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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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Today's generation has a near infinite amount of information at their fingertips but a very finite amount of time. Don't assume everyone who doesn't read your novel has no patience in general, but rather not enough patience for the "magnum opus" of a random person's 1 week SW review.


Funny you should say that, because I was doing the same thing a few days prior to writing that, and now I am making sure to read the whole posts of other threads, as painful as that may be sometimes. And I say it that way because some people can coast right through the threads of others reading it just fine where I am struggling with them. It's indicative of the writing styles of others, and quite possibly their age, but I fear more of an education level. I'm not saying folks are dumb or uneducated, just some are still in the education grindfest at this time and are limited with their writing skills.

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I expected as much, patience is not for today's generation, they want bullet points and brevity. It's the I WANT IT NOW generation, and reading is hard, especially trying to understand a theme that continues on for so long. There were too many side points leading to the main point, I get it. I accept that from ya'll.




The post was entertaining. It wasn't too long, but you hit the nail on the head. M a n y people these days are all in a rush and get irritated if they have to read anything more than a one liner.


Despite what some may say, there are still some of us who appreciate a well developed post.

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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.


I would quote it all again but it's far too big. And I did actually read it all, what can I say... I enjoyed the writing style, I don't know what people were talking about "crap writing style" maybe they're just jealous because they failed a english degree, who knows?


Anyways, yes I was was WoW player, I also played before the pvp military ranks and I still have a character that has a rank name on it (they should of never got rid of that system.) I never actually strived to be the best, I played a few hours a day... Sometimes more, got a few level 85's... Did a few raids (very softcore.) And I enjoyed myself, I didn't feel it was fun enough to grind all my time in repeating the same process to get all the gear. So I never got far in raiding. I never actually enjoyed DPS on world of warcraft, I thought it was far too easy and everyone had already mastered the rotations via Youtube. So I mostly tanked and abit of healing unless it was pvp.


The reason why I went to Star Wars is because it's World Of Warcraft combined with Star Wars! It's like my dream come true and when I started playing it I realised it was much more than that, I loved the story driven plots! Yes there are many flaws and I never tend to actually do the heroics unless my friend in real life is on because it's far too much effort to say, "LFG" x20... Don't get me wrong, I've tried but it's failed 9/10 times, that's the same with the 'Flashpoints' otherwise known as instances... I've done the first one and that's it. No on seems to bothered with the team work quests! Which bugs me more than the bloody bugs... I don't mind bugs at all, they are minor annoyounces that I write a ticket about everynow and then, that's all.


So, yeah I think I'll subscribe at least till I get a couple of level 50's. I've not got one yet, highest is 28... It's been christmas and new years, I've had a life... Sue me!

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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.


But, here we are with this fancy new game. It's Star Wars! Who doesn't love Star Wars? Well, at least the original trilogy, but those are the movies, and this is a video game. Star Wars has a rich history of quality games going back a generation now. From the halcyon days of X-Wing and TIE Fighter to more recent releases like KOTOR and The Force Unleashed, the Star Wars Franchise goes on strong. There were some bumps in the road, all franchises have them, but, really, a shiny new Star Wars MMO, story driven and built to please, how could it go wrong?


Oh, dang, bugs. Well, let's be honest. Every game, even stand alone games, are released with bugs. You are to blame for this, my friend. yes, you. Prior to release, how hard were you fiending for this game to be released? You got your wish and now it's not good enough? Oh well, them's the breaks. In the last 10 years, game companies realized the hungry purchasing public will pay to beta test games. I'm very confident in the next 10 years, Beta Testing rights will be purchased from companies, in an effort to drum up more revenue to create the game. With over 100 million dollars invested into these games, the influx has to come from somewhere.


But I digress, we all came from WoW or spent some time in Azeroth. It's inevitable, and now here we are, collected at the gates and wondering what we paid for. It's been 2.5 weeks and you're already max level and have nothing to do. You, my friend, are a serious gamer! Those stories are for the Role Playing Nerds, not the gamers! PVP is broken, it's absurd, it's horrendous, and you keep losing at it. This game is obviously broken, because you got skills, my friend. Your Battle Rank in WoW proves this. In fact, you have 2,3 and 5 man Arena Ratings that blow away your SAT scores, because that's just how you roll: hardcore. You have pre-nerf Lich king slayings under your belt, server first on Ruby Sanctum, and let's not even get into the amount of butt kicking you did in Cataclysm! Sure, you may have missed Vanilla, but you were a punk kid that was enamored by Harry Potter, but you've grown up since then and you're starting to grow hair in places you were afraid to wash last month. Azeroth was your playground and everyone knew that anytime you walked through Orgrimmar or Stormwind with all your latest Tier Gear.


