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Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint Feedback


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Hello everyone!


Thank you for all of the feedback you have provided for the Secrets of the Enclave FP on PTS. Below are fixes based off of the feedback that has been provided.



  • The “Search for Signs of Malgus” step outside the final boss room no longer requires interaction with the door to progress. You can just approach.
  • Some damage and health values have been adjusted on Veteran Mode (and balance is still in progress!).
  • The Graul and final bosses (Golah/Narezz) can no longer be interrupted. The Enemy Squad boss can currently be interrupted by design, so let us know your thoughts on this. Please also note that the Terentatek is also interruptible right now, but that may not be permanent.
  • The Imperial Commander enemy now wields lightsabers as intended.
  • There is now only one large map note marker for the “Defeat Enemy Patrols” step to lessen confusion about their position.
  • Kath Hounds are a little less dangerous.


  • The Graul’s frontal cone now has an appropriate tell. Instead of stunning on Story and Veteran Mode, it now applies a mild knockback.
  • The Graul will now call its swarm onto the player even if they are tanking him.
  • The Fear debuff and Swarmer adds now clean up when the encounter ends.

Enemy Squad

  • Changed the way the Grenadier’s Grenade Toss works: it is now a ground-targeted effect that players can avoid.
  • Ziliss and Meinar no longer drop loot before the encounter has ended.


  • The range at which Napalm Spray (Golah) and Force Wave (Narezz) deals damage has been increased, but the tell effect is still the same size.

Please continue adding feedback here. Thank you all!

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What was your group's composition (number of tanks, healers, and dps)?


My level 75 PowerTech (Advanced Prototype) with Z0-0M as my heal companion.


What did you think about the layout of the Flashpoint?


I really liked the layout of the Flashpoint, it felt very open but at the same time linear enough that one does not get lost. Additionally, I also really enjoyed the different landscapes throughout the Flashpoint.


Was it easy to understand where to go and what to do?


Obviously, on my first time doing this Flashpoint I ran right into the trap inside the temple. It took me a while to figure out where to go. However, it never felt frustrating to navigate through the Flashpoint (I had a lot of fun finding the right way).


Did the length of the Flashpoint feel appropriate?


For me it has the perfect length, not too short and not too long.


What was your favorite boss? Your least favorite? Why?


My favorite Boss was the second one (the trio). I mostly enjoyed that they had a lot of different mechanics that one needs to pay attention to. Combined with the fact that every member of the trio gets stronger when pushed below 50% made up a very compelling Boss fight which I am looking forward to seeing in Master Mode.


My least favorite Boss was the first one (Graul). With only two attacks this Boss was for my taste a little boring. But the biggest problem in my opinion is that one is able to interrupt his attacks. This essentially renders his only interesting attack (Quaking Blows) useless. Especially with my PowerTech and the “Hitman” utility I was able to interrupt every attack.


Were any boss mechanics difficult to understand or notice?


Having played this flashpoint three times I do not think that any mechanics are difficult to understand. Only the second Boss (trio) took me a bit to understand. But this was not caused because the mechanics were not noticeable enough, but rather that there a lot of things to understand at once. This eventually resolves itself after doing the Boss a few times.


Were any bosses too easy? Too hard?


Personally, I feel like the Bosses are way to easy for Veteran Mode (which is supposed to be done with a group) simply because they all are interruptible. With a four-man group where at least two know how to interrupt you can simply interrupt every attack and thus trivialize the boss fights. This is especially curious at the bonus Boss since the mechanic seems to be that you should interrupt his long cast by interacting with the towers but currently you can simply interrupt his cast directly.


Did boss fights take too long? Were any too short?


For Veteran Mode I think the boss fights have the perfect length. I would only suggest to increase the health of the grenadier and grappler from the second Boss fight as they felt very squishy for me (especially since I did this solo).


Did any boss abilities feel like they did too much damage? Too little?


The “Quaking Blows” ability form the first Boss should deal a little more damage as well as the final Boss overall. Otherwise, I think it is balanced for Veteran Mode.


Were you able to complete the bonus mission and fight the optional boss?


