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Spirit of Vegeance Flashpoint Solo - Over Powered

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Is it just me or is the solo FP seriously over powered even with 300+ gear rating? I've tried every tip and trick out there to beat it and still unable to get through it. It ridiculous. The difficulty is more like Veteran or Master mode. Is there any chance the DEV will be looking into scaling thos FP to fit solo?
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Quoting myself:


The MM version is tuned just right.


The SM/solo version is off; too difficult for the expected target player. Also, this is particularly difficult on some Disciplines than others.


At this point, the above statements can be considered the player consensus, more or less.

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Is it just me or is the solo FP seriously over powered even with 300+ gear rating? I've tried every tip and trick out there to beat it and still unable to get through it. It ridiculous. The difficulty is more like Veteran or Master mode. Is there any chance the DEV will be looking into scaling thos FP to fit solo?


Yes, it's been spoken multiple times since this FP launched.


It used to be even the bosses are over powered/bugged.

They're still bugged, but at least they are slightly not game breaking bugged.


The dev never cared about the trash, unfortunately, in the past few months, so don't get your hope high.

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Hi, after the recent set of changes I wanted to see if it was still too hard.


I did it on a character who had:


- Level 270 gear (most basic lvl 75 gear from story)

- Default Rass companion

- No tactical

- No utilities

- DPS class I know nothing about button smash (Deception)

- No defensives, interrupts, etc


With the recent changes I found it very slow but passable.

Which parts are you struggling with?

Are you just finding you are dying to the normal enemies a lot? Or bosses?

Are you finding it difficult to defeat enemies/bosses and are able to do it, or not able to get past some parts at all?

Are you running the story version with Rass, or with your own companion, and if so what influence level are they?\w

What class, discipline and role are you?


Cheers and have a nice day. I *think* the Flashpoint is at a good difficulty mode so I'd love to see if we can find any tips / tricks to get you going thru it easier :)

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Hi, after the recent set of changes I wanted to see if it was still too hard.


I did it on a character who had:


- Level 270 gear (most basic lvl 75 gear from story)

- Default Rass companion

- No tactical

- No utilities

- DPS class I know nothing about button smash (Deception)

- No defensives, interrupts, etc


With the recent changes I found it very slow but passable.

Which parts are you struggling with?

Are you just finding you are dying to the normal enemies a lot? Or bosses?

Are you finding it difficult to defeat enemies/bosses and are able to do it, or not able to get past some parts at all?

Are you running the story version with Rass, or with your own companion, and if so what influence level are they?\w

What class, discipline and role are you?


Cheers and have a nice day. I *think* the Flashpoint is at a good difficulty mode so I'd love to see if we can find any tips / tricks to get you going thru it easier :)


The part I am struggling with is the final boss, specifically the 2nd wave of thr mob (the snipers). I am struggling to take out the two snipers which quickly kills my companion (story mode FP Rass). My class is a Trooper, my discipline is Gunnery (I might switch if that is the issue), and my role is the default Damage.

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The part I am struggling with is the final boss, specifically the 2nd wave of thr mob (the snipers). I am struggling to take out the two snipers which quickly kills my companion (story mode FP Rass). My class is a Trooper, my discipline is Gunnery (I might switch if that is the issue), and my role is the default Damage.


Oh awesome I also struggled with that a bit during my test - both times the extra enemies came out is where I had to start experimenting. Snipers also killed my companion so I tried again. I don't think your discipline is the problem.


1) Don't use the medpacs till you need them with the snipers. You should not need them before then by staying out of the big red circles, and you can just run around when the little red circles show up, Rass will be able to heal you by default. (Well actually in my test playthru I stood in them and it was fine too LOL.)


2) When the sniper come out, first instinct is to attack them because they are closest. But if you do that, then there's a good chance then every other enemy you don't attack will focus on poor Ordo and murder him. So switched to attacking the enemies in the back instead - this relieves some of the pressure on Ordo and splits it between you, and then you can go back and run a medpac when you need it.


If you wanna get extra fancy, you can reduce your damage taken by stunning or pushing your enemies, and using your defensive abilities (like shields). Then if you take less damage Ordo can heal himself more.


Have fun!! Good luck!!! This flashpoint is definitely still harder than the other ones but it's a good example of how to teach yourself mechanics and different ways to approach fights!


If you want to see me testing it and narrating what I'm trying: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/936672284?t=01h19m50s ("lil newb" is my nickname for my test user who is newer to the game)

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The part I am struggling with is the final boss, specifically the 2nd wave of thr mob (the snipers). I am struggling to take out the two snipers which quickly kills my companion (story mode FP Rass). My class is a Trooper, my discipline is Gunnery (I might switch if that is the issue), and my role is the default Damage.