And this is where it all comes to a head. You have thousands of hours invested into WoW. You've spent the better part of the last few years in Azeroth conquering anything and everything, doing every little quest you could find and getting all the achievements you could get because you were running out of things to do. PVP? Hell, we already talked about your Arena Rankings, it's balanced, it's good, it's everything it should be, but, it was a long time coming my friend. I was there at the beginning of Azeroth, don't fool yourself that it was always golden and good.


So, my friend, this is the investment you currently have in WoW. You have an addiction, be it great or small, to MMO's. Don't fool yourself, you do. You are looking for reasons to not like Star Wars because deep down you know what it's going to take to be on top again, and with everyone all starting near the same time, everyone has the same chance you do to make a name for themselves and be epic. It's not so much there's nothing to do at 50, it's there's nothing to brag about. Your ePeen remains flacid while you wait for developers to give you a conquest to take on. I know this feeling well, I've been there. At one point I was the one of the top 3 rogues on my PVP server for Gear Score, Boss kills and PVP ratings. I had PVP ranks when they were given in Military Ranks, that's how old school I was, and I kept that rank!


So, what's the point? Well, you don't want to start over, you want to rise above, but you are having trouble finding a way IN GAME to do this. You, my friend, are epic. You are important, you're voice holds weight and others should be lining up to suck at the teet of your gaming wisdom. But, again, Star Wars has no mountain for you to climb into rare air and set yourself apart from the rest. The accomplishments you are achieving are something everyone else in game can do if they dedicate the time you did. Sure, you leveled faster, but, it was a finite climb and the ladder just lead to a platform. The longer you stand there waiting for content, the more people join you on this common ground. There's nothing exceptional about being 50, and with the game being so new, the WarZones are buggy, so you can't set yourself up successfully in there. More and more people show up, and you get lost in the masses of unwashed Casuals. They're turning up everywhere, and there's no way for you to set yourself apart from them in game, it just doesn't exist. You can't sit by idly while your accomplishments, thus far, are made mundane by Casuals, blech! The word Casuals leaves a dirty taste in your mouth. In fact, all this time you are waiting for the bugs to be fixed, and new content to be added you could be in WoW getting more achievements.


And there's the rub. You realize if you are going to stay with this game, there's nothing to do to set yourself apart from the mindless rabble collecting at level 50, no way to swing an ePeen with excitement when all ePeens are the same size. But, in WoW... you still have those Holiday Quests to finish to get this years latest non-combat gift/mount/companion and the latest achievement. You are burning valuable ePeen time in SWTOR that could be used to keep yourself above the rest of the rabble in WoW. But, it's WoW. Gawd, do you really want to go back? Well, if it's means getting adoration from the mindless slags that can visibly see you are superior, then yes! You didn't work hard for all these years just to be like everyone else in the new game. You got your skills down and know what you're doing. Sure, you were a n00b once, but, now, you're the gaming elite. You just wish you could find a way to do this in Star Wars aside from going to the blasted forums and leaving a "I QUIT" thread for everyone, and in there explain, in great detail, how much you know about MMO's. It's really the only way you know how to express your eliteness at this time. Plus, you can go back to WoW for now and wait for some bugs to get fixed. You're already 50 anyway, and that was the hard part, you can just rejoin the game later and with your mad skills, be able to get right back into the game and prove yourself in Star Wars... once the visible ePeen meters are put in the game.


So, good luck, my friend. Elite, hardcore raiders are a young man's game. Mark my words, though. In 20 years, you'll be seeing the games from my perspective, and it's on that sad day when you write yourself one of these open letters on a forum that you will realize the raids have passed you by, and you still gotta get that report to your boss, and the wife wants you to bring home more diapers, the car needs a brake job and the kids Christmas Recital is going to happen the same night as your raid, so you'll have to miss it... you get the point.





Anyone who says anything negative about the game has been playing WoW so go back to WoW.


Don't leave I quit threads just go back to playing WoW.


I'm old and have no uber micro skills and suck at raiding. Raiding is for younger players.


When you hit my age you will waffle on and make long forums posts like mine.

sums it up.

