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As I stated in another thread, I'm very much having fun in SWTOR. Honestly, I was never a star wars fan before. I just finally sat down and watched all the movies, and I must say i never gave it a fair shot. It was actually quite entertaining. Now that I'm play a game based on the star wars world, and getting into my character more, I'm have a blast. Haven't felt this way about a MMO since the early days. I don't get a WoW feel from this game, I get an original EQ feel. I must say that I will probably be here for a while(sorry Rift/AoC).
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Not all of the stories are good. For example, the Sith Inquisitor Story is very bad; and most people with level 50 Inquisitors agree


Well, I'll be the first level 50 SI to say that I LOVED the story more than any other class.

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Can I still be included if I strongly like SWTOR? I don't think I am ready for love. At least not yet.


I mean, we don't even really "know" each other yet. I mean, I am not opposed to it. Don't get me wrong! I just want to take my time and get to know each other a little more. Maybe take a trip together or meet each others' families.



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I disagree, I don't "LOVE" SWTOR. I find it to be dissapointing, in many areas. I really do want to like the game, but it just feels old


Thanks for posting this again. We've seen from your numerous threads that you don't like the game and it still amazes me that you take the time out of your busy day to keep punching home this fact.


Now back to OP's point. Love the game, but I'm an admitted SW nerd and love BW's story lements from other games/series. This game isn't for everyone. SWTOR is a solid MMO with a ton of potential. Just hope we continue to see development and improvements along the way.

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Can I still be included if I strongly like SWTOR? I don't think I am ready for love. At least not yet.


I mean, we don't even really "know" each other yet. I mean, I am not opposed to it. Don't get me wrong! I just want to take my time and get to know each other a little more. Maybe take a trip together or meet each others' families.




I lol'd. Thanks for that.

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It's hard to love a game that's so blatantly broken!


- PVP spell casting is off by about a second! This makes it hard to PvP! My life is over!

- The game is SOOOO linear, it's like playing a single player game.

- The planets are terrible.

- I'm level 50, and I'm pissed off that nobody else spent as much time and dedication towards reaching the same level as me, considering I have no life and spend too much time playing this game!

- Mediocre voice acting! I mean, seriously, the voice acting is horrible... even though we have David Hayter (the voice of Solid Snake and Big BosS) involved!! Truly terrible!

- The engine is SOOOOOO 2004. It feels like I'm playing WoW in 1,000 years!!!

- The UI is sooooo disgusting, a 4 year old would throw up!!

- The game's requirements are too high for my terrible computer! What am I ever going to do? I have a computer from 2004 that SHOULD be able to run this game!! WAAHH!!

- I pay for this game, so I should get what I want, whenever I want, even though some people paid $150+ for the CE and are more patient than me!!!

- Seriously... The quest system is SOOOOOOO annoying. I hate how there's so much to do, yet there's so much I complain about!!!!

- The graphics are SOOOOOOOOO pre-WoW. I feel like I'm playing an original Xbox game, even though they're arguably some of the best graphics in an MMO!

- Woe is mee!!!!

/ the majority of threads here


Just FYI, you may be one of those..........you know...that never PVP's and may not know this.


casting being off by 1 second is A LOT and would be considered unplayable in 99.999999999999 percent of other games.


and honestly, REAL competitve PVP in this game is currently impossible with the unresponsiveness.


Besides that, I like the game, and I really want it to succeed.


I am sadly starting to think that it will not though.

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Just FYI, you may be one of those..........you know...that never PVP's and may not know this.


casting being off by 1 second is A LOT and would be considered unplayable in 99.999999999999 percent of other games.


and honestly, REAL competitve PVP in this game is currently impossible with the unresponsiveness.


Besides that, I like the game, and I really want it to succeed.


I am sadly starting to think that it will not though.


Except its not off by 1 sec..