I absolutely love the mechanic behind destroying the consoles (killing the droid near it so that its explosion destroys the console). It took me few attempts at the first time, but it was fun to figure out how it works.


As a lot of people have already stated, the ground at the entrance of the room leading to the bonus Boss has no hitbox and one simply falls through the ground. However, I still managed to get past that gap and fight the boss.


Did any non-boss enemies stand out as too difficult (or as having too much health)?


Not that I can remember.


Were there too many non-boss enemies (trash packs)? If so, where was the density too high?


The density in the entire Flashpoint felt perfect.


Did you encounter any bugs that made it impossible to complete the Flashpoint? If so, please describe them.


Here is a small list of Bugs that I found during my multiple playthroughs (except the one with the missing Hitbox none of the bugs were game breaking):


#1 The ground is missing its hitbox at the entrance to the bonus boss as well as at the door on the left at the second boss (although this only happens when the second boss is not defeat yet).


#2 There are many objects inside the temple that are missing information and are displayed as green boxes.




#3 “Captain Meinar” (and the republic pendant) from the second Boss encounter has an invisible buff applied. Additionally, all three bosses also apply an invisible buff to themself when reaching 50% of their health.






#4 If one kills “Captain Meinar” (or the republic pendant) first, one is able to loot him before defeating the remaining two bosses.




#5 At one of the camps in the starting area the Satellite dish is intersecting with the geometry of a rock causing some visual bugs (see images below for more information).






What did you enjoy the most about the Flashpoint? The least?


I really enjoyed the aesthetics of the Flashpoint as well as the Boss fights. Usually, Flashpoints only take place in the same scenery but this one has a nice variety from the lush landscapes of Dantooine and the underground caves to the ancient temple. I caught myself more then once just staring at my surroundings. Additionally, I also had a lot of fun with the different Boss fights since they have interesting mechanics.


The thing that I enjoyed the least was the ability to interrupt the Bosses. Since I elaborated this already above, I will just mention it here again.


Do you have any additional comments or feedback?


Lastly, I want to share some thoughts for the upcoming Master Mode of this Flashpoint. The “Spirit of Vengeance” was a bit of a let down in terms of the difficulty on Master Mode, so I am hoping that this one becomes a little more challenging.




  • For Master Mode all bosses must be uninterruptable. Otherwise, they will probably not oppose much of a challenge at all since most mechanics can be avoided that way.


First Boss (Graul)


  • “Quaking Blows” should deal a good amount of damage to encourage good positioning during the fight.
  • Since the Boss only has two abilities it might make the fight a little more engaging by adding a third attack e.g., spawning adds at certain health thresholds.


Second Boss (Trio)


  • Every time one of the bosses is defeated the remaining one(s) should receive a stack of a buff that increases their damage dealt. This way the last one standing would still be challenging enough.
  • The Grappler could immobilize a player for a few seconds when grappling them OR the immobilize could have a longer duration but can be cleansed.
  • The Grenadiers “Grenade toss” ability should have a reduced cooldown.
  • The Grenadier could also have a taunt immunity and change his target once in a while.
  • Captain Meinars (and the republic pendant) Sticky grenade should not be cleansable OR deal more damage so that it should be cleansed.
  • Captain Meinars (and the republic pendant) standard attack at 50% could apply a stacking armor debuff reducing the targets armor.


Bonus Boss (Terentatek)


  • The long cast should deal a huge amount of damage if it is not interrupted by interacting with a tower.
  • Players interacting with one of the towers could receive a debuff preventing them from interacting with it again.
  • There should be a third attack to make the fight a little more engaging.


Final Boss (Jedi)


  • The “Force devastation” should kill all players immediately if the boss is not killed in time.
  • Security Droids could stun players with their “Severing Shot”.
  • Remote Blasting Droids could apply a burning debuff when a player is hit by the explosion.
  • Excavation Droids should deal more damage to encourage one to kill them quickly.

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Empire Version: Story Mode:


What was your group's composition (number of tanks, healers, and dps)?

