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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I though taking an exception to the rule and thinking it is the rule was being ignorant.


(Rules = Ability>animation)


Except that only you think is an exception to the rule. With all videos, examples, threads and with your "one exception" you still dont have a little suspicion that maybe, just maybe, you are wrong? Well as I said there is a thin line between being a healthy skeptic and a pathological skeptic.

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Except that only you think is an exception to the rule. With all videos, examples, threads and with your "one exception" you still dont have a little suspicion that maybe, just maybe, you are wrong? Well as I said there is a thin line between being a healthy skeptic and a pathological skeptic.


The example you can see in my video are only example.


Its hard to convince people i am not having the issue by other way then posting video of me not having this issue..


I have yet to see any video that shows animation have priority over ability, aside from the mount one(which is not even really a combat ability).


I am experiencing the mount issue, but no issue related to ability delay.

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Why is it that your castbar for lighting strike shows a clear "canceled", yet it manages to still hit both enemies?

^ This.


You also finish casting your gather skill, yet it takes ~2s for the loot window to appear as your character completes the actual looting animation.


Also, did you actually jump midcast like in the WoW video? Because if you did try and jump, obviously, your character refused to.

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Why is it that your castbar for lighting strike shows a clear "canceled", yet it manages to still hit both enemies?


UI Bug? idk.


And it does not hit both ennemy ! Its actually an other spell i cast and try to land at the same time on the other ( i fail a lil bit).

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Comparaison with swtor.


Exactly. Now compare these 2 videos.


1. What are we comparing here? In the first video the frostbolt was interrupted while he jumps and next skill was insta casted in mid air. In your video the ability was even not interrupted.

1. It shows canceled in cast bar and then it still fires (do you notice this for Yodas sake?)

2. Notice how the instant Fireblast hits the target and he is already gathering

3. Try to chain all abilities like in wow video


5. Are you sure you know what we are talking about here?

Edited by AlexRose
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^ This.


You also finish casting your gather skill, yet it takes ~2s for the loot window to appear as your character completes the actual looting animation.


Also, did you actually jump midcast like in the WoW video? Because if you did try and jump, obviously, your character refused to.


My jumping is what cancelled the ability. I did not jump mid cast, just when the ability bar turned white.

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The video show what it show.


Animation does not have priority over the spell firing. If you are experiencing it, it might be user specific or spell specific. Stop flaming that bioware designed a combat system that give priority to animation over the spell firing when its not the case.


And its possible to cast an instant+offgcd+instant in one gcd.


It shows nothing more, nothing less.


Edit : And please, i did not cherry pick anything. In the last part of the first video when you see me cast chain lightning+force lightning it was not even intended lol. Still show two spell with long animation and force lightning starting before the animation finish.


As for the mediocre fluidity, the important part is the crushing darkness+force lightning and chain lightning + force lightning in the first video and shock+recklesness+forcelightning in the second video. Aside from those ability i can assure you i was not spamming my ability to go off every gcd. If you actually pay attention to when i hit each ability they fire pretty quickly.


To be honest, even in your videos it does look pretty bad. If you cannot see the clear delay between your castbar finishing and the SCT dmg / animation / effects appearing - then I'm sorry for your reaction times. Do this in WoW, then compare in slowmo, you'll see.


The only thing really good I can see is that the actual damage is applied way before the visual effects kick in - which indicates that it is not a event processing/server side processing time issue, but really something to be fixed on the client.

Edited by Skarrrr
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Exactly. Now compare these 2 videos.


1. What are we comparing here? In the first video the firebolt was interrupted while he jumps and next skill was insta casted in mid air. In your video the ability was even not interrupted.Actually i didnt really noticed his first spell was interupted. I just tried to land two ability at the same time.

1. It shows canceled in cast bar and then it still fires (do you notice this for Yodas sake?)So what its an UI bug, would you prefer it does not fire?

2. Notice how the instant Fireblast hits the target and he is already gatheringMhh not possible in that case since when my instant hit the target im still in the air! Also notice how its just me that fail to click the nodes.

3. Try to chain all abilities like in wow videoSo you want me to take a video that i : cast an ability, interupt that ability by jumping and then cast an instant and instantly start gathering when i hit the ground? I'll do it if you dont believe me.




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To be honest, even in your videos it does look pretty bad. If you cannot see the clear delay between your castbar finishing and the SCT dmg / animation / effects appearing - then I'm sorry for your reaction times. Do this in WoW, then compare in slowmo, you'll see.


You mean the travel time of the ability? For instance you throw a grenade and it damage when it hit the target?

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Im haveing a issue with looting.

For the most part I have not been grouping and doing just fine with single player style.

AS I have been progressing with Vette,while fighting mobs of three or more the loot window keeps comeing up during the fights.

Whats going is because im mele sith warrior,I have to be close for combat.While im close to my oppenents during combat they start dieing,because we have a ability delay problem in game ,I cant fire off my specials,so what happens is im standing there haveing to right click to do a default attack.

This constantly causes the loot window to open up dureing combat and gets in the way of my combat situation.


Is there a solution for this,work around im not aware of.

Thankyou for your time in advanced.

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You mean the travel time of the ability? For instance you throw a grenade and it damage when it hit the target?


No, there it is of course clearly understandable. But there are lots of skills without travel times where this occurs as well.


Also, for those skills with travel times I get the feeling they are too long to feel responsive enough.

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No, there it is of course clearly understandable. But there are lots of skills without travel times where this occurs as well.


Also, for those skills with travel times I get the feeling they are too long to feel responsive enough.


Some animation might feel wierd or unresponsive because of how they where designed for their mirror class. Like shooting a missile for the bounty hunter versus shooting a grenade for the trooper. Both have to lend at the same time (like .8 sec after activation) but one animation is considerably faster than the other. So one might wait .2 sec after hitting the button to start the animation.


