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Merc or PT?


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So let me start with saying that I have no interest in ever taking or healing I will only ever play DPS. With that said I would like to know what most people would recommend nowadays between the 2 classes. I do prefer a diversity of attacks and abilities animation wise. I have also heard PT has heat issues?


Sooo... Merc or PT? I'd also like to know which is more fun for solo play?

Edited by Zergnaut
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PT - melee and short range (4-10 m), feels way more sturdier then merc. Merc - long range, very simple rotation, have cleanse. If you are interested in complex rotations then imo choose PT. But you can try one first, then second class. With legacy gear it's not a problem.
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play both!



swtor is a multi character game and so you will play both. merc is the better choice as a beginner, because of the better overview. pt comes with nice abilities and hugh dps output. but play both!

Edited by fabsus
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Sooo... Merc or PT? I'd also like to know which is more fun for solo play?


The answer to your question is highly subjective, meaning it really depends on your personal preferences and I don't know what your preferences are. If you prefer using two pistols and playing a spec that is designed to fight from 10-30m then mercenary is for you. If you prefer playing with one pistol in a style that is much more melee-oriented and up in your opponent's face (most abilities have 10m or less range) then powertech is the way to go.


Personally I enjoy playing both but if forced to pick one over the other I would go with mercenary.

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So let me start with saying that I have no interest in ever taking or healing I will only ever play DPS. With that said I would like to know what most people would recommend nowadays between the 2 classes. I do prefer a diversity of attacks and abilities animation wise. I have also heard PT has heat issues?


Sooo... Merc or PT? I'd also like to know which is more fun for solo play?


Premise: both classes are absolutely fine to play in solo content, they don't generally struggle - nobody does - and they do share a fair bit in terms of general mechanics. Plus there's nothing preventing you from making one of each, at all. :D


That said, which is better for you depends a lot on what you personally prefer. :rolleyes:


Merc is pretty much a walking turret, focused on long range damage, pretty good AoE potential and support with a fair bit of survival thrown in when needed.

In terms of aesthetics, their attacks are all based on guns or missiles, but there's a fair variety on the missiles shape, number and effect and how often they get used depending on what specialization you pick. AoE potential is nice, you have a few options that are viable and aesthetically different, but again it's a missiles vs guns situation. It's of course generally a bit more forgiving when positioning, as in solo content you rarely need to move around a lot to avoid enemy attack lest you die...


Powertech is more of an "in your face" kind of fighter, direct and focused on keeping pressure on the enemies in close quarters and destroying them with the bit of AoE they have - which is just a bit, compared to Merc - but a lot more "visceral", if you will.

In terms of attacks, they go from punches, to missiles, to gunning, to burning, and depending on your specialization you can have some gutting potential too. They also have a charge and a pull, which makes it pretty fun if you don't feel like running to that annoying enemy that is far from the middle of the group, but as I said, they have a lot less AoE potential.


In terms of DPS, I haven't noticed a particular edge in solo content. Neither have I noticed particular trouble in surviving with, nor have I noticed particular trouble with the resource management, so I'd say that in terms of viability we're about there in both cases. :)

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Well, what content are you planning on playing?


PT tends to play better for just running around killing things as it has less ramp up compared to IO merc. Also PT's tank spec also is fun to play even when dpsing around dailies and junk.


For PvP merc is the easier class to learn as PTs are currently the squishiest class in the game, but their damage is disgusting to make up for it.


For group PVE, really either is good enough. Though if you JUST want to deal damage PT is more about just killing things fast compared to merc which has things like off heals and raid buffs you can utilize.

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TY supercometl you Cox_The_Beast and Char_Ell provided the info I Needed.


I read in depth through all the specs AP spec was ok but pyro looked like it would bore me. I dont like it when all my attacks in the game visually look the same. It bores me. On Pyro PT it seems like that would happen based on watching both a PT and a Merc fight a training dummy in game this morning. I watched a Mercs attacks too. IO had just enough diversity visually in the attacks for me. So AP would be the only spec Id play. However with Merc id play both Arsenal and IO. So looks like my choice is made?


Guess I am going to go with merc since it has two specs id enjoy over one. As an added bonus the merc told me that he can often set his companion to dps and keep him self and his companion up with defensive CDs/self heals which clears through solo content much faster. The PT has to set the companion to heal

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I forgot to add a little imo: PT has most annoying sfx of all classes - he/she laughs when doing rocket puch. Every 10 sec - hahaha, hahaha, hahaha. But for solo content possibility to switch to tank spec really helps if you decide to solo heroic star forges, veteran and master modes chapters etc etc.
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I forgot to add a little imo: PT has most annoying sfx of all classes - he/she laughs when doing rocket puch. Every 10 sec - hahaha, hahaha, hahaha. But for solo content possibility to switch to tank spec really helps if you decide to solo heroic star forges, veteran and master modes chapters etc etc.


Thanks. I noticed that and it was kind of annoying

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