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Bug : Uprisings Done and Dusted in story mode. The second boss instant kills you


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The second boss Crack-Shot Aggy now kills one person in your party instantly with no visual or auditory cues. You go from full health to instant death with not warning. So you’ve no time to use DCDs or reposition. You can not do anything when you get one shot for 413,027 damage.


This is story mode too. So this shouldn’t be happening. It feels like the mechanic is broken and also feels like the boss has been scaled up for lvl 75 when Story Mode is supposed to still be LvL 70 and not scaled.


Two lvl 75 players grouped with lvl 50 companions. Tried it with one on tank and heals and also with two heals.


Edit: I should add the two of us were using the beasts you can activate. I don’t know if that affects anything.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Terminate has 3.5 second activation, does a lot of damage, and LoSing is the way to go. It is hitting harder now - for 200+k, widely variable damage. Tested just now, taking the hit and dying a few times.


We didn’t get any visual or auditory cues for the terminate activation. And he was hitting for 413k, not 200k. I guess it’s possible we had a bugged instance, but seems unlikely.


We tried 4 times to kill him. My wife died 3 times and I died twice. Every kill was 413,027 exactly and it didn’t vary for us.

Hitting for 413,027 is complete over kill even for master mode, but for story it’s ridiculous.


There is no indication that I can see he is about to use the attack, so how do you know when to LoS him.


We use to do this boss with ease on master mode before the latest patch. Now we can’t even do it on story mode which should be easy.

If this isn’t a bug in story mode, I’d hate to see what happens in veteran or master :eek:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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As per the updated report bug guidelines, I’m adding this info.


1. Sorry don’t don’t have screen shots.

2. Happened on two seperate PCs. Graphics cards both NVidia. GTX 1080, GTX 1660 Ti

3. Time: 8.40-9.10am GMT

4. We were both playing DPS. Merc and Sorc. Had one companion set up as tank and another heals. After 2 second wipe we tried 2 heals.

5. Happened every time we tried to kill the second boss

6. Expect some sort of auditory or visual cue to say he is going to use the high damage attack so we can use DCD or LoS him.

7. We get one shot killed by the boss with 413,000 damage early in the fight that kills one of us.

8. How to recreate : Play the flash point on story mode with two people. Use one lvl 50 companion on heals and one lvl 50 companion on tank. Use the option to gather and activate a creature on the pop up task bar before the fight.

9. Extra detail : second boss Crack-Shot Aggy, hits for 413,027 damage, classes were Merc Arsenal (Apex Pred 306 gear) and Sorc (Gathering Storm 306 gear), companions were Treek and Z00M.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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