Yeah, I've done it on Gunnery Commando with no-set-bonus 306s. What LadyAdmiral said is good stuff, but *also*:

* Don't forget that you can boost Rass by using a Command stim (+Presence, enough to be equivalent to +5 Influence ranks) from the medical droids in the FP.

* Similarly, if he's only rank 1, give him gifts. Even if it's just whatever junky dross you have in your inventory, if you can get his influence rank up ...

* Remember that in all fights, enemy healers are priority targets. Kill them first, no matter what.

* After you put the smack-down on the healers, kill from weak to strong.

* Remember all the standard rules like "don't stand in stupid" == move out of enemy AoE floor markers, preferably before the AoE lands

* Use the Reflect-O-Bubble(1) defensive in tight spots - it reflects their attacks and heals you when it does so.

* Arm the adrenaline boost ability (? Adrenaline Rush ?) that provides emergency healing.

* Heroic Moment is good because its abilities don't cost "ammo" == mana (in spellcaster games), *and* because it gives a heal-over-time benefit while its bar is up.


(1) That's not its proper name, but I don't remember what its proper name is.

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The part I am struggling with is the final boss, specifically the 2nd wave of thr mob (the snipers). I am struggling to take out the two snipers which quickly kills my companion (story mode FP Rass). My class is a Trooper, my discipline is Gunnery (I might switch if that is the issue), and my role is the default Damage.


fun fact:

if you only and i mean ONLY kill the adds which spawn at the door. and i mean in both waves 66 and 33%. a lvl 1 comp can finish the fight alone. nothing overtuned in this fp.


i really tried to get my comp killed by the snipers... but he can just heal through them.

the only mob that counts is the one from the hallway.

Edited by Opiklo
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I am new to the whole MMO thing. This is my first and I have mostly had a blast. I am trying to get my Sith Warrior Juggernaut through the last boss on Spirit of Vengeance. He is level 75 with 288 gear. I have my comp set to heal. I get through everything, although the second boss took 5 tries, but I cannot get past the last mob on the last boss . If I focus on the sharpshooters, the heavy shooters kill my comp. If I focus on the heavy shooters, the sharpshooters kill me. I tried it at least 10 times last night and rage-quit out of the flashpoint I was so frustrated. I will probably have to do the whole thing again. I read more posts today. One says that I should focus my comp and myself on the sharpshooters first. How do you keep the heavy shooters from running up behind you and killing you while you try to deal with the sharpshooters? There is other advice that says kill the mobs at the door, but that gets me and/or my comp killed by the sharpshooters.


I admit I am not very good with fight mechanics, or situational awareness. But I really love the story and would like to see the finish. I will try to control my poor comp so he doesn't get murdered, hopefully without getting dead, maybe bring him up some levels if he really is level 1 and hopefully that helps. Any other tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated. Love this game and love all the great help from other players.


Follow-up: I just completed the FP. Not quite sure why it worked this time. More situation awareness, moving around and strategic use of the healing points, more pulling my comp to me to attack my target rather than stand in the middle of the heavy mob and get murdered, more focus on clearing the lower level mobs first and using AoE, stun and every shield skill I had as soon as it popped. Seems I reached a critical point after I killed a few of the mobs where Rass can keep up the healing and then it is just clean-up. Many thanks for all the advice. I used it all and didn't die once. Woohoo!

Edited by WinnieLost
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I am new to the whole MMO thing. This is my first and I have mostly had a blast. I am trying to get my Sith Warrior Juggernaut through the last boss on Spirit of Vengeance. He is level 75 with 288 gear.


If you specify the character's Discipline (Immortal, Rage, or Vengeance), somebody might have specific suggestions in addition to the general suggestions you already see in the thread (and in other SoV threads, both in the General and Flashpoint sub-forums.)

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I'm stuck at the officers kitchen section, there's just far to many silver mobs and Rass is killed so quickly (<20secs)

I've accepted the fact i cant do it with 275 gear so thanks Bioware love been pwned by trash/mobs...


Not very happy I'm subn at $20 AUD a month and this FP is broken. I'll assume that not finishing this FP will mean when the new story in 6.3 comes out i wont be able to play that???

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I'm stuck at the officers kitchen section, there's just far to many silver mobs and Rass is killed so quickly (<20secs)

I've accepted the fact i cant do it with 275 gear so thanks Bioware love been pwned by trash/mobs...


