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What class for pvp? Solo ranked and regs


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Hi All,


I recently rejoined and I'm having a lot of fun. I play PVP almost exclusively, I do other content but it's really just a means for me to get gear to PVP. Of course I do regs and looking to get into solo ranked and not be lit on fire by the toxic players. I pvp in regs with some guildies. Not sure if team ranked even exists anymore.


I'd like to focus on one class to improve my skills. I have narrowed it down to:


Mara / Sent





While I enjoy sniper, I tend to get blown up in arenas. It seems like I get focused by 2-3 DPS and blow my DCD's and get globabled quickly. Its a fun class in regs, but I really struggle in arenas. I do love the 89-90K ambush crits. Ive never played any class like sniper in any MMO.


Merc - class is fun (IO), I'm not the best at off healing. I can see how Net is a great utility in arenas.


AP PT - Total blast to play, but in solo ranked I'm unsure that I'll have fun without heals, clearly while playing AP PT I'm the focus target


Mara/Sent - Just dinged 75 and this class might be good for me. Good burst, solid utility, good DCD's.


What are your thoughts? Which class would suit me well given my game play?

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All of them work well in ranked pvp, i'd say go for Mara, great damage and if needed you can run away w/ 2 camos. I recommend you getting 2 gear sets. Fearless and Force Bound so you can switch them depending on what you're fighting.


Good luck !

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Marauder is probably the easiest to play (fury spec)


AP PT is just raw burst. Kill one of them before you die.


Sniper is probably one of the higher skill ceilings to play well. Gotta kite a lot.


Merc is good if you can kite well and time your e-net.

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Marauder is probably the easiest to play (fury spec)


AP PT is just raw burst. Kill one of them before you die.


Sniper is probably one of the higher skill ceilings to play well. Gotta kite a lot.


Merc is good if you can kite well and time your e-net.


Good feedback. Probably leaning AP PT or Mara.

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Operative is easily the top choice especially in ranked. 1v1 king. Given the way ranked almost always class stacks you will end up on a team with 2 or more OPs and the other team will be 2 sorcs lol. PT winning in solos in very situational. If you queue PT and your team is a dps jugg and a sorc against 2 ops, a sniper and a mara. You lose. Especially if someone reflects that big burst back at you. I have eaten my own energy blast for over 80k before from an operative's well timed reflect.
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I'll echo everyone else when I say marauder. It is one of the easiest classes to pick up. Pretty straight forward. Kinda hard to mess up really hard because of all the CC immunity. It will shine in most solo ranked games, but like you noted will flop in regs if you don't have a healer to premade with you.


I know operative is not on your list, but someone mentioned it so I'll piggyback. Operative is also another good class to pick up. It is harder to learn though. Bad operatives show. Especially if you use your breaker at the wrong time. On the flip side though, operative has a high skill cap. So if you get good at it, you can be reallllly good. One of the best classes for solo ranked, also good in regs.


AP PT is the strongest damage spec in the game, but is no means easy to play. High burst, low survivability. No one will blame you when you die, but you will die extremely fast if you don't play it right. In healer/tank, healer, or tank solo ranked games it can get a little complicated. Offguarding, offtaunting, cd usage, kiting and other advanced moves show. Strong in solo ranked, but without a healer in regs you might be in a rough spot.


Don't play sniper. Very difficult to start learning. Don't recommend it for anyone but the highly experienced. I have never seen a new player go into solo ranked on a sniper and do well in my many years of playing solo ranked.


Lastly... when you feel like you have mastered your class and have all your gear don't be afraid to que solos. Here are a couple of guides that can serve as checklists for when you feel like you're ready to que.

And don't be afraid of toxicity. Toxicity is just a part of new solo ranked players. I can tell you with almost 100% certainty that you will experience toxicity at some point if you make a mistake. But as long as you keep learning you will be fine.
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I'll echo everyone else when I say marauder. It is one of the easiest classes to pick up. Pretty straight forward. Kinda hard to mess up really hard because of all the CC immunity. It will shine in most solo ranked games, but like you noted will flop in regs if you don't have a healer to premade with you.


I know operative is not on your list, but someone mentioned it so I'll piggyback. Operative is also another good class to pick up. It is harder to learn though. Bad operatives show. Especially if you use your breaker at the wrong time. On the flip side though, operative has a high skill cap. So if you get good at it, you can be reallllly good. One of the best classes for solo ranked, also good in regs.


AP PT is the strongest damage spec in the game, but is no means easy to play. High burst, low survivability. No one will blame you when you die, but you will die extremely fast if you don't play it right. In healer/tank, healer, or tank solo ranked games it can get a little complicated. Offguarding, offtaunting, cd usage, kiting and other advanced moves show. Strong in solo ranked, but without a healer in regs you might be in a rough spot.


Don't play sniper. Very difficult to start learning. Don't recommend it for anyone but the highly experienced. I have never seen a new player go into solo ranked on a sniper and do well in my many years of playing solo ranked.


Lastly... when you feel like you have mastered your class and have all your gear don't be afraid to que solos. Here are a couple of guides that can serve as checklists for when you feel like you're ready to que.

And don't be afraid of toxicity. Toxicity is just a part of new solo ranked players. I can tell you with almost 100% certainty that you will experience toxicity at some point if you make a mistake. But as long as you keep learning you will be fine.


Great info! Thank you for your response.


I'm giving up on Sniper. It's really down to Mara, AP PT, and maybe Merc....

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Great info! Thank you for your response.


I'm giving up on Sniper. It's really down to Mara, AP PT, and maybe Merc....


I'm now favoring Mara. Merc is solid also, and fun. AP PT just gets burned down too fast for me.


So IO Merc or Mara... Pro's /Con's - I'd like to hear some thoughts on these classes in solo ranked pvp.


Thank you all!

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I'm now favoring Mara. Merc is solid also, and fun. AP PT just gets burned down too fast for me.


So IO Merc or Mara... Pro's /Con's - I'd like to hear some thoughts on these classes in solo ranked pvp.


Thank you all!


Comes down to how you want to play.


Marauder with the force camo reset tactical can get away and heal up, but you have to hope you can actually get out of combat to do it. Outside of that mara has zero self sustainability, though they have pretty decent CC immunities in fury spec.


Merc on the other hand has 3 basically heal to full talents/skills with one of them tied to a pretty strong reflect shield, e-net, jetout etc....They have good burst, and a lot of utility.

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Comes down to how you want to play.


Marauder with the force camo reset tactical can get away and heal up, but you have to hope you can actually get out of combat to do it. Outside of that mara has zero self sustainability, though they have pretty decent CC immunities in fury spec.


Merc on the other hand has 3 basically heal to full talents/skills with one of them tied to a pretty strong reflect shield, e-net, jetout etc....They have good burst, and a lot of utility.



Great analysis. Thank you for posting this. IO Merc has just about everything and has a fun rotation that challenges me (at least more than Arsenal).

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I don't really see many IO's so I can't comment on that spec too much.


there are some in ranked just from watching streams. they don't seem to do as well as arsenel though.


take that with a grain of salt as I haven't ranked in like...5 years. but I fanboy stream hop. lol


edit: still building set pcs on mine, but trying to spread or target swap really saps my heat.

Edited by CheesyEZ
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