Me - Sith Inq (lightning) and Theron Shan as healer (50 influence)


What did you think about the layout of the Flashpoint?

I thought the layout was good, however there were lots of little areas to explore but nothing to find.


Was it easy to understand where to go and what to do?

Reasonbably. I've yet to understand the point of having the extra weapons/abilities to pick up near the start. I didn't need them and only used them to see what they did.


Did the length of the Flashpoint feel appropriate?



What was your favorite boss? Your least favorite? Why?

The bonus boss Terentatek was the best one due to the effort needed to unlock him.


Were any boss mechanics difficult to understand or notice?

I expect this is more of an issue in Veteran, however in solo story, mechanics weren't much of a factor. I just used my usual rotation. Having said that, Graul's horror swarm starts just before you enter the room and continues even after he is dead until you leave his room. Also his name looks too much like "Gruul" so I was expecting him to be much harder :rolleyes:


Were any bosses too easy? Too hard?

I felt the bosses need to be more of a challenge in solo, but you probably shouldn't listen to me because I really like the tough challenge of the trash and the bosses in solo spirit of vengeance.


Did boss fights take too long? Were any too short?

They were a bit shorter than I was expecting.


Did any boss abilities feel like they did too much damage? Too little?

Nope. Some of the elite & strong trash did more damage to my character.


Were you able to complete the bonus mission and fight the optional boss?

Yes once I worked out what to do! The clue about the droid blowing everything up took a while to click the bulb in my head :D


Did any non-boss enemies stand out as too difficult (or as having too much health)?

No, I thought non-boss damage was okay, some groups were more of a challenge but not in the way they are in spirit of vengeance.


Were there too many non-boss enemies (trash packs)? If so, where was the density too high?

No, I thought these were okay in number.


Did you encounter any bugs that made it impossible to complete the Flashpoint? If so, please describe them.

As mentioned above, after defeating Graul the "horror" of the swarm kept coming back even after the encounter was complete and I'd clicked the pile of rubble. It stopped once I'd left the Graul's room.


What did you enjoy the most about the Flashpoint? The least?

That there were areas where I could mount up which is always good.

It looks fantastic; the aesthetics makes this a flashpoint I'd repeat for fun (and loot if there'll be anything worth looting, so far nothing but lowbie armour; I was hoping for SH decs).


Do you have any additional comments or feedback?

I came across some named trash mobs (I forget their names) - are they for an achievement or will they be part of the story when it's out?

Here's a screenshot of them: https://imgur.com/a/fqea2sL


I thought Leeha Narezz and her upgraded meedees was an odd choice for a boss (I've played a couple knights) but

didn't the knight get the option to kill her so why was she chosen? I was she defeated and saved in the knight storyline? I forget


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Hello everyone!


PTS for the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint is now live!

Did the solo version (wasn't aware it was there)


What was your group's composition (number of tanks, healers, and dps)?

Me (304/306 Gear) DPS Consular Iresso-Rank 50 Companion


What did you think about the layout of the Flashpoint?

Pretty good I didn't get lost (I tend to do that ask my boyfriend p)


Was it easy to understand where to go and what to do?

Pretty much (See above)


Did the length of the Flashpoint feel appropriate?

It was okay


What was your favorite boss? Your least favorite? Why?

Didn't have a favorite or a least one but then again I have pretty good gear


Were any boss mechanics difficult to understand or notice?

Nope but then again I been playing since launch and therefore know what to watch out for (red circles p)


Were any bosses too easy? Too hard?

Okay note: I am answering this based on people that have lower gear and are just looking to do the story mode. The ones wanting harder bosses actually need to do the harder version as that is what it is meant for.


Bosses too easy: I don't think anyone will find them too easy.

Bosses to hard: Possible depending on their gear and their class.


Did boss fights take too long? Were any too short?

Some yes especially the ones where you have 3 imperials that are attacking you. Some may find it a bit difficult especially in story mode.


Did any boss abilities feel like they did too much damage? Too little?

There was one spot that I got a little concern at the end but not that bad for me. I don't think there was any that did to little especially in story mode.


Were you able to complete the bonus mission and fight the optional boss?

