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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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I played WoW religiously from beta up until 1.11. At the launch of BC, I quit, and have had absolutely no desire to go back.


This game was refreshing in that I was able to progress solo through my class story and missions. I'm not in the position anymore for long grinds or dedicated hours to something. I like work at my own pace, grinding fast or slow or at whatever speed I enjoy at the time. This game has definitely delivered on that. To top it all off, I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, and I haven't played a SW game in a long long time. I jumped in two days from release on early access and have been playing non stop. There are a TON of bugs that I have personally submitted, which is ok, but the thing that gets me most is the lack of attentive care you would expect from the CSR department so near release.


I believe with some time they will flush out some of these horrid, irritating bugs and produce some quality material. You don't necessarily have to play back to back every month (I never have). When I play, I'm usually on pretty much non stop, which will last a couple weeks, I get burnt out, and I take a break. Give a month or two, I'll hop back on and I've got the itch again.

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Saporah and Zuerius hit the topic very well. Games that have been played extensively do have the comfort zone associated to them, and much of the work is done. But I put forth: Everyone was a beginner in that game at one point, too.


Actually, I was basing that comfort zone on the immersion factor more then anything else.

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Ok QDMcGraw, you seem to have such a solid grasp on why the ePeeners don't want to play swtor.


Please tell my story :D


I played wow. I didn't strive for end game content, nor did I strive for being the top pvper(well I did a bit, but didn't put that much effort in... just enjoyed the challenge). I hung around WoW for 7 yrs. I dabbled in most MMOs as they came out, and always returned to WoW.... I always thought it was because the MMOs that came out... weren't as good as WoW. They attempted to do what WoW did... but never got it right... or better... it always seemed a half azz version of it(including SWTOR... an example? queue times on a DC... are you f**kin re**rded??? very simple concept...)


So please, I beg of you... tell me why I can't get into this game and why I think it's a complete pile of sh*t that people are only playing because EA bought the name Bioware, and the rights to use the Star Wars IP?


This game has fail written all over it. Rift and Warhammer both were good enough to earn AT LEAST a $15 subscription month... these guys only got my $50 and I'm pissed they even got that much.




Short and sweet, you are wrong. This game is worth my money. Probably the first one worth my money in many years. WoW was NOT. Neither was Rift, and Warhammer is iffy at best. You like the grind, don't you. The getting to the end asap so you can grind gear and do nothing else.


I'd rather gauge my eyes out with a spoon than spend hours and hours doing nothing but raiding. I'm here to play the story, and I knew what it was offering when I signed up. So did you. If you don't like it, and just want to do the same thing as wow, then why don't you just play wow? You'd be happier. Especially since you seem to think wow is the be all end all of all gaming.

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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.




Actually you are wrong, and your assumptions about the community at large is wrong as well. While I'll admit I played WoW, I quit about a 1 1/2 ago. Then I tried Rift, and do you want to know something? I was only playing that as a hold-over until THIS game came out. I was excited about this game, as I assume many were. I per-ordered this game, I even was in beta.


I canceled my Rift sub when Skyrim came out and played that until release, and do you want to know something? I'm a dissenting voice on these threads, because I cannot stand the numerous amount of bugs that plague it. I have 4 kids, I am married, and I go to college full-time, and I still find time to PVP. My main point is maybe the reason you're seeing so many dissenting threads is because there really is a problem.

Edited by McAvinue
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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there....




Actually.. I come from Jumpgate and have done since 2001.


Sure I dabbled in WoW just to see if it was my kind of thing, but it wasn't and very quickly left again. But doesn't mean 'everyone comes from WoW'.





But in regards to what I think was the point of the original post (kind of hard to tell as it's somewhat buried)... yeah fair enough. hehe

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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.


But, here we are with this fancy new game. It's Star Wars! Who doesn't love Star Wars? Well, at least the original trilogy, but those are the movies, and this is a video game. Star Wars has a rich history of quality games going back a generation now. From the halcyon days of X-Wing and TIE Fighter to more recent releases like KOTOR and The Force Unleashed, the Star Wars Franchise goes on strong. There were some bumps in the road, all franchises have them, but, really, a shiny new Star Wars MMO, story driven and built to please, how could it go wrong?


Oh, dang, bugs. Well, let's be honest. Every game, even stand alone games, are released with bugs. You are to blame for this, my friend. yes, you. Prior to release, how hard were you fiending for this game to be released? You got your wish and now it's not good enough? Oh well, them's the breaks. In the last 10 years, game companies realized the hungry purchasing public will pay to beta test games. I'm very confident in the next 10 years, Beta Testing rights will be purchased from companies, in an effort to drum up more revenue to create the game. With over 100 million dollars invested into these games, the influx has to come from somewhere.