Not very happy I'm subn at $20 AUD a month and this FP is broken. I'll assume that not finishing this FP will mean when the new story in 6.3 comes out i wont be able to play that???

This FP is not "broken" but it may, as you suggest, require you to get better gear.

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For a story mode, the trash should not be that plentiful - that level of gear should be just fine for story.


i just did it in 252 gear from ossus no tactcal at all - 166k life pool, 105% acc - just to see what the fuzz is about.

i had to use some def cds. but no medpac, no legacy abilities. no ccs. no stuns.

no problems at all.


to be fair. 1.5 years after the launch of an expansion its okay that bioware thinks that people have at least some gear.

252 gear was launched 2.5 years ago.


i dont know what people expect. do you really expect that you can start with level 1 and never ever have to change any gear piece?

do people even want to play? do they prefer the game to be a movie?

does anyone remember the times you actually had to interrupt, use def cds and cc's for the story?

there is nothing overtuned in this fp. if thats overtuned, than i dont know.

you can easily beat it in 2.5 year old gear with a lvl 1 companion.


the biggest question i have is: where is the problem on the officers kitchen?

there is no mob with more than 5 enemies.


all in all i need to whiteknight bioware here.

if the people complaining would put half the time they put into complaining into reading skill trees and getting gear, then they wouldnt have problems.

Edited by Opiklo
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I'm stuck at the officers kitchen section, there's just far to many silver mobs and Rass is killed so quickly (<20secs)

I've accepted the fact i cant do it with 275 gear so thanks Bioware love been pwned by trash/mobs...


Not very happy I'm subn at $20 AUD a month and this FP is broken. I'll assume that not finishing this FP will mean when the new story in 6.3 comes out i wont be able to play that???

This sounds like my first tries at Jennur's Horde in GW1, where I got my fundament soundly handed to me, more than once.


So I read some guides and slowed down, and took it carefully, and it went from aggro-aggro-aggro-die to run-fight-stand-fight over and over until I had run and fought and stood and fought all the way to the end boss and killed it.


For the kitchen room in SoV, the lesson is the same. Slow down, advance only far enough to engage the first group, throw stuff(1) at them to wake them up, entice them away from the group behind and stomp them. *Then* advance until you can throw stuff at the next group to wake them up.


(1) Blaster bolts, lightsabres, rocks, lightning, whatever you have to hand. But *throw* whatever it is. Everyone has *something* they can throw 30 metres.

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Did this thing for the first time yesterday, luckily with my Shadow- so I could skip some mob groups. Most unfun content in the game. Long boring fights with trash to compensate for the small size is not the best idea, to put it mildly.

And the adds of the last boss kill Rass in no time especially the second wave. I cannot imagine doing that without a fully 306 equipped char. Regarding the adds of the last boss, don`t go for the lonely snipers. You have to kill ( and survive of course, so keep your cooldowns ready especially for that second wave)) the small group at the entrance first.

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I'm stuck at the officers kitchen section, there's just far to many silver mobs and Rass is killed so quickly (<20secs)

I've accepted the fact i cant do it with 275 gear so thanks Bioware love been pwned by trash/mobs...


Not very happy I'm subn at $20 AUD a month and this FP is broken. I'll assume that not finishing this FP will mean when the new story in 6.3 comes out i wont be able to play that???


As someone else said walk slowly into the room and pull one group at a time. It should be doable but I would suggest upgrade your gear.

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Just did the FP again with my madness sorceress. Even took out both relics to have weaker gear (ended with 262). The FP was pretty easy to be honest. The only difficulties i had were with the adds from the last boss. But well, i've been playing pretty reckless this time, so that's no wonder.

It was way harder when i did it when it first came out with my IO Merc. Now the bosses have so much less health points. Each boss took me about a minute, with the exception of Heta Kol.


The only tip i can give anyone: stick to killorder. Medics have to go first.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In its current state spirit of vengeance is not unbeatable but it is a massive grind and timesink


Here are some of the issues I personally have with the flashpoint.


1) The trash mods are overturned and have way to much health. It does not help that many of trash mobs also shield themselves and have stealth detection.


2) The pacing is off. There is a huge (trash filled) gap between Gorga Brak and Bask Sunn. The last two bosses Troya Ajak and Heta Kol are basically back to back.


3) The bosses are badly designed, at least in story mode, Gorga Brak will instant kill you unless you interrupt his full auto attack. If you messed up and your interrupt is on cooldown, your dead.


Bask Sunn rocket punch ability also instant kills but unlike Brak's full auto you can not interrupt it. The only way that works for me is to kite him around the room and pray to the RNG gods that he does not use it when I have lower health. Which is not fun for melee classes.