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Just FYI, you may be one of those..........you know...that never PVP's and may not know this.


casting being off by 1 second is A LOT and would be considered unplayable in 99.999999999999 percent of other games.


and honestly, REAL competitve PVP in this game is currently impossible with the unresponsiveness.


Besides that, I like the game, and I really want it to succeed.


I am sadly starting to think that it will not though.



Really, a lot of mmo pvp lags. Aion would lag. Rift lagged a good bit. You just had to deal with the delay. It got better over time. I will give BW credit, they're openly discussing the issue, and working towards adjustments.


Not exactly the same as the delay we experience I don't believe. The delay here is a mixture of network and client blurbs. But, they simply wouldn't address it if they had no intention to do anything about it. Worry not friend. :)

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I disagree, I don't "LOVE" SWTOR. I find it to be dissapointing, in many areas. I really do want to like the game, but it just feels old


I am shocked. I can hardly believe that you, whose posts are completely positive and rosy, would not like this game.


Seriously, you are a broken record. Just quit already.

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There are plenty of things I'd like to see change eventually, but as it is *right now* it provides an amazing experience I haven't gotten anywhere else. First time since playing on server's hosted by friends where I actually care to RP in a multiplayer game, because it actually makes me care about my character.
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But they OP specifically also asks for things you actually like/love about the game, not just that it's awesomesauce. :)


Those of us with complaints are taking the time and trouble (and wading through all the fire) to post our issues that we believe need attention.


Let's hear the same from those of you who are 100% satisfied. Would be nice to hear some good stuff!


I appreciate you and your constructive feedback and encouraging people to list reasons why they love the game.


I love the story and the immersion factor I get. The questing in this game doesn't feel like a grind or a chore, but something I look forward to because I'm advancing the plot of the game. BW has done a great job blending single player RPG elements into an MMO and I believe this was the key goal they were hoping to achieve.


The stock UI for me is clean and fits my personal needs. I'm willing to wait for add on support (which I'm sure will come in due time) until I can move/scale everything to my liking. I know some people have issues with the UI, but compared to the stock UI of WoW I find this to be a vast improvement. Not everyone will agree though.


I love seeing my character actually perform defensive actions like deflecting blaster fire or parrying a light saber attack. I think this adds depth the the traditional MMO combat and is refreshing. That being said, it still could use some tweaking. Some people have an issue with the responsiveness which stems from a couple of things in my estimation.


1) Skills are linked to the animation of the characters and skills that are affected by the GCD are also affected by the animation running its course.


2) People (especially in a high paced PvP enviroment) are used to spamming keybinds and commands at a frantic pace and combat here works differently than in other MMOs and is going to take some adjusting to get used to.


I like having my own starship to retreat to. I wish the environment within was more interactive and customizable as it's a great alternative to player housing that already exists in the current game.


The group conversation mechanic is interesting as well, especially when you get people who are of a different alignment than you. It adds more depth to the story arcs in the game and the results can be interesting or even hilarious at times.


I like the lack of an auto-filling, auto transporting dungeon grouping tool. I know that it can be an awesome feature, but to me a tool like that can suck the social aspect that forming a group involves. I will agree that nobody (or almost nobody) enjoys spamming chat channels for groups, but there are steps that we as players can take to make it easier on ourselves given the current state of the game.


The LFG does work if people would use it. You can search a level range of players and then even sort them by those who are LFG come first. Put your mouse over the LFG comment and see what's going on. You can even flag LF1M for X need Y. Meanwhile, you continue questing/PvPing/whatever and go about your business. More people just need to take advantage of this feature instead of relying on what so many people grew accustomed to elsewhere.


This post is starting to get lengthy so I think I'll stop there for now. I love this game and I understand that people want to see improvements made (I believe we all do) but there are good/bad ways to go about fostering change to a game that we all (well most of us) want to enjoy.

Edited by GraunKrynn
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I mean... wow. I'm actually surprised with all the positivity this thread has produced amongst all the clutter.