But I digress, we all came from WoW or spent some time in Azeroth. It's inevitable, and now here we are, collected at the gates and wondering what we paid for. It's been 2.5 weeks and you're already max level and have nothing to do. You, my friend, are a serious gamer! Those stories are for the Role Playing Nerds, not the gamers! PVP is broken, it's absurd, it's horrendous, and you keep losing at it. This game is obviously broken, because you got skills, my friend. Your Battle Rank in WoW proves this. In fact, you have 2,3 and 5 man Arena Ratings that blow away your SAT scores, because that's just how you roll: hardcore. You have pre-nerf Lich king slayings under your belt, server first on Ruby Sanctum, and let's not even get into the amount of butt kicking you did in Cataclysm! Sure, you may have missed Vanilla, but you were a punk kid that was enamored by Harry Potter, but you've grown up since then and you're starting to grow hair in places you were afraid to wash last month. Azeroth was your playground and everyone knew that anytime you walked through Orgrimmar or Stormwind with all your latest Tier Gear.


And this is where it all comes to a head. You have thousands of hours invested into WoW. You've spent the better part of the last few years in Azeroth conquering anything and everything, doing every little quest you could find and getting all the achievements you could get because you were running out of things to do. PVP? Hell, we already talked about your Arena Rankings, it's balanced, it's good, it's everything it should be, but, it was a long time coming my friend. I was there at the beginning of Azeroth, don't fool yourself that it was always golden and good.


So, my friend, this is the investment you currently have in WoW. You have an addiction, be it great or small, to MMO's. Don't fool yourself, you do. You are looking for reasons to not like Star Wars because deep down you know what it's going to take to be on top again, and with everyone all starting near the same time, everyone has the same chance you do to make a name for themselves and be epic. It's not so much there's nothing to do at 50, it's there's nothing to brag about. Your ePeen remains flacid while you wait for developers to give you a conquest to take on. I know this feeling well, I've been there. At one point I was the one of the top 3 rogues on my PVP server for Gear Score, Boss kills and PVP ratings. I had PVP ranks when they were given in Military Ranks, that's how old school I was, and I kept that rank!


So, what's the point? Well, you don't want to start over, you want to rise above, but you are having trouble finding a way IN GAME to do this. You, my friend, are epic. You are important, you're voice holds weight and others should be lining up to suck at the teet of your gaming wisdom. But, again, Star Wars has no mountain for you to climb into rare air and set yourself apart from the rest. The accomplishments you are achieving are something everyone else in game can do if they dedicate the time you did. Sure, you leveled faster, but, it was a finite climb and the ladder just lead to a platform. The longer you stand there waiting for content, the more people join you on this common ground. There's nothing exceptional about being 50, and with the game being so new, the WarZones are buggy, so you can't set yourself up successfully in there. More and more people show up, and you get lost in the masses of unwashed Casuals. They're turning up everywhere, and there's no way for you to set yourself apart from them in game, it just doesn't exist. You can't sit by idly while your accomplishments, thus far, are made mundane by Casuals, blech! The word Casuals leaves a dirty taste in your mouth. In fact, all this time you are waiting for the bugs to be fixed, and new content to be added you could be in WoW getting more achievements.


And there's the rub. You realize if you are going to stay with this game, there's nothing to do to set yourself apart from the mindless rabble collecting at level 50, no way to swing an ePeen with excitement when all ePeens are the same size. But, in WoW... you still have those Holiday Quests to finish to get this years latest non-combat gift/mount/companion and the latest achievement. You are burning valuable ePeen time in SWTOR that could be used to keep yourself above the rest of the rabble in WoW. But, it's WoW. Gawd, do you really want to go back? Well, if it's means getting adoration from the mindless slags that can visibly see you are superior, then yes! You didn't work hard for all these years just to be like everyone else in the new game. You got your skills down and know what you're doing. Sure, you were a n00b once, but, now, you're the gaming elite. You just wish you could find a way to do this in Star Wars aside from going to the blasted forums and leaving a "I QUIT" thread for everyone, and in there explain, in great detail, how much you know about MMO's. It's really the only way you know how to express your eliteness at this time. Plus, you can go back to WoW for now and wait for some bugs to get fixed. You're already 50 anyway, and that was the hard part, you can just rejoin the game later and with your mad skills, be able to get right back into the game and prove yourself in Star Wars... once the visible ePeen meters are put in the game.