Troya Ajak and Heta Kol have the opposite problem, they are both weak as hell. Both these bosses are face rolls. Heta Kol will turn invincible and summon trash (Literally my least favorite boss mechanic btw). The trash phases are hard, because the trash in this flashpoint is too powerful. But when you are actually fighting the boss, no problem.


As for Troya Ajak, she the easiest mob in the flashpoint. Which is a huge problem for a boss.

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I was on a merc with 274'ish gear and a influence level 50 Torian-- I wasn't able to do the actual story content, instead just getting the vanilla story level dungeon.


1) I was killed by the tentacles in the trap room. There was just no way to stand up to all that incoming damage.


2) I was killed by the second wave of adds in last boss encounter, but I was able to kill them next try, plus the final boss, by using the medical stations at the right moment. I focused on the adds in the doorway both times.

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I was on a merc with 274'ish gear and a influence level 50 Torian-- I wasn't able to do the actual story content, instead just getting the vanilla story level dungeon.


1) I was killed by the tentacles in the trap room. There was just no way to stand up to all that incoming damage.


2) I was killed by the second wave of adds in last boss encounter, but I was able to kill them next try, plus the final boss, by using the medical stations at the right moment. I focused on the adds in the doorway both times.


There's a bug with the tentacle room that nobody but me has reported - and obviously nothing's been done about it because it hasn't even been acknowledged - your companion doesn't follow you down the pit. You have to run to the elevator for him to actually come down.

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People. About Gear...

Sorry, but this is a really BAD Joke!

Normally from manuals... show Flash Point should work with even 245 / 260.. about. Even in Manuals. ALL higher is called already " over Powered " .

BUT mostly in such way.

It is really great. You spend Money Monthly for " Abo " !

You pay Money for Clothes! ( Store, Real money / credits . NOT the ingame free given ones! ) .

Then you get off course these things to get your clothes higher... . Good, and that is awaited.


But then.. you have for 1!! Flashpoint to read. That your clothes, what you cared about, rated them up ( arming... ) become totally useless?? AND only with thrown down dress it works. Special, if you kicked already für 8 Levels these things too away, because you have your own whished.

This is WORSE then a Bad Joke.

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i just did it in 252 gear from ossus no tactcal at all - 166k life pool, 105% acc - just to see what the fuzz is about.

i had to use some def cds. but no medpac, no legacy abilities. no ccs. no stuns.

no problems at all.


to be fair. 1.5 years after the launch of an expansion its okay that bioware thinks that people have at least some gear.

252 gear was launched 2.5 years ago.


i dont know what people expect. do you really expect that you can start with level 1 and never ever have to change any gear piece?

do people even want to play? do they prefer the game to be a movie?

does anyone remember the times you actually had to interrupt, use def cds and cc's for the story?

there is nothing overtuned in this fp. if thats overtuned, than i dont know.

you can easily beat it in 2.5 year old gear with a lvl 1 companion.


the biggest question i have is: where is the problem on the officers kitchen?

there is no mob with more than 5 enemies.


all in all i need to whiteknight bioware here.

if the people complaining would put half the time they put into complaining into reading skill trees and getting gear, then they wouldnt have problems.


People expect to be able to play the game with the gear the game gives them just playing the game just as they always were able to do for everything beforehand. I have 272-278 gear because that's what the game gave me. I shouldn't have to do competitive play and grind for scores of millions of credits and thousands of tech components for who knows how many hours of combat playtime to get everything to 306 gear. For those players who like PvP Veteran and Master flashpoints and uprisings and operations and whatever people are talking about looking for HK components, enjoy. Have fun. For us Story players we want to be able to play the Story.

Edited by Hadsil
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People. About Gear...

Sorry, but this is a really BAD Joke!

Normally from manuals... show Flash Point should work with even 245 / 260.. about. Even in Manuals. ALL higher is called already " over Powered " .

BUT mostly in such way.

It is really great. You spend Money Monthly for " Abo " !

You pay Money for Clothes! ( Store, Real money / credits . NOT the ingame free given ones! ) .

Then you get off course these things to get your clothes higher... . Good, and that is awaited.


But then.. you have for 1!! Flashpoint to read. That your clothes, what you cared about, rated them up ( arming... ) become totally useless?? AND only with thrown down dress it works. Special, if you kicked already für 8 Levels these things too away, because you have your own whished.

This is WORSE then a Bad Joke.


Please write this up in your first language (Mother Tongue).

Edited by mike_carton
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