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Too Much XP even with White Acute Module


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Ditto, my current character is 68 and just started Tatooine (pub). Every thing is scaled so who cares? Do you wanna do the quests or not?


Are you purposely disregarding every other posters points just to be contentious or didn’t you bother reading anyone’s else’s posts that don’t align with your thinking.

There is more to the game than just doing the story. Some people like to collect gear sets as they lvl and you can’t do that if you lvl too fast. Other people don’t want the game to be so super easy and prefer to be under lvl as they progress.

The WAM is supposed to address these issues and it’s not because it’s never been updated to take Conquest XP into account. So people are rightly pissed off that it’s not working enough to slow down their lvling during a double XP event.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Because we want to play the content at the level it was designed for. And tbh I have trouble believing that you have never heard this before because it's not a secret.


Um .... You do "play the content at the level it was designed for.".. It's call "Level Sync" You NEVER out-level a planet.... EVER.


Perhaps what you meant to say is "All I care about is story so gameplay is irrelevant."


These are NOT mutually Exclusive...


But YES some people like to play the story and not spend hours killing mob after mob or dying constantly... I know that would be a real shocking surprise that people play this game to have FUN, and not to increase their STRESS level....

Edited by denavin
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Um .... You do "play the content at the level it was designed for.".. It's call "Level Sync" You NEVER out-level a planet.... EVER.


Level sync does not replace leveling at the level the game is designed for. There is a major difference in combat if you are questing through DK at levels 10-16, versus levels 18+. The fact that you do not know this suggests that you have never done it and see nothing wrong with the current system. I, however, have done it, thanks to WAM (outside of 2XP), and I want to continue doing it, and I would like the process to be improved during 2xp, in line with Trixxie's suggestion to limit conquest xp.


These are NOT mutually Exclusive...


But YES some people like to play the story and not spend hours killing mob after mob or dying constantly... I know that would be a real shocking surprise that people play this game to have FUN, and not to increase their STRESS level....


This is a strawman. I did not say they were mutually exclusive, did I? I like story and challenging content is fun to me. You disagree. That is fine. You will notice that I am not belittling how you want to play the game, but I am also not going to pretend that this is a zero sum proposition where if we ask for difficult content it's going to be bad for players like you who don't want that.


Trixxie repeatedly has asked only for BW to create options, not to change things for everyone. What is unclear about that to you? What is your problem with that idea? Why are you arguing about it? Having options does not affect your gameplay at all, despite Xor's silly claim that BW will break the game somehow.


Perhaps you have had debates before on this subject with players who say something like "herp a derp, if you want easier content, go to youtube!" But that is not what Trixxie or I have been arguing. I would not support BW making a change like that which would affect everyone, only those who opt-in.

Edited by Ardrossan
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