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Arsenal Set Bonus


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Since the Concentrated Fire set is essentially worthless and the Apex Predator is for all intents and purposes unobtainable, what should a returning player look for in terms of a raiding set?


Established Foothold or Gathering Storm :rolleyes:

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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If we are talking about parsing i assume that Apex is the best, but i'm not sure that numbers are everything that matters, especilly in PVP, where i find that an auto crit on HIB or Rail Shot is way better than an increased crit on a filler ability.


In other words, your playstyle is your and only your, find what better fits your skills and what maks you feel more confortable for securing kills, this could lead to a different set bonus choice, even something you would never imagined.

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Since the Concentrated Fire set is essentially worthless and the Apex Predator is for all intents and purposes unobtainable, what should a returning player look for in terms of a raiding set?


dxun or kai to get apex

i finished my apex set through apex, got lucky with random piece rolls and weekly offered piece by kai. i did dxun once on normal/story mode, found it to difficult.


you need a competent ops to finish dxun, especially on hard mode. one time i did it, me and another merc wanted apex. but no piece dropped that raid.

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