So, good luck, my friend. Elite, hardcore raiders are a young man's game. Mark my words, though. In 20 years, you'll be seeing the games from my perspective, and it's on that sad day when you write yourself one of these open letters on a forum that you will realize the raids have passed you by, and you still gotta get that report to your boss, and the wife wants you to bring home more diapers, the car needs a brake job and the kids Christmas Recital is going to happen the same night as your raid, so you'll have to miss it... you get the point.


Hey there. I read your post and enjoyed it. I don't agree with all of it, of course. I never was hooked on WoW, I had played several MMOs previously that were more addictive, to someone with my taste. Relic Raids in Camelot far surpassed the PvP experiences WoW had to offer. High end raids in EQ1 were more engaging and exciting than the cartoonish washed out crap WoW had to offer. In EQ1 you could die and have some serious trouble retrieving your corpse with all it's gear on, which would rot after a week and poof on you. Nothing like 3000+ hours of invested time being on the line to make **** exciting, IMO.


But, I do agree with the gist. I am 33 years old. I have been playing games my whole life. I could sit up all night and play when I was 19, but can't and even more importantly DO NOT WANT TO anymore. I love the casual but engaging feel of TOR so far. It has actually kept me up until 2.00 in the morning a few nights, which no other game have for years. Me and the wife have 4 sets of characters we play now, 3 republic and 1 imperial set.


We will subscribe for another month, no doubt. Then we shall see about the next one. I usually don't read forums anymore, but stumbled in for a while today when I tried to find out if I could change my Legacy name which I thought (stupidly?) was unique for my trooper, Bin'Roy Mightymember.... but now I realize all my characters will be equipped with imaginary extensions as only the Commando has the "real" one... :(


Ah well!


More long posts with decent content are needed anyway. ADHD kiddies should stop reading at all, and just focus on the one opinion that matters, their own. Anything else seem like TL;DR anyway, right?


ur urrr... u r... whut?

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Wrong again: "it's evident" = "it is evident".


So, that's cool. I'm not trolling, just asking you to completely read it if you want to have conclusions.


However, "in it's entirety", which was also in the post you're replying to, is incorrect. "Its" is annoying because you DON'T use the apostrophe to indicate possession, one of the all too many exceptions in English.


Now, in general, writing on forums is informal (inforumal? :) ), so minor errors are common and expected. I don't pick on people unless they demonstrate an absolute disregard for even basic communication skills. I'm only mentioning it, in this case, because you missed the actual error being highlighted, and if you're going to say to a nitpicker, "Nun-uh, you're wrong!", it's best to be sure you're right. I don't know what numbered law it is, but it is a law of the Internet that any post commenting on someone else's error will contain an error or two of its own.

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We know you came from WoW, don't deny it. Everyone playing MMO's has had a run through the turnstile of the most popular MMO out there. It was easy, it was fun, and slowly, but surely, it took over your life as you chased the brass ring of endgame. Burned out and disillusioned from your time at hardcore raiding, you became jaded to the WoW experience. It's ok, we know this, we've all been there; you are not alone.


But, here we are with this fancy new game. It's Star Wars! Who doesn't love Star Wars? Well, at least the original trilogy, but those are the movies, and this is a video game. Star Wars has a rich history of quality games going back a generation now. From the halcyon days of X-Wing and TIE Fighter to more recent releases like KOTOR and The Force Unleashed, the Star Wars Franchise goes on strong. There were some bumps in the road, all franchises have them, but, really, a shiny new Star Wars MMO, story driven and built to please, how could it go wrong?


Oh, dang, bugs. Well, let's be honest. Every game, even stand alone games, are released with bugs. You are to blame for this, my friend. yes, you. Prior to release, how hard were you fiending for this game to be released? You got your wish and now it's not good enough? Oh well, them's the breaks. In the last 10 years, game companies realized the hungry purchasing public will pay to beta test games. I'm very confident in the next 10 years, Beta Testing rights will be purchased from companies, in an effort to drum up more revenue to create the game. With over 100 million dollars invested into these games, the influx has to come from somewhere.


But I digress, we all came from WoW or spent some time in Azeroth. It's inevitable, and now here we are, collected at the gates and wondering what we paid for. It's been 2.5 weeks and you're already max level and have nothing to do. You, my friend, are a serious gamer! Those stories are for the Role Playing Nerds, not the gamers! PVP is broken, it's absurd, it's horrendous, and you keep losing at it. This game is obviously broken, because you got skills, my friend. Your Battle Rank in WoW proves this. In fact, you have 2,3 and 5 man Arena Ratings that blow away your SAT scores, because that's just how you roll: hardcore. You have pre-nerf Lich king slayings under your belt, server first on Ruby Sanctum, and let's not even get into the amount of butt kicking you did in Cataclysm! Sure, you may have missed Vanilla, but you were a punk kid that was enamored by Harry Potter, but you've grown up since then and you're starting to grow hair in places you were afraid to wash last month. Azeroth was your playground and everyone knew that anytime you walked through Orgrimmar or Stormwind with all your latest Tier Gear.