This specific issue as nothing to do with combat tho, its just purely estethic and can give a feeling that your character is not responding.

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I don't know if this has been brought up before, but perhaps it is down to the way the game is coded. I'm no programmer so this is just what I guess might be the case.


The timings of the game is based on the duration of the animation. This should not be the case because animation should not be a factor at all because it should just be a display or manifest of the spell cast timers. Timers should determine the animation displayed not the other way around. As long as animation is a factor of the timers it's never going to be as smooth as WoW (in which animations have nothing to do with timers and can be cut off by another animation).


Not sure it makes any sense.

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I don't know if this has been brought up before, but perhaps it is down to the way the game is coded. I'm no programmer so this is just what I guess might be the case.


The timings of the game is based on the duration of the animation. This should not be the case because animation should not be a factor at all because it should just be a display or manifest of the spell cast timers. Timers should determine the animation displayed not the other way around. As long as animation is a factor of the timers it's never going to be as smooth as WoW (in which animations have nothing to do with timers and can be cut off by another animation).


Not sure it makes any sense.


Please take a look at this


It show an ability that start damaging before his animation start/ while the previous ability animation is still playing. The second ability animation also start 1sec after the ability start damaging.

Edited by boobaffet
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The point is, the problem is not as prolific as half of the whiners are making out. It's a problem with very specific abilities. It is NOT a problem for Jedi Knights except for Riposte. I have extensively tested this and there is literally no interrupt due to any ability. Even Master Strike cancels and does damage exactly when predicted to. You can even interrupt mid animation with Force Sweep. YOU DON'T SEE THE ANIMATION BUT THE SPELL BEING CAST IS INTERRUPTED. This is what I think is causing the bulk of said moaning. You don't actually pay any attention to what is going on and rely on your UI to tell you - the UI is wrong a lot of the time and that IS a bug.


Once the casting from cover is sorted out (see patch notes) then virtually everything is fixed.


The UI is also bugged with relation to cast time spells and believes they've been cancelled when they haven't. The actual ability fires on nearly every occasion. This is why you don't balance a game, and people like me do.


You can't fix something that isn't broken. Whining about it in general is not going to fix your problem seeing as it is going to cause them to look in the wrong bloody place. Find specific abilities, eliminate your own stupidity as a cause, and stop pretending that it happens 100% of the time. It doesn't. It's never actually happened to me outside of Riposte, which does display this behaviour.


Pinpoint specific abilities and note them down.


The game is broken and you are wrong.


Heres a video of a jedi knight having the issue.



This is the same issue I was having when I started posting in threads like this back around the 23rd. I shelved my sentinel thats 21 because of it.


The problem is this thread is basically talking about multiple issues. I dont really have a lot of ability lag. But I do have the same issue that the player that made this video is having when I use abilities off the GCD. Its not class specific, I have leveled four characters to the 20s and they all experience this issue with abilities off the GCD.


My question is why do people not having an issue always come in this thread trying to derail it, basically just starting arguments when the thread has multiple documented videos of the issues people are having and the lead designer actually posted in the thread and admitted its an issue being looked into?


If you arent having the issue, fine go play the game. Stop trying to undermine those of us that would like to see a fix for this, because to a lot of people it is game-breaking (I mostly play healers and tanks. Between this bug and the raid frames not working properly the game kinda is basically broken for these two aspects, yes its playable but its not fun and we know it shouldnt be that way)


You wont have to worry though because if its not fixed most of the people you are arguing with here by defending the broken aspects of the game wont be here in a couple months.

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The lag between abilities and ability recognition will break this game. Based on the many responses given by BW I dont think they see this as any issue, its just the way the game plays. If that really is true I think its gonna be a ********* for many players and guilds and in time it will get annoying enough to make people quit.


I for one am extremely annoyed at this, and its not only the ability lag, its the responsiveness as well. For example... an elite is whaling on me my hp is at 40% due to random server lag 5 abilities land at once I die.


Theres also many issues with Health Bars on unit frames, which I think is also connected to the general server and ability lag. I can see elite players getting passed this issue, but when more casual guilds start clearing content this issue will be a real problem.



I enjoy this game for the most part, but this issue is truly worrying, because its just just a random release bug like a dodgy UI. Its a core game system that was developed relatively early in the development cycle, and yet it is still broken.


I certainly hope BW will fix this.



Keep bumping this thread so they actually give a ****.

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I feel that it's like this in this game:


1) You press the button

2) Info is sent to the server, server confirms, sends info back

3) Ability triggers


Whereas in WoW, it's like this:


1) You press the button

2) Ability triggers

3) Server checks afterwards if the action was correct

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I am asking you to give me an example to reproduce. If you can't do that from your OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE then why are you here?


Give me an ability to go and do this myself that you know causes this problem so I can bug report it and you can get it fixed! I went looking for this problem and I could not find it!


Stop dodging the damn question. There is no point in sending Bioware false information and saying it effects abilities that it doesn't effect. The only example I can find that works guaranteed every time is the mounting effect, which I bug reported myself last week. In terms of instant abilities, they all work exactly when they are supposed to with the exception of Riposte.


You need a psychologist.


Really... you do.

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This isn't a serious post by any means, but I laughed out loud when I tried to picture playing an enhancement shaman with swtor responsiveness. It really applies to any class, but out of all the toons I had (druid, shammy, priest) I thought the enhancement would be the worst scenario...


Supporting OP, please fix this!

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This specific issue as nothing to do with combat tho, its just purely estethic and can give a feeling that your character is not responding.


Once your off-gcd abilities start clipping into your gcds you'll realize just how much of this is pure aestethics ...

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