moves look and I think the LS ones are cool but not as cool (e.g. Death Field vs Balance of Force).


My question is: if I continue to play LS, will I HAVE to switch my upcoming combat style to a LS option or can I still decide to use DS moves?


LMK, thanks!


Anyone on the Dev team know? I would really like to keep using my LS Sith's abilities like Death Field and not be forced to use the consular version as I like the style of the Siths version.

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(1) Or maybe I misunderstood that part, and what they meant was that access across the current faction boundary (e.g. Sith using Jedi styles) would be alignment-locked, but "home faction" styles (lightning and chokes for Sith, rocks and such for Jedi) are always available.


I hope THATS what it is.

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I hope so too. I would quit if I couldn't use lightning with my LS Sith!!!


And I've been playing for years.


I might too. I have been playing since Makeb came out-ish and I do love this game. But playing how I like to is one of my favorite things. I like the style of the sith over the jedi and tbh when I play the story, having those abilities and the way they look is a part of my character (at least how I "RP" i guess is what you'd call it.)

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