Well done, SWTOR community. Show them that there really are appreciative fans out there. Do it. I dare you. I double dare you.

Edited by TheNevet
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No responses to my positive reasons? I guess I'll have to open a new thread for it, but then I'll be left to shamelessly bumping my own thread to keep it above the numerous regurgitated flame threads that have come from people who have already unsubbed but yet feel the compulsion to spew their dislike of the game all over the forums. Sad day.
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I appreciate you and your constructive feedback and encouraging people to list reasons why they love the game.


I love the story and the immersion factor I get. The questing in this game doesn't feel like a grind or a chore, but something I look forward to because I'm advancing the plot of the game. BW has done a great job blending single player RPG elements into an MMO and I believe this was the key goal they were hoping to achieve.


The stock UI for me is clean and fits my personal needs. I'm willing to wait for add on support (which I'm sure will come in due time) until I can move/scale everything to my liking. I know some people have issues with the UI, but compared to the stock UI of WoW I find this to be a vast improvement. Not everyone will agree though.


I love seeing my character actually perform defensive actions like deflecting blaster fire or parrying a light saber attack. I think this adds depth the the traditional MMO combat and is refreshing. That being said, it still could use some tweaking. Some people have an issue with the responsiveness which stems from a couple of things in my estimation.


1) Skills are linked to the animation of the characters and skills that are affected by the GCD are also affected by the animation running its course.


2) People (especially in a high paced PvP enviroment) are used to spamming keybinds and commands at a frantic pace and combat here works differently than in other MMOs and is going to take some adjusting to get used to.


I like having my own starship to retreat to. I wish the environment within was more interactive and customizable as it's a great alternative to player housing that already exists in the current game.


The group conversation mechanic is interesting as well, especially when you get people who are of a different alignment than you. It adds more depth to the story arcs in the game and the results can be interesting or even hilarious at times.


I like the lack of an auto-filling, auto transporting dungeon grouping tool. I know that it can be an awesome feature, but to me a tool like that can suck the social aspect that forming a group involves. I will agree that nobody (or almost nobody) enjoys spamming chat channels for groups, but there are steps that we as players can take to make it easier on ourselves given the current state of the game.


The LFG does work if people would use it. You can search a level range of players and then even sort them by those who are LFG come first. Put your mouse over the LFG comment and see what's going on. You can even flag LF1M for X need Y. Meanwhile, you continue questing/PvPing/whatever and go about your business. More people just need to take advantage of this feature instead of relying on what so many people grew accustomed to elsewhere.


This post is starting to get lengthy so I think I'll stop there for now. I love this game and I understand that people want to see improvements made (I believe we all do) but there are good/bad ways to go about fostering change to a game that we all (well most of us) want to enjoy.


I agree with most of your points. I think it's safe to say, we're having fun. It's okay. It's not a bad thing. Breathe a little, and say it with me people. We're having fun. :)


And from the massive number of people on the fleet each evening, I'd say that we're not alone.


Sure, people are going to complain. But that will always happen. If things were far worse, there would obviously be complaining. If things were millions of times better....there would still be complaining. ;)

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Lovin it.


Storm Troopers just drip awesome. In fact, if I stay standing for too long a little puddle of pure awesome tends to pool at my feet.


Jedi 1 "Hey did that guy just wet himself?!"

Jedi 2 "No Young Padawan. That's a Stormtrooper. He's been standing for too long and a puddle of pure awesomness has formed.

Jedi 1 "Wow... why don't I get a puddle like that ? "

Jedi 2 " You get a lightsaber Young Jedi. Learn to love your Lightsaber "


Oh, and Space Ships are pretty cool too





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I disagree, I don't "LOVE" SWTOR. I find it to be dissapointing, in many areas. I really do want to like the game, but it just feels old


This thread is for people who like the game only, why every thread that comes up do we need to read your garbage posts again and again?

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