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Anyone who says anything negative about the game has been playing WoW so go back to WoW.


Don't leave I quit threads just go back to playing WoW.


I'm old and have no uber micro skills and suck at raiding. Raiding is for younger players.


When you hit my age you will waffle on and make long forums posts like mine.

sums it up.


Kind of, sort of. WoW was simply the allegory to the gaming experience. Since it's the most popular, I invoked it's name.


I stated they leave I Quit posts because they feel the need to set themselves above everyone else and do this by explaining in their I Quit threads exactly how much they know about MMO's and why their opinion is important.


I am old (officially 40) but I do have mad gaming skills to this day. What I don't have it time. That's a valuable commodity for me, and something the younger generation always has plenty of to waste. I know this because it's with every generation.


And, yes, every man/woman eventually looks back at the world around them and the realization of change is right up in the grill, they were so busy with Real Life it straight snuck up on them. And, yes, this will happen to everyone. Again, gaming was the allegory of this statement.


Your attempts to detract are duly noted, and will go down on your permanent record. The point of this whole thread is to get people to actually read and respond. a great portion of those that read the whole thing got the joke and enjoyed it. Others that read the whole thing attempted to detract from it for a myriad of reasons, some were good, others were just straw man arguments. Those that can't build, usually destroy, kind of thing.

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Kind of, sort of. WoW was simply the allegory to the gaming experience. Since it's the most popular, I invoked it's name.


I stated they leave I Quit posts because they feel the need to set themselves above everyone else and do this by explaining in their I Quit threads exactly how much they know about MMO's and why their opinion is important.


I am old (officially 40) but I do have mad gaming skills to this day. What I don't have it time. That's a valuable commodity for me, and something the younger generation always has plenty of to waste. I know this because it's with every generation.


And, yes, every man/woman eventually looks back at the world around them and the realization of change is right up in the grill, they were so busy with Real Life it straight snuck up on them. And, yes, this will happen to everyone. Again, gaming was the allegory of this statement.


Your attempts to detract are duly noted, and will go down on your permanent record. The point of this whole thread is to get people to actually read and respond. a great portion of those that read the whole thing got the joke and enjoyed it. Others that read the whole thing attempted to detract from it for a myriad of reasons, some were good, others were just straw man arguments. Those that can't build, usually destroy, kind of thing.



No offence intended my point being that when people are confronted by a block of text the instant tendency is to skim read. I would even go as far as to say that is why this game is voice acted :D However I do agree with you on some of your points but to get better responses from a majority of people you could have said everything you did in a much shorter post. I have also lost my uber micro it happens when you hit your thirties :) and raiding becomes a bit pointless.

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Actually its been about 2 years since I played wow and I only did it for approx 1 year. It was fun for a while but I have no intentions of going back to WoW. It was fun for a while but I want something different. I adore SWTOR I think its a really great game, as such I will continue to pay for it. If you prefer something else then why all the hate? Why not just go back to playing something else you prefer. The best game is not a universal thing its all down to your personal opinion.


Personally this is what I was wanting and I will be subscribing!

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Actually its been about 2 years since I played wow and I only did it for approx 1 year. It was fun for a while but I have no intentions of going back to WoW. It was fun for a while but I want something different. I adore SWTOR I think its a really great game, as such I will continue to pay for it. If you prefer something else then why all the hate? Why not just go back to playing something else you prefer. The best game is not a universal thing its all down to your personal opinion.


Personally this is what I was wanting and I will be subscribing!


Agreed- I avoided ALL MMORPG prior to SWTOR and I picked up SWTOR for the story and lightsabers.


Endless raids combined with a playerbase of people "Crying" over why some people "needed" a group loot choice instead of just giving it to "the player who wants it" is not my cup of tea.


Although There are still people like that in SWTOR as I was in the middle of Mandalorian Raiders FP and the healer bailed after I had "needed" an item he wanted and got it instead of him.


Now maybe that's my MMORPG inexperience showing but still....



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No offence intended my point being that when people are confronted by a block of text the instant tendency is to skim read. I would even go as far as to say that is why this game is voice acted :D However I do agree with you on some of your points but to get better responses from a majority of people you could have said everything you did in a much shorter post. I have also lost my uber micro it happens when you hit your thirties :) and raiding becomes a bit pointless.


You're absolutely right. They want the easy way, that's why it was written exactly the way it was. You did capture some of the feel with the synopsis. It was intentionally written to poke fun at the type of people that won't read it.

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