Yes and yes.

Did any non-boss enemies stand out as too difficult (or as having too much health)?

As I stated the one area where you have 3 imperials could be a bit for those with less gear rating than I did. Not everyone has 306 level gear especially if they are doing story mode.


Were there too many non-boss enemies (trash packs)? If so, where was the density too high?

Somewhat especially in the imperial area.


Did you encounter any bugs that made it impossible to complete the Flashpoint? If so, please describe them.

None for me


What did you enjoy the most about the Flashpoint? The least?

It was enjoyable and nothing I like the least except maybe a few too many mobs for story mode.


Do you have any additional comments or feedback?

Might want to consider the mobs for story mode. People had a problem with the last one with too many mobs and if you are going to be using assigned companions, they need to be at least rank 25 if not higher due to some of the areas I mentioned.


Thank you!

You are welcome.

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Since the Flashpoint has been updated, I have done it again twice with the same setup as last time (PowerTech [Advanced Prototype] with Z0-0M as heal companion). Because I have already shared my extensive Feedback a few days ago, I will only go over the changes made to the Flashpoint. But my original Feedback is still viable with the updated version.


Veteran Mode


In general, the entire Flashpoint feels much more polished and fluid with the improvements made. Especially the smaller improvements (e.g., that you no longer have to click the door before the final Boss) really helped maintain a nice user experience. Additionally, besides some minor problematic areas I will cover below, I think this Flashpoint is balanced for Veteran Mode.


Scout camps and Patrols


Though I personally do not have a problem with that, I can imagine that groups without healer could struggle with the enemies at the scout camps as they are dealing a lot of damage. Oddly enough they deal at parts more damage than most of the bosses can pull off, which does feel a little weird in my opinion.


First Boss (Graul)


With the rework this Boss has turned from my least favorite to an (in my opinion) engaging one. I really enjoyed the added swarm and fear mechanics as they are something unique (at least I do not recall seeing such a fear mechanic before) and combined with the “Quaking Blows” ability it made up a decent challenge (for Veteran Mode).


  • I am still not sure about the change of his frontal cone attack, but I think it is fine for Veteran Mode. But I really suggest that it should still work as a stun (instead of a knockback) in the upcoming Master Mode as it makes avoiding this attack properly more important.
  • I personally think that the adds should have a little more health as I was able to kill them very quickly as a single player.
  • It is really great that this Boss is no longer interruptible (this is a small change, but it really contributed to improve the Boss)!


Second Boss (Enemy Squad)


This is still my favorite Boss in the entire Flashpoint and has only gotten small adjustments with the last patch.


  • In my personal opinion all three Bosses should be uninterruptible as it really lowers the challenge and the need to play the mechanics properly. This is especially problematic with the grenadier as his only purpose is to toss the grenades and it can be completely negated by interrupting him.
  • With the changed toss mechanic of the grenadier, I think the attack itself needs to be adjusted a bit. Since the grenade is no longer unavoidable but sticks to the ground it should deal more damage to compensate for that. Additionally, I would also suggest increasing the area of effect to match the indicators size. The same should also apply for the napalm pools when the grenadier reaches 50% of his health. This would further help to compensate for the players ability to dodge the attack.
  • I also think that the health of the grappler and grenadier should be increased slightly (maybe to around 1,4kk) because they currently feel a little too weak.


Bonus Boss (Terentatek)


You asked for feedback whether or not this Boss should be interruptible or not. At this point you can probably guess my answer, but I definitely think that this Boss must be uninterruptible. The reason behind this is that his main mechanic revolves around interacting with the towers to interrupt his long attack (there is even the system message telling one to do so). But since you can currently simply interrupt him there is no reason to play the mechanic as intended, because it is way more efficient and faster to interrupt the attack. Additionally, it really takes the fun out of this fight because both of his abilities can be interrupted.


Final Boss


I have no additional feedback for this Boss. The only thing I will mention is that this fight is now more enjoyable and challenging since the Boss can longer be interrupted.




