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Achievements and Legacy


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Achievements, as they are now, are just pointless. They give no score, no rewards, nobody can even see them apart from yourself.


BW needs to implement an Ahievements Aystem which actually makes sense. Here are some ideas:


a) Implement a Legacy window and move Achievements from the Codex to here


b) Implement a score system, as it is in Rift, which can be seen by all guildies


c) Let players see each other's achievements, as it is in WoW


d) Make achievements account bound, linked to the Legacy System, so that they do not belong to one character but to the "House"


e) Make a Legacy webpage in the official website, where you list the achievement score of a legacy. This will improve competition and game longevity


f) Avoid stupid achievements such as "dance on the mailboxes of the whole galaxy"


g) Implement achievements for exploration, alternative ways for killing bosses, completing all the quests in the game, and other epic deeds


f) Make achievement rewards Legacy-bound


Thank you all for reading and feel free to comment/improve my ideas.

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I personally love achievements and would dance and scream out of happiness if they introduced a well made system for that!

An option for for players to hide their achievement I think would be very much appreciated as well, some ppl actually wants privacy.

Edited by Ozbaab
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I agree with you OP great ideas, but I am not too bummed yet. I see achievements as an auxiliary system that should be done later after the game gets its legs under it. Then when we have mostly 50s running around it will give them a lot of additional content to do at 50.


Yes, indeed. Haste leads to impatience, impatience, leads to frustration, frustration leads to fear... you know the rest :D


What is really important is that they implement a very good Achievement System. They have the chance to make it even innovative, beacause of the Legacy system which I find awesome.


I hope they will not remain deft to our requests. They have time to improve the game, all I am asking is that they make it happen.

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Listen! The game is new! Are you not smart enough to realize not everything will be in game right away and the things that are in will not be in its final form? Did you stop to think about that before making yet another complaining post? How old are you?
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Listen! The game is new! Are you not smart enough to realize not everything will be in game right away and the things that are in will not be in its final form? Did you stop to think about that before making yet another complaining post? How old are you?


You really make yourself look bad. I feel sorry for you, and so will you if you actually read the thread and find NO clue of complaining. I am sorry if you have reading or mental issues, but please do not ruin this thread with your utter nonsense. Thanks.

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Listen! The game is new! Are you not smart enough to realize not everything will be in game right away and the things that are in will not be in its final form? Did you stop to think about that before making yet another complaining post? How old are you?


This was actually a very construtive thread with some good ideas the OP had for the future direction of the achievement system. And, if you even look at his reply to my thread above the OP even says "haste makes waste"

Edited by sithlordmauler
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Listen! The game is new! Are you not smart enough to realize not everything will be in game right away and the things that are in will not be in its final form? Did you stop to think about that before making yet another complaining post? How old are you?


And congratz on being a complete tool. I found this thread quite constructive till you arrived.

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Achievements, as they are now, are just pointless. They give no score, no rewards, nobody can even see them apart from yourself.



For the 2 people who are supporing the OP complaining I quoted this. It pointless to be complaining and asking for things within a few days of the game being launched. There is no game company out there than can make changes that fast. You don't think they have ideas for what to do with this? It seems like some less than well adjusted adults expect everything to be in game and be in its final form withing the first 2 weeks. Well guess what? Its not going to happen in this game or any game. How many years it took WOW to have achievements, heirlooms e.t.c. You need to be an adult and realize no game will have everyting right out the door. Your post is just one of the countless complaining posts from the people who were spoiled rotten by their parents and want everything NOW.


I also know they complainers love to report any posts that disagree with them to the moderators.

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For the 2 people who are supporing the OP complaining I quoted this. It pointless to be complaining and asking for things within a few days of the game being launched. There is no game company out there than can make changes that fast. You don't think they have ideas for what to do with this? It seems like some less than well adjusted adults expect everything to be in game and be in its final form withing the first 2 weeks. Well guess what? Its not going to happen in this game or any game. How many years it took WOW to have achievements, heirlooms e.t.c. You need to be an adult and realize no game will have everyting right out the door. Your post is just one of the countless complaining posts from the people who were spoiled rotten by their parents and want everything NOW.


I also know they complainers love to report any posts that disagree with them to the moderators.


He was making a suggestion and said politely that it would be nice TO HAVE. He didnt say anywhere OMG WHERE IZ ACHIEZ?!


Get lost please.

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