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New ideas for C2-N2 and 2V-R8 Customizations

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Here are a few ideas I have had for additional customization options for the ship droids C2-N2 and 2V-R8:


Swapped Color Schemes-say a silver C2 and a gold 2V


All-Black-similar to the assassin droids that are disguised as protocol droids in the Star Wars Comics


All-White-an arctic deco that is the opposite of the all-black


Well Used-a color scheme similar to C-3PO from Attack of the Clones


Dark Blue-Similar to AP-5 from Star Wars: Rebels.

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I would love a silver customization for C2. I would totally by all-black and all-white customizations for C2 and 2V. If they did a well used C-3PO style it must have a silver leg and/or red arm. I was hoping for the HK inspired customizations to make an appearance in this season. Maybe next season they will show up.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I would love a silver customization for C2. I would totally by all-black and all-white customizations for C2 and 2V. If they did a well used C-3PO style it must have a silver leg and/or red arm. I was hoping for the HK inspired customizations to make an appearance in this season. Maybe next season they will show up.


Mine will always be the butler varients. Those still crack me up... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not make these droids more customizable/accesorizable by now? We all know just how much fun C3PO and R2D2 added to our favorite stories. Why not add some of that immusion and detail to our class stories/ companion stories?

Everything is already there to make it possible. It definately wouldnt hinder, nor hurt the game, i mean how could it? All it would do is add even more ofour favorite aspects about the SW universe to the game! ^.^

Imagine, being able to choose your droid companions combat style, and even influence its temperment/allignment towards dark and light personality.

If anything...a cosmetic change would freshen up that 10 year old look weve all been subjected to tolerate every time we board our personal starships. Poor old square heads just sit there lookin the exact same..after all those coats of paint he's applied to my quarters, and shady underworld dealings he has taken care of for me, he deserves some sort of sign of appreciation.

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