Here is a list of bugs that I found in the current version of the Flashpoint (I also copied two from my original post that are not fixed yet). I also encountered one bug that I would consider game breaking (marked with a red text color).


#1 During the fight with the first Boss (Graul) the quickslot bar unlocks itself, when one is attacked by the adds. After this happened it is no longer possible to lock the quickslot bar again. The only solution was to restart the game after the fight. I have attached two clips showcasing the problem and how it is caused.



#2 When the first Boss (Graul) uses his frontal cone attack the animation finishes (and the indicator disappears) a few seconds before the actual impact happens. This causes some weird situations in which one is getting knockbacked when returning to the location after the indicator disappeared (can also be seen in the first video above).


#3 “Captain Meinar” (and the republic pendant) from the second Boss encounter has an invisible buff applied. Additionally, all three bosses also apply an invisible buff to themself when reaching 50% of their health.





#4 The stockpile which spawns after successfully defeating the second Boss (enemy squad) does not destroy itself and has to defeated by the player. In my opinion using a “loot rocket” (see below) would be more fitting.




#5 I do not know if this is intended or not, but the adds at the final Boss do not clean up after the Boss was defeated.


#6 At one of the camps in the starting area the Satellite dish is intersecting with the geometry of a rock causing some visual bugs (see images below for more information).





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General feedback:

1.) Thank you for fixing the floors, and also for removing the “click the door” step before the final boss. That was odd and slightly confusing in the early design.


2.) The addition of grenade caches in the camps is nifty. I didn’t find them necessary in either story or vet mode, but they’re fun to use, and I think lower-geared characters will benefit.


3.) Stealth detection needs an indicator buff. It took me a few runs before I figured out it was the Republic Veterans and the Gold droids that were catching me. As nifty as the glowing light on their heads is, it would be more helpful to have an indicator on their buff bar (cf Depths of Manaan, Hammer Station).


Story Mode

Ran this once on a Deception Assassin (306 w/ set bonus) and a Level 50 Hemdil Tre set to DPS. Balancing seems appropriate. I don’t have much to say here.


Veteran Mode

After the most recent update I ran Veteran mode with a guildie. I also repeated my solo heal!sorc+Hexid Veteran run with Hexid on DPS the whole time. Group comp was two DPS in 306/set bonus (Deception Assassin, AP Powertech), a L50 Hemdil Tre set to DPS, and Mako on heals. Overall, the latest changes seem to have made the flashpoint easier? Not much new to add from my previous assessment. If I’m honest, the fact that the bonus boss is interruptible makes that entire encounter trivial.


For the Trio, my duo run just tore through all three bosses in turn. I don’t think we bothered with interrupts. I tested the interrupts while trying it solo, and I’m still ambivalent. My biggest concern is that there’s no buff indicating exactly what’s supposed to be happening when each boss reaches 50% health. I can guess based on red-text and observation, but this isn’t the only place where buffs indicators are missing or invisible (see general feedback #3).


Lack of interrupts on the final boss didn’t change our experience much, either.


Overall, it feels smoother, but still rather easy. Which I suppose isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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What was your group's composition (number of tanks, healers, and dps)?


Ran the FP in solo mode with a Jedi Guardian with 282 gear and Kira Carsen as healer (lvl 30ish influence)


What did you think about the layout of the Flashpoint?


It was great! Very easy to follow and find everything, loved the bit in the enclave lower level where I had to go underground. Also different areas all felt different, breaking the FP up quite nicely.


Was it easy to understand where to go and what to do?


Yes. Took me a little while to figure out the consoles for the bonus objective, but other than that it was all straightforward.


Did the length of the Flashpoint feel appropriate?




What was your favorite boss? Your least favorite? Why?


I liked the Graul boss with the fear mechanic, that was cool. Final boss was good too.


Least favourite probably the bonus boss as it didn’t seem like anything special.


Were any boss mechanics difficult to understand or notice?


No, all good.


Were any bosses too easy? Too hard?


About right for my (undergeared) character in solo mode.


Did boss fights take too long? Were any too short?


About right.


Did any boss abilities feel like they did too much damage? Too little?




Were you able to complete the bonus mission and fight the optional boss?