And this is where it all comes to a head. You have thousands of hours invested into WoW. You've spent the better part of the last few years in Azeroth conquering anything and everything, doing every little quest you could find and getting all the achievements you could get because you were running out of things to do. PVP? Hell, we already talked about your Arena Rankings, it's balanced, it's good, it's everything it should be, but, it was a long time coming my friend. I was there at the beginning of Azeroth, don't fool yourself that it was always golden and good.


So, my friend, this is the investment you currently have in WoW. You have an addiction, be it great or small, to MMO's. Don't fool yourself, you do. You are looking for reasons to not like Star Wars because deep down you know what it's going to take to be on top again, and with everyone all starting near the same time, everyone has the same chance you do to make a name for themselves and be epic. It's not so much there's nothing to do at 50, it's there's nothing to brag about. Your ePeen remains flacid while you wait for developers to give you a conquest to take on. I know this feeling well, I've been there. At one point I was the one of the top 3 rogues on my PVP server for Gear Score, Boss kills and PVP ratings. I had PVP ranks when they were given in Military Ranks, that's how old school I was, and I kept that rank!


So, what's the point? Well, you don't want to start over, you want to rise above, but you are having trouble finding a way IN GAME to do this. You, my friend, are epic. You are important, you're voice holds weight and others should be lining up to suck at the teet of your gaming wisdom. But, again, Star Wars has no mountain for you to climb into rare air and set yourself apart from the rest. The accomplishments you are achieving are something everyone else in game can do if they dedicate the time you did. Sure, you leveled faster, but, it was a finite climb and the ladder just lead to a platform. The longer you stand there waiting for content, the more people join you on this common ground. There's nothing exceptional about being 50, and with the game being so new, the WarZones are buggy, so you can't set yourself up successfully in there. More and more people show up, and you get lost in the masses of unwashed Casuals. They're turning up everywhere, and there's no way for you to set yourself apart from them in game, it just doesn't exist. You can't sit by idly while your accomplishments, thus far, are made mundane by Casuals, blech! The word Casuals leaves a dirty taste in your mouth. In fact, all this time you are waiting for the bugs to be fixed, and new content to be added you could be in WoW getting more achievements.


And there's the rub. You realize if you are going to stay with this game, there's nothing to do to set yourself apart from the mindless rabble collecting at level 50, no way to swing an ePeen with excitement when all ePeens are the same size. But, in WoW... you still have those Holiday Quests to finish to get this years latest non-combat gift/mount/companion and the latest achievement. You are burning valuable ePeen time in SWTOR that could be used to keep yourself above the rest of the rabble in WoW. But, it's WoW. Gawd, do you really want to go back? Well, if it's means getting adoration from the mindless slags that can visibly see you are superior, then yes! You didn't work hard for all these years just to be like everyone else in the new game. You got your skills down and know what you're doing. Sure, you were a n00b once, but, now, you're the gaming elite. You just wish you could find a way to do this in Star Wars aside from going to the blasted forums and leaving a "I QUIT" thread for everyone, and in there explain, in great detail, how much you know about MMO's. It's really the only way you know how to express your eliteness at this time. Plus, you can go back to WoW for now and wait for some bugs to get fixed. You're already 50 anyway, and that was the hard part, you can just rejoin the game later and with your mad skills, be able to get right back into the game and prove yourself in Star Wars... once the visible ePeen meters are put in the game.


So, good luck, my friend. Elite, hardcore raiders are a young man's game. Mark my words, though. In 20 years, you'll be seeing the games from my perspective, and it's on that sad day when you write yourself one of these open letters on a forum that you will realize the raids have passed you by, and you still gotta get that report to your boss, and the wife wants you to bring home more diapers, the car needs a brake job and the kids Christmas Recital is going to happen the same night as your raid, so you'll have to miss it... you get the point.


Sir, I hereby applaud you for your use of sarcasm. It has provided me a wonderful laugh to end my day and I can only say.


Well done :D

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There is something wrong with you if you are playing games several hours a day when you are 40 and have a wife and kids.


I'm 46 and have a wife and cats. I don't know if I play several hours a day... I play a few long sessions on weekends, having traded off other activities I used to partake in during that time, and sometimes an hour or two on weekdays, usually when my wife needs time for her personal life.


