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Why This Will be My last Month as a Sub.


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Just yesterday I helped two different people get through the Spirit of Vengeance because they could not finish it alone. Watching them, neither seemed to be bad with their class, they just needed a little help with the final boss fight.


Don’t they have to do it in solo story to advance?

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doesn't work after KOTw/e?


that is strange.


if we're talking about revamping 10-years old class stories with alterable difficulties, go away. concentrate on new content.


it never did, the only 'story' content you can set is Kotfe & Kotet. Although there's a button to set it, it has never worked.

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For me personally I like blasting through solo story difficulty content, makes my jedi or sith feel powerful. But as ive read the thread it would be a overall good idea if they added something that you can change the difficulty at any time of the content you're playing so then basically everybody is happy.
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