Once I figured out how to destroy the consoles, yes! That was fun, actually. As I said already, not a great fan of the boss itself.


Did any non-boss enemies stand out as too difficult (or as having too much health)?


The mobs in the Imperial camps hit pretty hard, the only time I died in the FP was there (again, my character is undergeared, but this is solo mode so I would expect a lot of people would be).


Were there too many non-boss enemies (trash packs)? If so, where was the density too high?


No, density was good.


Did you encounter any bugs that made it impossible to complete the Flashpoint? If so, please describe them.




What did you enjoy the most about the Flashpoint? The least?


The environment is awesome! Really made me feel nostalgic all the way through. Overall probably one of my favourite FPs so far!


Do you have any additional comments or feedback?


Yes! One thing - not a game breaking bug, but all the lightsabers appeared colourless, both for my character and companion and the NPCs. Leaving and resetting the FP didn’t change this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Master Mode


Since there is not a dedicated thread for feedback regarding the Master Mode (like we had for Spirit of Vengeance) I will simply post it here. Because I wanted to test the Flashpoint under more realistic circumstances, I did the Flashpoint three times in Master Mode, each time with a different group composition. The Feedback written below is also representative for the other three players with whom I have played this Flashpoint.


1st time (solo)


My PowerTech (Advanced Prototype) with Z0-0M as heal companion.


2nd time (two players)


Advanced Prototype PowerTech with Z0-0M as heal companion.

Darkness Assassin with Shae Vizla as damage companion.


3rd time (full group)


Advanced Prototype

Darkness Assassin

Lightning Sorcerer

Bodyguard Mercenary


Scout camps and Patrols


In our opinion the Kath Hounds felt a little weak in terms of health and damage dealt for Master Mode. The Scout camps and Patrols felt okey, especially with a full group we did not had any noticeable problems defeating them. The only thing I personally would suggest is to increase the damage dealt by some of the enemies.


First Boss (Graul)


This Boss already opposed a good challenge for the first Boss, and we would only suggest a few adjustments.


  • The stun duration of Grauls frontal cone attack should be increased. Currently it only has a duration of 2 seconds and thus it does not really punish one for standing in it since the “Quaking Blows” ability (even when casted right after) would not affect that player. We suggest increasing the duration of the stun to 3-4 seconds to make it more punishing and forcing the tank to dodge the attack properly.
  • The “Quaking Blows” ability should deal slightly more damage.
  • The Boss itself should have an enrage timer (if there is one than it is either bugged or way to long as I waited roughly 7 minutes to see if this Boss has one). The reason why we think the Boss should have one is simply that all of his attacks (except the adds) can be avoided and having an enrage timer would add another challenging component.
  • We would also suggest to increase the health of this Boss as he has roughly 1kk less health than the other Bosses in this Flashpoint.


Exploring the temple


All enemies inside the temple were balanced good for Master Mode in our opinion.


Second Boss (Enemy Squad)


This Boss was a little difficult to judge since one mechanics does not seem to work properly and it has some bugs. But besides that, we found that this Boss was a bit of a letdown in Master Mode especially because it has such a potential to be an engaging and challenging Boss fight.