I leave you with two quotes I consider quite correct:

"Men do not cease to play because they grow old; the grow old because they cease to play.": Bernard Shaw


"When I became a man, I put away childish things, such as the fear of being seen as childish and the desire to be very grown-up.": CS Lewis


I have a lot more respect for an adult who spends his free time playing online games than one who spends his free time getting drunk and watching other people play games on television.

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Pages on pages on pages of people wondering if they should quit or not... can't you just make a decision already?


If you like the grind play wow, if you like non-toony graphics, star wars and story play swtor. Stop complaining that the game didn't turn out the wow-clonish way you keep wanting for some reason?


Different is sometimes a GOOD thing, don't fear the change nerds. :cool:

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Nice post op. A little long but I was actually going to do a similar one myself about why people are trying to find/come up with/invent issues with TOR.


If they find the issues it gives them an excuse to back to what they know , easy street WOW, even though it is being ruined by poor expansions and more poor expansions to come(Pandas FTW).


There are issues with TOR, and some that are actually important, but a lot of them posted here from what I've seen come from people who are simply either too lazy to learn how to play or are just so attached to the X years they have wasted in WOW, they don't want to let it go.


So what do they do, they come here and list a few things on the forums that they don't like, and seek other posters who will agree with them, so they can go back to WOW and feel like they have made a good choice and feel Leet again.


Every day they are here, they aren't raiding in WOW, their gear is becoming outdated. How will they cope? It's the end of the world!!!!


It's quite funny actually when you think about it.

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Awesome read mate... loved it truely.


People who get offended by your post really didn't read it, Im not a WoW player nor a hardcore player, and i know this post wasn't for me. A post for yourself, and those who are you and will be you.




GL out there man.

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Nice post op. A little long but I was actually going to do a similar one myself about why people are trying to find/come up with/invent issues with TOR.


If they find the issues it gives them an excuse to back to what they know , easy street WOW, even though it is being ruined by poor expansions and more poor expansions to come(Pandas FTW).


There are issues with TOR, and some that are actually important, but a lot of them posted here from what I've seen come from people who are simply either too lazy to learn how to play or are just so attached to the X years they have wasted in WOW, they don't want to let it go.


So what do they do, they come here and list a few things on the forums that they don't like, and seek other posters who will agree with them, so they can go back to WOW and feel like they have made a good choice and feel Leet again.


Every day they are here, they aren't raiding in WOW, their gear is becoming outdated. How will they cope? It's the end of the world!!!!


It's quite funny actually when you think about it.


That's exactly it. If they give the game a fair shake for 3 months, it will be epic. Most the big things will be fixed for good, new content will be available, and there may even be some GM run events! The time sinks will be put in at some point, I know there are a few, but in time, there will be much more.


It's stepping away from the known and into the unknown that can be scary for people. They got WoW down to a science and have a good base on their characters. They can use that base to continue to be uber with the new expansions, but that's because the game is so easy. It appeals to a large group of people.


SWTOR is easy as well. I've burned through a lot of content on 3 characters, though I'm still not max level. I created a healer last night just to see how healing is in the game, and I'll be writing a full on review on the 19th before everyone splits. Of course, it will be competing with all the I Quit threads, so it'll get lost in the mix, but we'll see how it goes.

Edited by QDMcGraw
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Sinc I read the entire post I think I'll comment. I think what the OP is trying to say is that people have a hard time letting go of their old game that they love so much. The first slight vision of boredom with a new game people will complain because they can be doing something in their old game.


Have to agree with the age part at the end. The older you get the more responsible you have to be. One response said not everyone has a report to turn in to their boss. Do not take that sentence literally. OP meant that the real world job has to come first. Same as taking care of the family or even yourself. Gaming becomes something you enjoy doing in the limited amount of spare time many of us older people have.


Another response was about this being a persuasive paper. Well, do not know where you went to school but this is a opinionated/ analysis paper. Maybe you should go back to those writing classes you took in college. Maybe you did not attend that class since you were to busy getting the best gear in whatever game you played before this one.

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I expected as much, patience is not for today's generation, they want bullet points and brevity. It's the I WANT IT NOW generation, and reading is hard, especially trying to understand a theme that continues on for so long. There were too many side points leading to the main point, I get it. I accept that from ya'll.


Today's generation has a near infinite amount of information at their fingertips but a very finite amount of time. Don't assume everyone who doesn't read your novel has no patience in general, but rather not enough patience for the "magnum opus" of a random person's 1 week SW review.

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