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Guild Leader Unsubbing Question


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I'm a guild leader with zero other players in my guild... had over 150 at one point, but now all are gone except me. I don't feel like subbing anymore as it's sort of too depressing. That said, my guild has a lot of assets such as fully unlocked guild ship and a Yavin 4 stronghold.


Here's the question(s): Since there's no-one else in my guild, if I un-sub there's no-one to pass the leadership onto. What happens to the guild assets? Can I retain them for my personal use after I go Preferred?

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There are penalties for a guild whose guild leader is not a subscriber, chief among them your ranks get reset to the defaults. There are others but I don't remember them off the bat.


Yank out all the cash from the guild vaults, because once you go pref, you won't be able to withdraw credits from the guild bank. Also make sure you never have more than 1m credits on any one toon at any one time, as the rest go into escrow meaning you need cartel coins to free them.


If you leave your guild by /gquit and no more toons are in it, the guild will dissolve.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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If you leave your guild by /gquit and no more toons are in it, the guild will dissolve.


Are you sure about that? I thought there was /gdisband command for that purpose though I've never tried it either way.

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Yank out all the cash from the guild vaults, because once you go pref, you won't be able to withdraw credits from the guild bank. Also make sure you never have more than 1m credits on any one toon at any one time, as the rest go into escrow meaning you need cartel coins to free them.


I cleared out my guild bank, but... OH FRACK! Forgot about the credits limit. I have over 750M in my Legacy Stronghold storage. Will I need cartel coins to excess that?

Edited by TheOuroborus
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I cleared out my guild bank, but... OH FRACK! Forgot about the credits limit. I have over 750M in my Legacy Stronghold storage. Will I need cartel coins to excess that?


No, in contrast to Guild storage, Legacy storage is not affected by account status and freely accessible, but you still have to be mindful of the fact that you should only withdraw up to 1 million credits on each character to avoid getting it snatched away by Escrow.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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No, in contrast to Guild storage, Legacy storage is not affected by account status and freely accessible, but you still have to be mindful of the fact that you should only withdraw up to 1 million credits on each character to avoid getting it snatched away by Escrow.


Awesome sauce. Good to know. Thanks!

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Doesn't the last one out have to disband the guild rather than quitting it?


Not like there's a prompt when you delete a character "oh by the way, you can't delete this character, it's the last character in a guild" so why should quitting it be any different? Guess I can always form a guild real quick and find out.

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Tangential question: If I dissolve the guild and I'm the only one left, what happens to all its assets (ship, housing, etc)? Does it all just vanish?


It was I who bought our Yavin 4 stronghold and pretty much unlocked the entire guild ship and decorated it before I ever started recruiting members. Does that just evaporate into the ether? I think I know the sad answer to that.


I suppose there's no way to transfer a guild stronghold to private. *sigh

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Tangential question: If I dissolve the guild and I'm the only one left, what happens to all its assets (ship, housing, etc)? Does it all just vanish?


It was I who bought our Yavin 4 stronghold and pretty much unlocked the entire guild ship and decorated it before I ever started recruiting members. Does that just evaporate into the ether? I think I know the sad answer to that.


I suppose there's no way to transfer a guild stronghold to private. *sigh


All of the assets do go poof and no there is no way to transfer any of that to personal / private. Just hold onto the guild and use it for personal use or, if it is too depressing but you do not want the assets to go poof, you could try selling it or finding someone to take it over.

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Tangential question: If I dissolve the guild and I'm the only one left, what happens to all its assets (ship, housing, etc)? Does it all just vanish?


It was I who bought our Yavin 4 stronghold and pretty much unlocked the entire guild ship and decorated it before I ever started recruiting members. Does that just evaporate into the ether? I think I know the sad answer to that.

Yes, I think it all vanishes, but then again, it never really existed either. 🙂


Most people in your position would try to sell the guild, but I don't know if that's against the TOS. 🤔

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Most people in your position would try to sell the guild, but I don't know if that's against the TOS. 🤔

It's probably OK if you sell it for in-game resources (credits etc.). Selling it for real Earth money (I *so* want to write "eddies" here) is *definitely* against the TOS.

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Yes, I think it all vanishes, but then again, it never really existed either. 🙂


Most people in your position would try to sell the guild, but I don't know if that's against the TOS. 🤔


Selling for credits is fine. Many guild leaders hawked their dead guilds on fleet for credits. For a while there they were more prevalent than gold sellers.


I've acquired 2 guilds through attrition (being the last man standing) and at least two guilds were just given to me by desperate GLs wanting to unload them. For a while there I was handing out empty guilds like candy to folks in my guild for them to use as extra storage space.


Then things got quiet. Either the excess inventory, so to speak, was sold off, or people just walked away from the game. Either way, I don't see too many offers in genchat any more for someone selling a guild.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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