  • All three Bosses have less health than in Veteran Mode. We do not know if this is intended or not, but it should definitely not be the case. Because currently we could burn the Bosses down pretty quickly due to their low health. Even considering the new shield mechanic they should not have less health than in Veteran Mode. Our suggestion would be values around 1,4kk for the grenadier and grappler and 1,8kk for the squad leader (total health pool of 4,6kk). This would bring them on par with the other Bosses.
  • The main problem that really drains the difficulty from this fight is the fact that the Bosses are interruptible. I can understand that the Bosses are interruptible in Veteran Mode because they are a little more difficult than the other Bosses due to their mechanics, but we did not saw any reason for them to be interruptible in Master Mode. We were completely able to negate all attacks done by the grappler and grenadier by simple interrupting them (I could also almost do this solo since their attacks have such a long cooldown). Especially, because all attacks can be avoided, we think that the Bosses should not be interruptible to maintain a challenging fight.
  • When the grappler or grenadier reaches 50% in Master Mode, they receive a shield making them immune to damage, which can be removed by pushing the squad leader down to 50%. This mechanic seems a bit odd, because if one defeats the squad leader first the other two do not receive the shield and thus rendering this fight significantly easier. In our opinion this mechanic has a good potential to make this fight challenging. We would suggest that the squad leader should also receive a shield at 50% and only when all three Bosses have their shield active (= all three reach 50% health) it is removed from them. This would create an interesting dynamic that would make the fight really engaging. If this is too much programming work, you could also make the other two enrage if the squad leader dies first as this would create a similar effect.
  • The shield buff should also have a better icon to visualize the effect as well as a brief description (it took me a while to figure out what was happening exactly).
  • I already mentioned this in my last post and thus this change should affect all difficulties, but the explosion radius of the grenadier’s “Grenade toss” should be increased to match the indicator’s size (the same should apply to the napalm pools). It is currently very confusing that the explosion and the napalm pools only have half the size of the indicator.
  • The cooldown of the grenadiers “Grenade toss” ability should be adjusted because the ability occurs very inconsistent. Sometimes the grenadier throws two grenades almost right after each other and other times there is a huge gap between two grenades.
  • The “Grenade toss” ability of the grenadiers should deal slightly more damage.
  • One idea we had for the grappler was that his grapple ability should immobilize the target for a few seconds to add some extra weight to this attack.
  • Currently when one of the Bosses is defeated the fight gets significantly easier which feels weird in our opinion. Because of this we suggest adding a stacking buff that increases the damage dealt (and maybe even reduces the damage taken). Every time one of the Bosses is defeated the remaining one(s) should receive one stack of said buff. This would help maintain the challenge throughout the fight (if we look at other Flashpoints most Boss fights with multiple Bosses have such a feature).


Bonus Boss (Terentatek)


This Boss is currently the easiest one in the Flashpoint and does not oppose much of a challenge due to the lack of mechanics, but it is still an engaging fight.


  • We really liked that his “Unnatural Energies” ability has to be interrupted manually with the twist of two droids spawning that shield the Boss and prevent one from interrupting him. Unfortunately, there is one problem that negates this mechanic, which is that the “Unnatural Energies” ability does not deal noticeable damage when fully charged. This will lead to players simply ignoring this and damage the Boss without playing the mechanic as intended. Because of this we suggest increasing the damage dealt by this attack when it is fully charged. Additionally, one of our group had the idea that the shield casted onto the Boss by the droids should also make the Boss immune to damage. This would naturally force one to play the mechanic as intended.
  • Another problem tied to the spawning droids is that they should have boss immunity, because they can currently still be interrupted by simple stunning them (or pushing/pulling them). Since they do not have much health and the intended mechanic seems to be that one should simply destroy them, we think adding boss immunity to them would benefit the fight overall.
  • The “Crushing Leap” ability should deal more damage.
  • We would also suggest adding a third attack to make the Boss fight a little more varied (e.g., let the Boss apply a debuff that deals high damage and must be cleansed or let a second type of droid spawn that deals damage to players).


Final Boss


The final Boss already felt nicely balanced for Master Mode and we suggest only some smaller adjustments.

  • All droids that spawn during the encounter should not be interruptible and should have boss immunity. The reason behind this is that the droids are a core mechanic of this Boss fight, but since they are interruptible/stunnable it really reduces the threat they oppose and thus making the fight a little too easy for Master Mode. Additionally, it would force one to play the mechanic as intended.
  • The “Excavation Droids” should have slightly increased health. We would also suggest that they should not be able to swap targets after they locked onto the first target. We encountered it multiple times that the “Excavation Droids” would switch their target and thus making their mechanic with the stacking debuff irrelevant.
  • The “Remote Blasting Droids” should apply some sort of debuff that increases the damage received from the explosion (something like the droids in the Manaan bonus Boss encounter). We suggest this because they currently deal only moderate damage for Master Mode. This would also encourage one to pay more attention to this mechanic and improve the fight overall.
  • The “Security Droids” currently have (unlike the other two droids) no specific mechanic tied to them other than just damaging the player. Because of this we suggest adding a small 1 second stun to their “Severing Shot” ability or alternately a few seconds long immobilize. This mechanic would then oppose a nice challenge since this would cause enough problems for players to deal with them quickly.
  • In our opinion the final Phase where the Boss starts to cast his “Devastation” ability is currently a little easy (and boring!) for Master Mode, because one simply has to kill the Boss without any other mechanics to deal with. We would suggest letting one “Remote Blasting Droid” spawn every few seconds after the Boss starts casting his “Devastation” ability. This would make the final phase more engaging and interesting.




