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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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It just makes it more obvious:


Regular lag-free environment = Responsiveness lags behind by 0.5-1.5 seconds


Laggy environment = Responsiveness lags behind by 0.5-1.5 + 2-3 seconds = 4.5/5+ sec



It is + lag that the general not so sensitive person experience it more but attriubtes it completely to the lag... so no it doesn't "cause" it but makes it more "noticeable".

Yeah, I guess a very low FPS inevitably causes some delay even in a perfectly responsive game.

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Stop spouting misinformation. I've never experienced any of these issues on any of my characters. One of my guild mates has, but only on his Marauder.


Stop spouting misinformation. I've experienced this on all my characters so far and so have my friends.

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I can just imagine the scene in the directors office now... how many people are complaining? a few dozen? Probably just hardcore gamers who can't get used to the transition from WoW. How many subs we got so far? oh yeah we golden... new content on critical path so let's have Timmy the eng intern look at it. Fast forward to 2 months later...new speeder bikes and dancing Lady Zash holos for everyone! Meanwhile EA throws more wednesday office beer gardens and impromptu swollen members concerts on the volleyball field. Business as usual, people. So glad I got out of that quasi-hippy corporate zoo lol
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Stop spouting misinformation. I've never experienced any of these issues on any of my characters. One of my guild mates has, but only on his Marauder.


Get out.... seriously, you have no place here... there have been about 100 of you that have come into this continuing thread over the past days. There is no way to be nice to you... you are marginally worse than the guy that comes in saying "Guys set it to 0.0 its all good".



Get out... let us try to fix the game for you...

Edited by Xcore
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So give details and facts. Saying everyone has this problem is false.


Everyone does, it's an engine issue. You might not notice it, but it affects you nonetheless.


However there are a handful of abilities that don't have the issue, for instance Rocket Punch, Shoulder Slam, Jet Charge and Flame Sweep are some Bounty Hunter abilities that are actually instant. Meanwhile Missile Blast and Rail Shot are examples of instants very very delayed by their animations and Unload an example of a channelled ability that can easily bug out. Even Speeder Bike itself as shown in videos in the OP is an example of an ability that bugs out if you try to move after the cast is done but before the animation is.

Edited by Zironic
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so what is everyone going to complain about after this gets fixed?


boy do i have a list:


  • gtn ui
  • game ui
  • preview showing helm, even when i have it turned off
  • being unable to turn off my companions' helms
  • being unable to put the hood down on hooded robes
  • no confirmation for "large-credit" purchases, so that a mis-click doesn't REALLY cost you ... oh, 24k
    social gear only really usable by light-armor wearers
    lack of customazation in wardrobes/lack of appearance tab


yeah, that's a good beginning. see, these things are important to me, but i will play without them. the issue under discussion in this thread? nope. sorry. i'll let the sub run out.

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Get out.... seriously, you have no place here...


Oh, this forum is only for "hardcore" gamers who need a venting outlet?


Fact is you have no idea why this affects some people and doesn't affect others - because there have been NO comments on the topic. Other than BW acknowledging that there is "ability delay" - you have no information to conclude this affects more than a handful of people. The number of posts on this topic of people saying they have this issue is so miniscule compared to the total population of the game.


To claim you know FOR SURE why this happens or that it affects everyone is a flat out lie.

Edited by Zakumene
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Oh, this forum is only for "hardcore" gamers who need a venting outlet?


Fact is you have no idea why this affects some people and doesn't affect others - because there have been NO comments on the topic. Other than BW acknowledging that there is "ability delay" - you have no information to conclude this affects more than a handful of people. The number of posts on this topic of people saying they have this issue is so miniscule compared to the total population of the game.


It affects everyone. Some people just don't care, some people are just very poor at noticing.

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If you simply right click one time it fixes this immediately when it does occur once on a blue moon...They are aware of it and are working on it.


This is a new one, thank you for the laugh. I thought I read before that someone said you had to right click on your target before doing an ability to fix this issue...


In any case, thank you for lack of understanding and the laugh provided...

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So give details and facts. Saying everyone has this problem is false.

Saying that it's a problem for everyone at least is false but I find it hard to believe that someone could actually play the game with the same responsiveness as they can, for example, WoW. It's also evident that not all people are sensitive enough to discern these very brief delays. That doesn't mean that it's not important to get rid of those delays.

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Oh, this forum is only for "hardcore" gamers who need a venting outlet?


Fact is you have no idea why this affects some people and doesn't affect others - because there have been NO comments on the topic. Other than BW acknowledging that there is "ability delay" - you have no information to conclude this affects more than a handful of people. The number of posts on this topic of people saying they have this issue is so miniscule compared to the total population of the game.


To claim you know FOR SURE why this happens or that it affects everyone is a flat out lie.


Go read Thread 1 and 2, there are "many" examples, go watch videos in OP... stop being so ignorant... stop being such a contrarian BioDrone, how much is the BDF paying you to act as though you have lost all critical thinking faculty?

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Prove it.


Try to use your speeder bike and move exactly when the cast finishes. Try to use any casted ability and move exactly after it finishes, try to move and then cast right after you stopped moving.


That's some easy examples of the client-server sync issue. The animation delay should be in your face obvious.

Edited by Zironic
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Here is another video clearly demonstrating ability delay as well as ability jamming and bugging out/failure to cast.

Note: 21 ms connection





Is that a joke? You can see that you AREN'T even pushing a button to activate the ability until a full second after the last one landed. The icon would flash if you were spamming it....

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Go read Thread 1 and 2, there are "many" examples, go watch videos in OP... stop being so ignorant... stop being such a contrarian BioDrone, how much is the BDF paying you to act as though you have lost all critical thinking faculty?


MANY people affected does not make this an all encompassing fact.

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Is that a joke? You can see that you AREN'T even pushing a button to activate the ability until a full second after the last one landed. The icon would flash if you were spamming it....


Did you fail to notice that none of the Kolto Injections after the first 2 actually healed him? The cast bar completed, no heal landed.

Edited by Zironic
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Here is another video clearly demonstrating ability delay as well as ability jamming and bugging out/failure to cast on a ~20 ms connection





Thank you for that video, I'm not sure what is happening towards the end even when everything is done: GCD, Cast Time, Animation etc.


This appears to be an evolution of the problem, at first it was delayed, then it was misfiring and at the end it just laughed at you saying "I'm not healing nothing... lol".



Infuriating to see this gameplay... added to OP.

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Is that a joke? You can see that you AREN'T even pushing a button to activate the ability until a full second after the last one landed. The icon would flash if you were spamming it....


He must be trolling. Yeap. Must be.


No one is THAT dumb.

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How anyone can even attempt to release what they call the "next-gen AAA MMO" with combat like this baffles me to no end. Lack of combat fluidity comparable to WoW's is one of the really major reasons why every single game released since have failed, probably the #1 reason.


Hopefully they can fix it, fast.

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Is that a joke? You can see that you AREN'T even pushing a button to activate the ability until a full second after the last one landed. The icon would flash if you were spamming it....


No no no. That is not what is wrong with it - did you even watch the whole thing or pay any attention to the end delay before writing your comment, lest you be a troll?


#1. After the cast FINISHES, there is a 0.5 second delay before the heal is applied.

#2. Fast forward to 0:10, and notice how the ability fails to execute multiple times, displaying how it not only jams/locksout for melee, but for ranged and casting as well.

Edited by jtype_sw
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