Most of the bugs mentioned in my previous post are still in the game (even the very annoying quickslot bar bug!), but there are also some new bugs specific to Master Mode which I will cover below.


#1 When one kills the squad leader in the enemy squad Boss fight first, one receives the achievement even though the other two Bosses are still alive.




#2 When one of the Bosses in the enemy squad Boss fight reaches 50% health and gains their shield, the shield is not removed if the group should die.




#3 The droids which spawn during the Bonus Boss fight do not have any animation. They are simply standing there in a static position.




#4 One time while fighting the bonus Boss he only used his “Crushing Leap” ability and did not use any other ability during the fight.


#5 At the location seen on the screenshots below inside the temple we simply died without any warning by getting too close to the wall.




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Did the FP in Master Mode last weekend and once in Veteran before

What was your group's composition (number of tanks, healers, and dps)?

Both times two players, Arsenal Merc and Deception Assassin with two rank 50 comps, one mdps, the other healer


What did you think about the layout of the Flashpoint?

We enjoyed the mix of open land and tunnels/temple catacombs. Honestly I feared it to be once more a FP where everything to the first boss will be skipped like in Taral V, but the objectives to clear the patrols ensures that it won't come to that sufficiently.


Was it easy to understand where to go and what to do?

Yes, e easily found our way. The mechanic to open the way to the bonus boss was something new but we got it fast once we paid attention.


Did the length of the Flashpoint feel appropriate?

Yes, it has a nice length.


What was your favorite boss? Your least favorite? Why?

The first boss has that fear mechanic making your character run away, personally the most fun for me.


Were any boss mechanics difficult to understand or notice?

No they were easy to recognise. But then we are quite the FP runners on life server and have lots of experience with boss mechanics and playing all roles.


Were any bosses too easy? Too hard?

We did veteran mode with the same group compositions two weeks before, which felt ok-ish difficulty wise. Not sure exactly since we prefer true trinity groups and usually only run Master Mode FPs.

Sadly the Master Mode didn't really feel much different in difficulty. As it is a group with a competent healer and three dps easily could do it, OK for Veteran but disappointing for everyone enjoying playing tank or true role trinity in Master mode or want some sort of a challenge in that mode..


Did boss fights take too long? Were any too short?

Veteran was alright, Mastermode not enough difference, it should be a bit harder.


Did any boss abilities feel like they did too much damage? Too little?

In Master mode definitely too little, since we easily got through without a dedicated tank, they should be either a bit sturdier or deal more damage for our preference.


Were you able to complete the bonus mission and fight the optional boss?



Did any non-boss enemies stand out as too difficult (or as having too much health)?


For Master mode they could be either a bit sturdier or deal more damage.


Were there too many non-boss enemies (trash packs)? If so, where was the density too high?

No, we liked it though the cave tunnels had some empty passages where we wondered if there were trash packs still missing or not triggering correctly to dig themselves out of the ground.


Did you encounter any bugs that made it impossible to complete the Flashpoint? If so, please describe them.

Not since the latest patch, the doorway to the bonus boss is fixed.


What did you enjoy the most about the Flashpoint? The least?

It looks really great and the bosses have one or two nice and new mechanic ideas.

For Master mode the difficulty was quite underwhelming though.


Do you have any additional comments or feedback?

The ideas to Rollercoast posted in the post above look quite interesting and likely would change the difficulty into a great direction without getting too hard for more inexperienced players.

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